Michael H. Jenkins

@Michael H. Jenkins@infosec.pub
3 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Reader, writer, erstwhile IT guy, gardeners and firearms enthusiast. Acquiring and sharing the information and skills we need to navigate these trying times.

Mastodon: MHS_Jenkins@infosec.exchange

CounterSocial: @MHSJenkins

Email me: mhsjenkins@protonmail.com

PGP Keys available upon request

School segregation got reinvented under many other names, including "redlining" and "public housing" and "urban renewal."

The folks in power have numerous strategies available to keep people in their place, as it were.

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I have a very difficult time imagining an internet that is both interoperable and ranking-free. Now, that having been said, we are well outside my area of expertise here so I'd love to hear from folks who know more than me.

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And where our priorities as a species are when it comes to atrocities like this.

"When a hero comes along . . ."

I can tell you that an average 2-bedroom apartment was about 600USD when I moved to the city I currenlty live in. Today the cheapest apartment in town is 1300USA/month and getting higher. If I hadn't been lucky enough to buy a house when I did, I couldn't afford to live anymore.

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Stay tuned, as I have thoughts and ideas on that in an upcoming article.

(Make sure to like and subscribe, as the YouTubers say ;) )

I gotta admit you had me in the first half . . .

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I'm really glad that you're enjoying Linux, and I'm doubly glad that your hospital found a solution to keep their system running smoothly!

And it's only gonna get worse from here.

Enshittification comes for all things eventually. "You'll own nothing and like it."

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Facebook has always been first and foremost an advertising platform, and they went where the money is. Some of that's the automated algorithms, some of that is deliberate corporate informationeering.

I offer some thoughts on the decline and fall of the internet here, and I think it's germane to this discussion: https://michaelhjenkins.substack.com/p/visions-of-a-post-apocalyptic-internet?r=26iex9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true

Now we face the endless question: is this a real threat or does Sweden's military want more funding? I genuinely do not know.

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Mint's Nvidia support has gotten A LOT better over the last few years. You can try it out and see how it goes. Message me if you want help with that.

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Given how FB's algorithm stacks their feed and hides real information, that's not surprising.

Facebook came along at the right time in Internet history to grab all the Boomer crackpots and monied groups.

I'm just gonna leave this right here:

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Biden hasn't done well addressing the core issues driving the voters he needs--ie young voters and POC voters.

Trump is doing his best to mobilize his supporters, as turnout is going to determine who wins in November. I'm not sure this was a wise move for him as it could energize his opposition as well. We shall see.

I am an apostle of Saint Penguin.

Most substations are defended by a chain link fence with maybe some barbed wire at the top. There are plenty of tools that could disable them, both firearms and otherwise. I can't speak to how many you'd need to take out to collapse the national grid, but I can tell you that region wide problems can be caused with an attack on one or two. Our infrastructure is ridiculously vulnerable.

Thank you for that insightful response. I appreciate you taking the time.

I'd love to tell you that it was an attempt at visual irony, but the reality is I originally posted this in another corner of the Fediverse and was too lazy to remove the #hashtags. The good/bad news is that I have nothing to sell you.

This whole thing is starting to develop a real 1968 feels--and of course the DNC convention is in Chicago this year . . .

I may have missed something: what's the issue with Blue Sky?

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Wow. Thank you.

. . . unless you want to pay a nominal monthly fee.

I've been using Thunderbird for years and it's great as an Outlook substitute.

That one's gonna haunt us for a very long time, even though it really just made official what had been happening routinely.

Thanks for letting me know.

How would you suggest using the internet without search engines, and can that be accomplished in a way that is accessible to the average person?

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I was gonna slap Kali on there for fun, but that's a little obvious.

ReactOS is kinda piquing my interest.

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Genx here, and many of us are one or two serious mishaps away from homelessness.

My Sibling in Christ, giving us less for our money and giving them more control over our lives is the intent of all of this. Time to seize the means of computation.

If you have a desktop maybe install a second drive, install Ubuntu on that, and see how it goes?

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Oh wow, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'm really glad to know folks are working in this direction!

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I honestly think that's what we can do: start to build free, parallel structures and attract folks to join us. We can't outspend Google but we can opt out of their ecosystem to some degree or another both collectively and individually.

Are you looking to give the workshop or attend it?

And thank you for bringing that up as it helps me illustrate my central point: the importance of a free internet isn't online life in and of itself, but rather what the open flow of information and communication enable us to do in order to make the world a better place. Thanks for allowing me to clarify.

. . . could you possibly unpresent it? I kid, I kid--this looks insane and I love it. Thank you!

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Ya gotta laugh to keep from crying.

I'm not sure if this is just a sign of the times for Meta or a comment on Big Tech as a whole.