8 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Husband, Father, IT Pro, service.

I ask a lot of challenging questions, don't assume that's what I believe or endorse.

I don't see anything in the article mention if the enrollment reduction is due to population loss in the area, enrollment in charter or other schools, or a decision to "home school."

Maybe I missed it.

6 more...

You're way behind... /s

7 more...

Each server has its own terms. They ban as they see fit.

Yes, if a server allows crap, other servers defed.

Users should find a server whose owner aligns with their values closest.

Also, you can block users, channels, whole servers, bots.

10 more...

What's the word we use for a group of people who follow their chosen leader no matter how ridiculous? I can't remember...

Didn't some people drink a bunch of poison koolaid once?


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Part of people's motivation for all the YouTube entertainment content is getting paid. People get a slice of the ad revenue. I hate ads, not advocating.

How do people see a federated video service be used? Just for fun/community?

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So why do people live there?

All I ever heard is how absurd the cost of living is in Cali, is the weather really that good?

7 more...

I'm an enterprise guy, so that's the explanation for non home use things.

  • VPN for anything not my web or certificate revocation distribution point
  • Sophos IPS
  • sophos utm for web application firewall
  • transparent inline web proxy, sophos is doing https inspection. I have internal CA and all clients trust it. I don't inspect medical or banking, other common sense stuff.
  • heavily vlan segmented with firewall between
  • my windows clients are managed by active directory with heavy handed GPOs.
  • least priv accounts, different accounts for workstation admin, server, domain, network devices
  • security Onion IDS
  • separate red forest that has admin accounts for my management access and accounts on devices
  • trellix antivirus and global reputation based file monitoring
  • I've started applying disa STIGs on servers
  • site to site VPN with other family member household. They get managed trellix av also.
  • my public identity accounts like MS,.Google, etc all need 2fa, token, etc.

I bet this can still get exploited, just would take effort hopefully none does for a home network.

I'm still one shitty windows zero day click away from getting my workstation or browser tokens owned though, I can feel it.

14 more...

Yeah, I get it. Hard people make good times, good times make soft people, soft people make hard times...I'm there a little.

But...I I also very much agree that poor mental health leads to lots of physical issues. I live In a first world country, survived a war, and have gone from dont be soft to understanding people's issues aren't made up.

You might ask someone who struggles if you want to really understand.

Would there need to be a mirror involved?

Ha, said Zuck at Facebook a long time ago.

Before I started reading that article, I was slightly in support of prison labor. Everything I read about incarceration is that it's incredibly expensive.

I thought it would understandable to help offset the costs, not actually make money. I didn't see anything in the article that put over all costs and profits into context. I can't imagine those systems are actually generating more money than the total costs of incarceration, but I have no idea.

Then I got to the parts about safety, inappropriate/illegal? coercion, and abuse. I know there's some worse places to be in prison in the world, but still.

We used to make people do stupid shit like break rocks just for punishment, but I don't see how that rehabilitates. Learning job skills is good, nice to hear a few people were bettered and got jobs, but legislators in those states probably need to be harassed until we get prisoners treated in appropriate ways.

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I've seen a bunch of comments expressing interest in the population declining. Since I don't really want the Thanos approach, lowering the birth rate is great.

I propose sterilization for cash, like cash for clunkers. You get a bunch of free money if you decide you want fixed.

Think of the amount of people who'd take that deal. Long term, lower population, less social program spending, hopefully less people's wanting abortions, win win. It goes against the rich people need for more workers, but you can dangle the lower welfare receipts, they'll be all about that. 😋

Sorry, morbid humor among actual socioeconomic conversation.

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Lenovo m900 tiny. Low cost and power.

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Good point. I chuckled at low effort trolling for a moment.

Too large

I'm not sure that's a justification.

Don't other nations have the same thing?

Canada and others have territories, some are divided into other sub government entities, etc. they all still function. Just semantics.

I'm a fan of states setting their own environment. Some legalized recreational drugs. Others said they was crazy, doom and gloom. Prove it. Let them try, let's see the proof.

States have certain subcultures. I want them to compete. Compete for education, jobs, etc.

Nothing illegal however, shouldn't have to state that.

One of the key issues here is laws being or not being enforced, and interpretation.

Most people here, in my view favor, more open immigration, Texas seems to be insisting the current law isn't being followed.

Sounds like politicians can't get their jobs done and fix it. But hey, they are all still getting paid, and their health care coverage, and their retirements, and legal insider trading, and getting future employment opportunities, etc etc etc rant rant rant. I don't like politicians.

Also laughing because that's how some companies get owned, IP stolen, etc.

There has to be balance, if your life using their system sucks so hard you can't do your job or meet production marks, you get creative.

My industry has to prioritize security over productivity. It's almost impossible to get work done.

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Just a quick warning: life gets a lot more complex when you look at things holistically instead of tiny headline slices.

If you challenge us to put things into more context, you're going to hurt our brains...


You're correct about vlan.

Think of vlan is a regular switch. Connect stuff, they communicate. Make two vlans in a switch, think of turning your physical switch into two separate switches.

Connect you switches to a router. Don't want to waste two cables from your switch that's cut in half? Do trunk port, with vlan tagged.

Lots of videos will explain better.

Best practice is to separate things of different trust levels into different vlans. You can filter and control the traffic between those vlans with your router.

As previously mentioned, in the Enterprise and business world, best practice is to separate and management from VMS and applications. We call this data plane and control plane. You would restrict access to your proxmox for other hypervisor interface from the VMS and applications. For small home setups and funsies, this gets a little complicated, but if it's your career choice or interest, it's a good thing to explore.

Key terms you can research: data plane, control plane, out of band management, air gapped.

The not saying why they were banned is what inspired my question.

I was afraid those people would just come here, but the moderation based on instance and community seems to be working so far. I'm curious how's that's going to scale.

I don't think you're going to see Texas falling in line with this one. Other restrictive East Coast states might.

I keep looking back to Australia for comparison of lowing gun related crimes as a whole.

I think people not conducting themselves in society has been a trend ever since greed and power where invented. Whether you're a biblical history person, or a cave man history person, someone has been hitting someone else in the head with a stick since we learn how to use thumbs.

Edit: oh you're the disgruntled one from earlier. Hi there

I recommend look into managed, vlan capable switches after you get your firewall figured out. That will allow you to put hosts on different vlans and separate lab stuff from the rest of your home network stuff.

There's a million videos.

Oh! My favorite online topic. Let's make this more fun.

Without reading the comments yet, here's my guess:

  • At least one person calls another stupid (got it)
  • People say other people are wrong instead of having differing views (yep)
  • There's arguments about the physical properties of guns like what = assault rifle, how many bullets it holds is too much, or physical size (oddly specific to historical weapons which I don't see a lot, but yep)
  • Someone over simplifies a complex idea or problems
  • Someone says they or their rights are more important than someone elses (got it)

Nah, I'm sure all the comments will be well thought out and articulated, considerate, and inspire reflection instead of eliciting defensiveness...

Edit: added comments to my list.

7 more...

Are they fucking high?>

Yeah, probably

I do like nebula

You two are accused above of hording wealth.

Why didn't you retire yet?

Was it waiting for social security? Waiting for Medicare? Paying basic bills?

People don't seem to know your life, but are making a lot of assumptions.

Can someone share personal experiences?

Insert my physical appearance here, but I've met any health care professionals who cared about a person's race. I don't mean that cared for me, I know a bunch of providers personally.

They did however have plenty of stories of people treating them like shit or like a waitress at a restaurant.

13 more...

Is that a math joke? 😋

This was a good topic to bring up, saw some stuff I have not heard of. Thanks.

That is super interesting. Not getting into the politics, Security Now podcast recently discussed two US child protection online related initiatives.

From a technical perspective, I imagine it being difficult to both handle age proof, guardian proofing, and dealing with lack of anonymity. Part of why I posed the question.

What cert did you put on the proxy answering the inbound? Usually that error means either the browser doesn't like the cert, or it's connecting to 80, and modern browsers really fight you on that sometimes. Also, cache. Clear your cache if you're bouncing between internal URL/IP and the public.

I assume you just want to expose to internet to learn art of reverse. Otherwise there's better ways.

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New study results:

If you have money, you can pay any number of "research groups" to prove anything that aligns with your beliefs...

Studies also find that sometimes other organizations whose existence is also predicted on your beliefs will back those studies...

Sources: hold on, I'll pay someone...


This is well articulated opinion. I like acknowledging that we all collectively don't completely agree on use, but most agree in the necessity. I certainly do.

I like police, fire, roads, infrastructure, education, defense, etc. I dont mind paying taxes. Like all,.I have opinions on its allocation, as you said.

I don't care for people automatically assuming they're entitled to rich people's money just because they make more than the rest of us.

I also don't have any empathy for (wealthy) people who have accumulated that wealth in despicable ways, examples you described included.

I've never had a conversation with someone who makes the kind of money these proposed taxes would affect. I'd be interested in that perspective.

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Maybe not. Maybe he's an evil genius. He could possibly be the present...again...

Watching American politics makes me question my grasp of reality.

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You're on the right track. As long as wiregurd on the VPS will allow an incoming connection from you home 4g, which will probably be CGNAT, it'll work. Did you look into running the NGINX reverse on the VPS? I like terminating external stuff on cloud side, then only bring filtered or desired traffic over the tunnel.

You think she was also a stripper?

make some 1/2 to 2/3 of my power myself I'd have to :) That's .66c US per. Mine is .11-12 US / .10 EUR. Mine is 6 times cheaper. `Merica

Insert rant about our power is probably a large percentage of coal and gas (cheap + super bad)

Yeah, it's a lot. It's a very large field, and you're playing in two or three areas here.

Look at a couple of overlay options. ZeroTier is the one I remember off top of my head. There are others, Google alternatives. These use a coordination server. Some are a hosted service, but there's some that you host yourself. These are supposed to be pretty easy. You watch a couple of videos on these, I bet you're be fine.

Wire guard offers more traditional VPN. You can tunnel your device back to your network. Some routers offer a VPN option. There's open sense, ddwrt, etc. Again, lots of videos.

Since you said you mostly wanted remote access, I strongly suggest not opening services to public and use VPN.

You can still learn reverse proxy too, but just do it internally, even though it wouldn't technically be needed. This will be much safer and learner friendly.

I have ridiculous amounts of services running, but I use gateway router VPN to access most of them.

I find it interesting that every product from Google/MS/Apple/etc is inherently evil in implications from our community.

I don't mind OneNote, and like that it syncs to everything I use. I guess I've done IT/Infosec for 20+ years, so I don't hate everything MS does, just some things :)

I imagine the lower enrollment equates to lower funding which means they have to reduce costs. Every organizations number one coat is usually payroll, right?