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I don't want a dumb phone. I want a circa 2014 smart phone that is not expected to replace my laptop and serve as a constant data stream for corporations. I want to be able to visit a website on my phone and not have it try to get me to download an app, be ads on 70% of the screen, or just be unreadable formatting. Let me call, text, do a basic online search, play a stupid flash game, and take my money. Stop being greedy and trying to make everything I do monetizable

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The title excludes the fact that the location is a police training area and the groundskeeper thought it was a prop for training not some Halloween decoration in the suburbs.

Yeah. It's everything DeSantis has said in speaches and print regarding why and what he was doing to get back at Disney.

One thing I've learned is that if you have to announce something about yourself, and announce it loudly and repeatedly, it's very much not true.

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I'm really tired of so many people saying that doing something as a consequence for Trump's actions would set a new precedent. So many things that he has done are unprecedented. There is no FAQ for when the president refuses to transfer power or when a "billionaire" politician is caught perpetrating decades of multitudes of types of fraud.

But surprises me the least

I feel that this really sums up the sentiment that I notice in my area.

"Most crucially, major corporations crave younger consumers and lifelong brand loyalists. Outside of cable news, older consumers are less attractive to most advertisers. And younger people (meaning anyone under 45!) lean decidedly to the left. The most coveted 18-29-year-old demographic leans farther left than any other. Long gone are the days of the Reagan youth, when 18-24-year-olds backed the Republican over Walter Mondale by over 30 points in the 1984 presidential election, and corporate America catered to them accordingly."

The 55+ demographic has had the cultural and political focus on them their whole lives. Now that it's not catering to their opinions they are throwing a tantrum.

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I still don't think that the full impact of COVID is being accounted for in polling and voter outcomes. Yes the first wave hit blue areas hard and fast due to population density but with the vaccine and the ever growing amount of time it has been available I have to imagine it is almost exclusively hitting red areas now. COVID has not gone away but vaccinated people aren't dying at nearly the rate of the unvaccinated of which that group is pretty exclusively GOP or at least Maga. When some of these elections were coming down to the thousands of voters 3 years ago what happens when thousands of dedicated GOP voters are now dead?

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To be fair it is true that Schumer and Pelosi are running the country. It's kind of their job being elected officials and all.

It depends on the outcome of the strike. If Fain leads the union to major gains for members and then says Trump is bad for the union that holds a lot of weight and could be enough to sway the couple thousand voters in swing states away from Trump. Remember 2020 was decided by around 40k votes in 5 states.

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It will never make sense to me why literal, text book definition traitors had memorials. The DoC did the best PR work in history to make that happen.

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Really there is only like 10 players that need to say fuck it and not follow this to force Bettmans hand. If Crosby, McDavid, Matthews, or a handful of other players of their popularity and caliber use the tape during warm-ups or singing like that it really puts pressure on the NHL to fold.

Idk about you but every activity is about $100/month too. I have kids in dance, $100/month per kid. Same with swim lessons (yes at the YMCA too). Looked into ice skating lessons and it's the same. I want my kids to be able to try things but there's no way we can afford to do more than one activity at a time and that's a stretch sometimes.

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The love language test in part because it was a great way to start a conversation about our romantic needs with my spouse.

Yeah that's an undersell. Guy went off on someone, supposedly not for the first time, and got caught on tape.

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Short answer is yes. Long answer is yes because of cash bail and how expensive it is to mount a defense

This is how it is supposed to be taught. Common core has this exact quality of numbers explicitly shield or in primary school curriculum. Numbers are not static objects but the composite of infinite functions that can be used to determine the value in whatever base number system you want. Next time someone says school didn't teach math remind them that the US is something like 30th in the world at math and when the department of education tried to do something about it parents said it was too hard to understand and we just kept falling backwards.

Source : I have a BA and masters in math with a focus on education

That's not an unreasonable reaction but this one in Ohio is different in several ways.

1 The GOP super majority passed a lady abolishing August special elections that went into effect on January 2023. They are immediately ignoring this law and had to create a loophole to even hold this election.

2 It does not just raise the passing vote threshold. It mandates signatures from 100% of Ohio counties to even place a measure on the ballot. And it's not just 1 signature is a proportion of the counties population. Idk how well you know Ohio but that is almost effectively impossible.

3 The GOP are blatantly short cutting the November election and chose 60% because polling places support for the amendment enshrining abortion rights at about 58%.

4 This is a simple majority to pass but raises it for everything else which is hypocritical. Amendments of this Nature should have to pass at the threshold they are attempting to set.

If Arkansas is any indication the GOP child care strategy is manual labor for the kids. Put them to work too.

Nooo... Please.... Somebody stop him.... Don't go on national TV to provide more evidence to be used against you...

I like to watch videos of media critiques. Somehow all the ones that I keep getting recommended are anti woke d bags that blame every bad movie choice on the company/producer/director/etc going woke. I've pretty much had to stop watching those types of videos and try to rebalance the algorithm by watching literally anything that seems remotely left leaning. It's been 2 months and it's barely better.

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An article about someone's opinions from 50 years ago is not a valid criticism when those opinions have adapted with time. This is just like arguing that Republicans don't have racist policies since Lincoln abolished slavery. Could Biden do more to be more progressive yes but this is not a good argument for that stance.

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Ohio could do it because the "independent" redistricting commission is run by the governor's son and is only bipartisan in that they were forced to allow democrats on by border initiative that changed the state constitution. Ohios maps didn't have a SCOTUS ruling, just a state Supreme Court ruling and the GOP just had to wait out a year so they could shove a more conservative justice on than the one that was retiring and had sided with the liberal justices.

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You know how in dystopian stories how it always starts like 50 years after the fascists take power? Project 2025 is the plan to put the fascists into power. It pretty much places trump as dictator by putting into place all the people who will follow through this time.

I'm going to be honest, I don't care. This is what WV voted for. And not some 51-55% of people. It's like 60-70%+of the view that the politicians putting in these policies received. WV has nothing going for it now that global warming is going to get rid of the coal industry eventually. They (the politicians and corporations) haven't looked to diversify the economy. The state is bottom 10 at least in terms of education, poverty, and standard of living. The state is going to die slowly and painfully just like so many deep red states.

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Can someone explain to me why we cannot wrap these deep fakes into existing identity theft law? Or at least impersonating a public official /government employee when it comes to politicians.

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Does he not realize that he doesn't hold the influence or the purse strings? The only reason Mitch let this go as far as it has is because there was enough bad optics from the house and Schumer was getting enough basic legislation done that there was cover from the bad publicity.

Somehow I don't think the message "don't come here it's not that great" will trump staying in crime ridden poverty.

My guy you still haven't answered the question. All I said was to just show me the recent article to back up your claim. You made a specific statement now show me the receipts. Don't tell me a bunch of tangentially related, unsubstantiated statements then end with telling me to do my research.

If you want that memorialize it like the holocaust museums. Don't celebrate it with a Monument.

The number of countries that pegged their currency to the USD is staggering. If the US defaults for any reason the global economy ceases to exist. Crashed by Adam Tooze is a great deep dive into the 2008 financial crises and goes in depth on how interconnected all the major economies are.

Then link that article. Sodomy laws are in the books in most states into the early 2000s, being an LGBTQ ally in the 70s was rare. Growth and allyship now are much more important than being bigoted 50 years ago. Personal growth and improvement is a cornerstone of progressive ideology. I will always have patience for people who are trying to improve and understand and that means that some people are going to be starting the journey at a dark place.

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Idk but the guy is overall a gigantic piece of shit.

I'm convinced that he didn't expect Dems to vote or McCarthy. He wanted all the bravado moments and then to be able to double down on the McCarthy works with the Dems rhetoric so he could continue to boost his profile. I truly believe Jeffries called his bluff and now Gaetz and the GOP don't know what to do.

"The FTC depositions so far have targeted "former employees because nearly every employee who has been identified as a point person for privacy or data security either resigned or was terminated before the FTC could talk to them," the government said. "

That is an amazing sentence. I don't know how this company still exists. Also I'm glad we all collectively decided to give Twitter the Prince treatment and it is now just the company formerly known as Twitter.

Not to be insensitive, what they are going through is terrible, but more what? The US Secretary of State is over in Israel now. Are they expecting a US invasion of Palestine? That's pretty much what is shaping up by proxy of IDF actions. Are they mad that they haven't been personally contacted by the white house? Asking for "more" without actually specifying anything inevitably means send in military force which usually makes these situations worse for the hostages.

It will be interesting to see the politicians responses when their porn accounts are hacked and they all have to explain why their ID is associated with profiles that frequent tranny incest porn

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Dude a news article from over 4 months ago without noting the time period is bad form.

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Yeah and that's another barrier, start up cost. Instruments are expensive. I grew up playing hockey and if I want my kids to try it it's around $2000 just for one season.

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Hyundai doesn't make gears, they buy them. Idk if they are buying them from the same distributor but I doubt it since that was a major issue.