3 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My accounts on other instances:

I don't blame you for this, but the uptime records are incomplete at best. I've experienced the site being down (and confirmed with Down for Everyone or Just Me), yet showed all systems operational. As I'm writing this, is missing most data up to yesterday and shows 16 days uptime.

I have lots of respect to you for even having these. I also remember work mostly fine some time ago. But as of right now, both uptime monitors fail to serve their purpose.

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Honestly, I didn't believe this would happen. I thought all who wanted to migrate have done this already and there would be maybe a couple hundred people joining us today. I'm glad I was wrong. Gives me hope in people of the Internet standing up for what they deserve.

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You mean the ! community? The entire instance is literally meant as a Reddit post archive, as you can read in the pinned post on the instance's main page.

You're not an asshole, but you're misinformed and failed to do your research.

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A small reminder that clickbaity titles like this work against the author's view for all the people who read just the title and scroll further. (And they're not to blame. You can't read everything)

TL;DR of the article:

Fall of Twitter and Reddit helped the Fediverse grow. Most users don't know or care how Federation works and don't realise the necessity of donations. Fediverse either remains niche or becomes mainstream, the future is not set in stone.

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What if they only introduced the API changes to get rid of the aware users and make it easier to monetize the rest...?

As part of this, we made a decision to sunset coins (...) and awards (...)

(...) all awards and existing coins will continue to be available until September 12, 2023.


two months time.

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From the article:

Meta launched Threads, a text-based conversation app intended to rival Twitter, on Wednesday to a largely positive reception.

This "largely positive reception" links to their own article about their own reporter checking it out, which doesn't mention any opinions from the public or other individuals.

Honestly, not having ads and being very usable for free, Discord is still pretty good IMO

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The planetary average temperature hit 17.23 degrees Celsius on Thursday, surpassing the 17.18C record set on Tuesday (...) A previous record of 17.01C was set on Monday.

Referring to dates by just weekdays sounds like there's not going to be any more Mondays...

Just curious, why are we updating now instead of waiting for the proper 0.18.1 release?

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I do believe that the primary goal of the government is still to increase the wellbeing of people. It's a complex machinery. Even if most politicians are corrupt, the whole thing can still strive towards the good. Corporate influence and corruption go against it while decomracy and separation of powers go for it.


The question was if it cares about MY best interest. The answer is no. The very purpose of the government is to limit all individuals' freedom for the greater good. Take stealing as an example. It would be in my best interest if I were allowed to steal. But that would still suck if other people were allowed to steal from me as well. If we all agree not to steal from each other, it will be even better for me (even though, individually, I would still be in better position to be able to steal when everyone else is not). So it's not so much about MY best interest, as it is the society's.

Defederating "from this and that" is actually sometimes problematic here. It's about instance admins finding balance between freedom and usability (limiting spam and hate). defederated from and, defederated from etc. These decisions were controversial, but they weren't bold. On the contrary, much thought and care went into these and that can be seen in communities' support for them (in case of Beehaw, along with hopeful awaiting of refederation by users and admins alike).

But that seems not to be the main issue you're presenting. Defederating from Threads specifically is an entirely different matter. And people who advocate for it, including myself, have more arguments for it than just privacy.

::: spoiler Though it's not the main point of my comment, I'm gonna list some such arguments, simply to back my words.

  • The EEE. Meta could (and quite probably will) try to federate with its millions of users, then use extended protocols putting pressure on Fediverse to adapt, in order to satisfy Meta's users. They can make it difficult to keep up (e.g. by providing purposely flawed documentation) and the users will grow tired of stuff not working here but working there. Once users register with Meta (since it's a part of the Fediverse after all, right?), they'll cut the rest of us loose.
  • Badly moderated content. Facebook is already full of it.
  • Meta has a history of terrible actions and should not be supported. :::
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If announcements of Lemmy releases are what you're after, ! is a place for you. But in broader picture, subsequent updates are usually just not that big of a deal.

After reading this, play this for the feel.

You have another "aggressively supportive" a few paragraphs above

Screenshot of domain registration site for domain. For sale for 6,666.00 EUR. 1234 people have already viewed this offer.

Not trying to discourage you, but what's the reasoning for creating a new one when ! exists already and is reasonably alive?

Some things are very dangerous even though for inexperienced they might not seem so. Case in point: the microwave. It has a powerful capacitor and if you try taking it apart, it might shock you even when disconnected from power

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There's a difference between protesting/ditching and actively sabotaging. Do you hate Reddit so much as to try to intentionally destroy it?

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I think it's the least worrying of possible stances protecting possession of CP

If we do, can we please keep it a little more respectful than the Reddit one?

If you have to make it a specific domain, seems appropriate

I know it's far from what you asked, but the closest answer to the question is this Minecraft resource pack made for a few versions back.

What can I say, I keep my software up-to-date.

Where does the name come from and what's going on on that logo?

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This dominance worries me a little. Luckily the communities are spread across instances fairly well

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I once asked my dad, wouldn't it be better if wars were determined by rock-paper-scissors? He explained, that even if, the citizens of the losing country would probably get so upset, they would take matters into their own hands and start a riot, which would effectively lead to regular war.

(He explained it better than that, but it was long ago and I only remember the general sense of what he said)

PSA: If you've been using during the upgrades and rollbacks your browser might've cashed some stuff that quickly got out of date. If you have problems (especially JSON errors), try doing a hard refresh (usually Ctrl + F5) on the site. It might log you out.

/c/itrusses, duh

Huh, I haven't heard about Discord harvesting data yet. Got something specific to read about that?

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This is actually used as a verb, as ending something slowly and gradually, so as not to cause sudden and disrupting changes.

Sunsetting Python 2 for example lasted 12 years (extended from original plan of 7 years).

Short answer: yeah.

Long answer: Instances federate with each other by default. Sometimes an instance defederates from a particular other instance, usually for good reasons (and oftentimes you're not missing out on valuable stuff). Your instance hosts your account and stuff you post, but connects you to stuff hosted on other instances as well. If some instance goes down, noone can access stuff posted from that instance (like users, posts etc.)

Didn't know one could do that. How do I set alt text for images I post?

Birds singing. I live in a small town even though I prefer spending time in large cities. But this is what I miss when I'm out. Well, this and fresh air.

I consider myself a rather hygienic person. Wash my hands perhaps more often than I should. But I'm not exactly stressed when I don't, partly because I know perfect hygiene isn't best for your health either. I'm just very conscious about it, especially when preparing food for somebody else.

So, basically, payment information and analytics, the latter of which you can disable. Everything else is the data that Discord is meant to store (as in messages, settings, all the other stuff I expect it to display back to me in the app). I mean, it could store less, but overall it doesn't seem that bad?

This feeling is weirdly familiar to me. Not regarding Lemmy, but when I want my computer to do something and it does it imperfectly I get this weird feeling of anger I don't usually get in any other circumstances. Like when the mouse button only works 50% of the time, or when there's bad kerning in my LaTeX document like this program was created to do this one thing and how DARE it fail at this SIMPLE TASK LIKE IS IT SO FREAKING HARD TO SPACE THE LETTERS CORRECTLY I LEARN THE FREAKING COMMANDS ONLY TO GET THIS ABSOLUTE GARBAGE OF KERNING BETWEEN TWO LETTERS THAT I HAVE TO MANUALLY CORRECT LIKE AAARGGHAGVGAHG

Regarding voting, of course, it should be done after familiarizing oneself with the post to some degree greater than the title.

I meant changing people's minds. While just the title won't convince people to think a certain way, it will remain in their minds as one of many opinions on the topic they encountered. And it's a shame if that opinion is the opposite of what the author has in mind.

Currently the biggest one, I think, is (though and are strong competitors). I'm going to try kick-starting soon, too.

Possibly included some too advanced characters in the "Name" field?