1 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Daughter turning into something I don’t like? Buy out the thing she uses to try and regulate her. Very normal and healthy behavior

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If that ruined the whole concert, you’re extra as fuck XD

Aaaand it’s happening just as we all predicted. Stealing likeness in a whole new way

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Who would have guessed that disposable capes would be a MASSIVE waste issue? Think of all the plastic and REMs and other tech shit that is produced just to be thrown away from this garbage.

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Can’t believe the sentencing for weed is still so strong. Like who gives a fuck, just legalize the shit already. I think that most of us can agree that alcohol has just as much of not more potential for harm than weed does and that’s legal.

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Raise your hands if you’re shocked. Literally nobody should raise their hands

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You know, I almost retweeted this saying something demeaning, but even engaging him in a negative manner on his platform only supports him. What a truly revolting human being

A truly pragmatic take away

Oh for sure. Extreme statements like that always ring as “They’re not how I want them to be so I’m going to call them radical”.

It’s fucking clinical, honestly. Like, how are even Republicans down for this shit?

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Always love it when the people in charge know something is bad for THEM but good for US and they just throw a tasteful graphic spouting some bullshit on a page to change minds. They did this in Columbus about Issue 1 like a month ago, saying how upping the Majority Vote to 60% for state bills was just a good thing, even though it was just to prepare for issue 1 in November to repeal backwards ass Abortion Laws. It was obvious too since it was like all the pamphlet talked about

I’m a Christian that was raised on the ideology of the separation of Church and State and I’ve never understood why extremist Christian rhetoric determines so many of our laws. Almost the ENTIRE debate on abortion comes down to Christian ideologies - ideologies that we ourselves can’t fully agree on but insist on pushing onto others. My philosophy is the golden rule of doing unto others and all that. Condemnation is why we get a bad wrap and so many of us spit in Jesus’ face by constantly judging and condemning others for things we don’t agree with or even just don’t understand.

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Nah nah nah, fuck both of them.

Excellent. More unions please

It’s even more bizarre when women vote for / agree with this shit. What woman actually wants to go through this or thinks it’s necessary?

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But like for real tho. That’s fucked up 🤣

Why not both? Because you’re absolutely right that he got fucked on a bad gamble and then tried to save face, but I can also easily see him trying to buy stuff just to stick it to the left. (But in all reality again you’re probably pretty solely right lol)

So it’s literally funded by leeching. Not like most police sects aren’t, but this seems especially egregious

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Well when Americans INSIST that rootin tootin point and shootin is the only way, then yeah - this shit is gonna keep happening. I’m all about better gun laws, but you’d think I’m growing devil horns when I talk about it

Well this was a disgusting read. What a stupid test to determine the fate of a devastated mother.

The concept was originally one I could get behind as I believe initially it was to avoid religious persecution, but look at all the dumb shit we’ve experienced from religious groups in the last decade or two - but especially during COVID. Sucks to see the Christian community so resistant and spiteful in the face of saving lives because they just couldn’t get with the program.

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Oh good, that’s encouraging lol

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The average age IS pretty fucking high. Fresh blood would be good, methinks. Most of these codgers are career politicians who’ve just cling to their positions for decades

10 years old. What the fuck. Little man wasn’t attacking people or breaking shit. Insane

Suuuuure it happened

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Well that was hard to watch. Already didn’t like this dickhead but now I reeeally don’t like ‘im

Delusional. And then I know some of them have just always been republican so they keep voting that way regardless. Like, damn, wake up to the bullshit around you. This isn’t a matter of differing ideologies anymore - this is a matter of fighting for keeping the right to vote about those differing ideologies.

He’s delusional if he thinks this will combat bots.

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You don’t - it’s a bullshit excuse. It’s like a 5 year old with their hand in the cookie jar saying “I didn’t mean to do it.” Yes you did, little Jimmy, what you didn’t mean to do was get caught. Now blow that idea up to a greedy, unethical, billion dollar corporation.

I think this was one of the biggest failings of parents in the 90s and 2000s - the internet was so new that they were scared of all the wrong things and didn’t know how to properly protect their kids online.

I’m eternally grateful I never saw some pretty horrific shit online. The worst I saw was porn and some of those jumps are videos and clips from horror movies.

Edit: I should clarify that to some extent I don’t even necessarily blame the parents. How were they supposed to know? Most of them just used the thing for work or to file taxes or look up the news. They weren’t looking in those dark corners or really even aware they existed until they saw their kids looking at it.

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Amen. They make their platform sound so moral until you look at their doctrine for more than a minute

I think we all kind of live in a perpetual state of this line of questioning lol More and more, though, I know what’s wrong with me but still can’t fathom wtf is wrong with everyone else 🤣

What a disgusting pos

LOL Autocrorect really fucked me there, huh?

It’s about damn time this sorry state did something worth a damn. Good shit 💪🏼

It’s always one big clown show of hypocrisy with giant corporations. And then the government and their buddies give them claps on the back for a job well done and reaffirm their shitty behavior. 🤡

Everything I could say has basically already been said lol The right has turned into such a weird, rich, capitalist, traditionalist clown car that it’s a wonder anything ever gets done by them.

What a victory. I too consider it a W when I stop people from doing something that: Doesn’t hurt anybody, Takes options away from people instead of giving them more, and is another distraction from the real issues we’re currently facing like Climate Change and the mounting issues in China and the Ukraine.

Like at every turn lol

Oh boy - the nutjob is at it again