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1v1 vs. the one that won the 1v20 at some point though…

Why is this too much to ask? (I get the Capitalist why)

I feel like a lot of my grievances with live service games, outside of predatory mtx, is this inevitable endpoint of losing this game and all your achievements/ experiences/ progress.

This could also help solve a lot of Ross Scott’s (yt: accursed farms) lawsuits against live service games. In their case, The Crew

Let us host this ourselves if we wish. From a corporate perspective You can always lock the updated latest and greatest behind your currently supported game.


I know the reality is greed

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You definitely get it. Pure satire.

You are absolutely correct. Trump is the one insisting he had to post the bond in order to appeal. He appealed back in February a month before posting this “bond”.

My understanding is those few conservatives voted to repeal this bill to kill the movement to have reproductive health rights enshrined in the state constitution.

“But Ms. Bolick also railed against Planned Parenthood and Democratic support for abortion rights. She argued that her vote to repeal the 1864 ban could be Arizona’s best shot at curbing the momentum behind a proposed ballot measure to enshrine abortion protections in the state constitution.”

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Should I be judged for understanding this?

Came here to say this. Couldn’t be more on point. Using both cameras and LiDAR in tandem will be necessary for true self driving vehicles.

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I don’t think you meant it like this but I couldn’t help reading it in the cadence of “if you’re sliding into first and your pants are gonna burst, diarrhea” lol

“But Ms. Bolick also railed against Planned Parenthood and Democratic support for abortion rights. She argued that her vote to repeal the 1864 ban could be Arizona’s best shot at curbing the momentum behind a proposed ballot measure to enshrine abortion protections in the state constitution.”

Not the person you were replying to. The word you were looking for was solitude. Very good English otherwise!

Same reason I haven’t picked up Persona 3 Reload yet. Gotta wait for the complete version in 2026.

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I love how no one has mentioned the shoddy electrical wiring running along the baseboard. TV is too distracting!

I’m surprised that no one has mentioned this but a lot of physical discs nowadays are nothing more than glorified license checks, especially with games. Even buying the physical version does not guarantee you safety from these problems.

I did not have SOS service on my phone for about 6 hours yesterday. So you are incorrect in that all people were able to contact emergency services. ATT, Upper Midwest

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You seem oblivious to the realities of most insurance plans in the US.

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Relieved to hear it’s going to the ballot! I have faith in my AZ brethren.

I would be spooning my dog who is on the other end of the couch. If this was a competition I’d submit my outcome for winner or at least most wholesome. Some of y’all’s are definitely more funny though.

This was happening way before MAGA.

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Does this mean Disney will be moving most/all their content to Disney+ in the US like it is in other countries? Isn’t Hulu a predominantly American used streaming service?

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Thank you for providing some reason. I’m glad the person you’re replying to has never had crappy insurance before. This bill is completely within the US standards especially with a high deductible plan.

Except she has had surgery?

She hasn’t owned up to it but very much did not deny.

Edit: for the record I had no idea there was a whole thing around her a Megan Kelly. Can’t agree with all the hate.

That said, I’m replying to a comment about people having surgery/other medical procedures/drastic makeup etc that causes great changes and she was the first one that popped into my head. She hasn’t denied the surgery. Just said Kelly was spreading false news. But in all her statements she has never denied the surgery from my understanding.

I also don’t agree that it’s “fucking sad” as commenter above me states. She can do whatever she wants it’s her body. Having surgery or not doesn’t matter at all. I still hold that she looks drastically different from 5 years ago regardless of the reason.

Maybe you’re thinking of David Blaine who almost died from his stunts multiple times?

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Sounds like business as usual for Atlus

Correct. I had to connect to WiFi to use ATT calls over WiFi to call the non emergency number to be transferred to my needed emergency services. My local news station put out an announcement about ATT customers not being able to contact local 911 operators. May have had something to do with my county specifically. Still, a major issues.

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Yikes. Such a sophomoric perspective.

Edit: I’m not a fan of either candidate but if we were to ever have a chance of more progressive leaders then we have to vote against the regressive leaders. I’ll pinch my nose and vote for Biden so that we have a chance of presidents like AOC in the future.

Which are bangin’ btw. Spicy goldfish. My kid loves them.

I agree that African accents can be awesome. I’m pretty ignorant of regional accent or if they are more of a national accent but growing up I had a buddy from Zimbabwe who’s parents had an amazing accent when speaking English.

She was literally the first person I thought of when reading this as well.

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You make good points. I was not completely clear in my post.

There are situations where what you say is true. (Were they setup that way intentionally though, for this very reason? Don’t think we will ever truly know.) There are certain multiplayer focused games that could be destroyed by client side affirming. I get that there are legitimate situations that makes this difficult for corps.

There are licensing issues as well but so many games face this and many offer “streamer friendly” options where the licensing of the music isn’t an issue.

Many of these live service/ server dependent games are completely completable single player and they could disable any licensed music/ multiplayer licensed components? Most of them are P2P anyway like Helldivers 2.

These are the ones I draw issue with.

Edit: to your point of multiple servers; why couldn’t we host the required servers privately if they so wished?

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It’s the equivalent of Persona 5 being followed by Persona 5 Royal with its added content.

I do not disagree with what you’re saying.

My point was that this hypocrisy about the national debt predates MAGA by like 40 years. I posted an article explaining it all. Two Santa Clause Theory.

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Possibly generally more liberal but my personal anecdote as a raised Catholic- now non Christian , is that Catholics are only marginally less crazy than evangelicals. All Catholics I know are super conservative.

Edit: I know Biden identifies as Catholic and I’m not claiming my personal experience is comprehensive. Biden is the only Pro-Choice Catholic I’ve ever known of. Most people I know don’t even consider Biden a true Catholic because of his stances.

You’re probably right and I don’t really keep up to date with magicians but I believe he literally took a bullet to his throat when his bullet catching trick failed. I’d say that’s pretty close to dying.

Edit: DDG-fu

I see what you’re saying. For what it’s worth I never used either term. That was u/originallucifer.

You have piqued my interest though. What would you consider Republicans if they aren’t conservatives? I consider them Far right conservatives. Radical conservatives if you will.

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I am glad that you have had luck with Keen. I tried 2 separate pairs, one work shoe, one hiking boot/shoe and they both fell apart within 6 months in spots where they used adhesives instead of stitching. Never again.

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Possible. All I know is calling 911 on my phone with cell only failed mid morning yesterday EST while I had no service. My local news put out an announcement the 911 operators were having issues receiving calls due to issues with ATT.

Connecting to WiFi to call 911 failed. Again, could be my county. Called non emergency local number over WiFi: success. They transferred me to 911

I guess Coca Cola has those flavor packets just right then.

The sad part is no Republican since Eisenhower in 1960 has had a balanced budget.

Clinton handed GW Bush a budget surplus in 2001 and is the last time we’ve had a balanced budget.

So by your definition Republicans have not been conservative in a very long time?

Edit: I initially listed LBJs 1969 surplus as the most recent Republican balanced budget due to a brain fart forgetting he was a Democratic politician.

You’re right. Imagine yourself or a dependent having complicated medical issues. Well actually, don’t imagine it. It’s a nightmare. Worst part of the illness is dealing with the insurance no doubt.