2 Post – 246 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There be no blasphemy or deception like using a plastic banana rather than whatever random banana they have at your local store.

This is where a separate perv persona for online ... whatever ... comes in handy. It's why I would never buy such a game on Steam(or at all, but that's just me, and far from advice I would give).

Just give an answer in-character, not an IRL one.

Yes, I may play a your standard murder-hobo in games, but I would still like to be able to do a guest appearance on my kids' or a friend's Twitch/whatever streams without some one digging and sharing with them that I had collected a trophy/achievement in Murder Harem: Furry's Vore Safari Edition, or even the vanilla crap I am actually even slightly into.

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Realistically, Google and then the other Android manufacturers will stop business in Argentina. Grey market will then be filling that niche, almost cerainly with imported phones.

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WTO/ICC Arbitration coming in 3 ... 2 ...

Honestly, I hope Google just stops doing business in Argentina. Let their courts tussle with phone manufacturers that sell Android devices until they do the same. Not the end of the world if your citizens have to buy such things grey-market or keep using what they already have, or buy devices with other operating systems.

Before you say Apple, Apple would have to handle it pretty much the same as Google if/when they get sued/prosecuted like so.

12 more...

You should be skeptical that those five operating systems are all that it works with. Do you seek out networking equipment that specifically lists compatability with your operating system too?

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Wait until they learn what can happen when its cold enough outside. There's a legitimate reason that climbing naked into a sleeping bag together is recommended for hypothermia, but until you've got that core temperature back up ...

Maybe if it allowed you to switch to integrated graphics versus discrete, putting the GPU to sleep.

For just browsing, even integrated graphics has been plenty since the beginning of the internet, maybe with some exceptions when Flash gaming reached its pinnacle.

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On the one hand, seems he earned his place. On the other hand, they should have stopped him running when there was still a chance to protect the (maybe literal) sensitivities of other racers and observers. Enforcement only after he finished is just stupid.

Put another way, if he does it merely to do it, as many runners do, what's to stop him doing it again and again, knowing his personal results will not only be shared with him, but likely the papers?

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Came here to say this. They wrote the playbook that has spelled the end or at least shitification of so many standards, open-source or otherwise(but usually still free-to-use or at least cheap).

Someone needs to colorize the top pic. I'm not convinced they were any less vibrant or peace-loving then. They just happened to understand it would take violence to protect, well, anything that needs protecting.

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Note to self: in future, search for this type of content by the word "bonk" ...

I snuck a whole Arby's French Dip into that movie. Carried the au jus cup in my hand and walked right by the staff.

Ask me to leave all you want, but call the police? wtf? That'll be WHY I sneak food in the next time. This time I just needed actual dinner, and y'all don't even sell real food here.

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I remember people giving Biden shit for smelling his granddaughter's head, right in that spot in the middle of the scalp that always smells like a newborn baby. People make me so sad for the little wholesome things its obvious they missed out on, so they label it "predatory".

Floor drugs deserved better than this.

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Me too. Wish my wife would understand, when I'm being productive and ... crotchety, its basically never because she's done anything wrong, and forcing me to calm down is going to leave us all disappointed.

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The basic social contract of the web was to keep things accessible, including to bots. No one has the storage capacity to rip the entire web like all these jokers are pretending - even google merely indexes it except for the most popular pages.

The thing ruining the social contract of the web is the profit motive of all these companies trying to convince people that they should be able to sell data that is otherwise publically accessible, for the purposes of allowing bots to look at it - they can't memorize it.

Of course ChatGPT and the other AI companies ARE partially to blame: it seems they've poisoned the pot by giving their AIs continual access to the training sets and/or even the broader internet on the backend without making this clear to users, allowing Journalists to claim that these AIs have somehow memorized Pettabytes of data into a few Gigabytes. That is an ABSURD, basically impossible, compression ratio for anyone with even the slightest comprehension with the topic.

No, your random article you tricked ChatGPT into spitting out is not worth memorizing, not even to the lie and hallucination prone AI chatbots we have available to prod for free or otherwise. Oh, you paid for it, and your complaint is that its spitting accurate information? YOU'RE PAYING FOR THEM TO HOST THE CHATBOT FOR YOU AND PROVIDE IT ACCESS TO INFORMATION IT WOULD OTHERWISE NOT HAVE ACCESS TO ON THE BACK-END.

By all means, sue the companies into paying for their data, and force them to divulge the data-sets they keep on-hand so that they can be charged for information in them, but stop pretending the AIs themselves contain copies of it, or that its impossible to make them pay ex-post-facto (as opposed to the ENTIRETY of the rest of our legal system and enforcement) ...

AND PEOPLE, stop letting all these companies trick you into thinking that this is a valid excuse to further lock-down the web, or that you must poison your fanart with methods that WILL be bypassed. Its just another potential expense and technical burden these companies want you to believe you must bear rather than sticking to the things you enjoy and/or that put food on your table.

Known cheater plays a perfect game as black against a world champion who has never lost as white in decades. Grade A asshole, yep.

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Worst part about looking for Pink, Purple or less-common-colored tools is that almost all will tout how light-weight/small they are, and the reviews will bear out that they may be slightly lighter or smaller than other tools, but also much, much weaker, because the pandering has taken precedence over the notion of a useful tool.

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Title is misleading: they seem to be succeeding at it, not just "hitting on" women. Its alarming, not just sad and disgusting.

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Yes. When downloading the torrent, go to the files list for that torrent and un-check boxes. Resist the urge to leave only the first files in the list(as most people will do this leaving few-if-anyone seeding the rest), **and try instead to grab files from the middle or end, or just be random about it.

When the torrent finishes downloading the files you've selected, it will automatically seed those portions of the torrent which you have downloaded.

EDIT: I just remembered, some torrent programs will actually show you the seed ratio per file in the torrent. There are reasons hardly anyone is (sincerely) trying to reinvent this wheel.

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Need an "emulator"(sandbox really) for old IOS apps. All the best games I ever played on IOS, games I paid for, were retired from the app store and replaced with substandard, ad/subscription based knockoffs, years ago.

Now I think about it, I've got a lot of android apps I keep sideloading to new devices that won't work if I try to actually use them, but at least I have convenient ways to preserve those.

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Exactly how I feel about sitting up straight. If I can't lean back or sit fully cross-legged (or lay down ... 🤤), I would rather stand. To be clear, sitting straight hurts with more consistency than any other position. I'll take it, versus all the things I can do relatively without pain that would cripple my father and most other men I know.

Can I download the videos for the class I signed up for and actually watch them when I have no cell signal yet? No? Cool. Cool. Banning porn was important too I guess.


(no, I'm not asking to be able to export content. I'm talking about using their paperweight of an app)

While I've never seen a router default to the 172.16... range, to me it just means that someoe bothered to modify the settings. No wonder the network is faster.

Fear-mongering much?

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Deadnaming Corporations-In-General: chef's kiss

Did you? Sure, it quotes a study, but its otherwise a bunch of quotes from one of the study authors, an author who has a definite idea of what to blame:

Smart phones, and nothing else. Let's hope he's better at conducting studies than he is at staying abreast of current events, but yeah, this non-sense is close to cream-of-the-crop for the Scientific "articles" that are always cluttering my Lemmy feed. Okay, so I confused one site for another, but we should demand better of more respectable sites, as well as round-filing the utter garbage.

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Yet another opinion piece to remind me that blocking posts by domain can't come soon enough.

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I was rooting for this therapy, but not at the expense of exposing vulnerable people to all the hokum that Lykos was apparently trying to spike it with. FDA made the right call for now.

Not the technical definition of due diligence, but possibly more than happened here...

Like I said. The weakest form of enforcement possible. Their policy accomplished nothing here, and somehow they were proud enough of that nothing to try to get papers to crow about it.

Every time I try to play a morally ambiguous character, I get saddled with another player who isn't playing amoral or evil so much as BAT-SHIT INSANE. Yes, Mr. Kicked-A-Dog-Into-A-Fire-At-A-Temple-Causing...Issues, I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU.

Like ... we haven't even left the location we met at yet. WTF?

You can easilly select those files from a given torrent which you would like to download and seed.

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Nomenclature's Sky... well shit, you can just go around naming things if you like.

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I think your mistake was assuming users woudd read the subtitle you had put in a space Lemmy users are used to seeing dedicated to much more detailed summaries of, or even the entire, content. Even if subtitles are closer to the intended use of that space and you did provide plenty of context with the subtitle.

Try expecting less of people. I assure you it will save you a world of pain and a lot of yelling at clouds.

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If I could just get it to stop tagging Liquor Stores as significant landmarks while I'm driving, that would be great. Otoh, if it tricks people into Liquor Store detours, wouldn't that be a fun Congressional Inquiry?

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The only thing worse than a Southern Republican is a Northern Republican. Apparently, the party must resort to abducting old white men from the dementia ward, lobotomizing them, and putting them on an amphetamine drip before they find something "suitable" to put behind a podium.

As usual when a comment like yours comes up, the feature already exists. In this case, its available only to instance admins.

A better suggestion would be to setup one's own instance, but that's not dismissive enough, it seems.

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Sack trimming is what ultimately converted me from electric trimmers to safety razors. Night and day. Even if I nick myself, the closest thing to a problem is NOT pain.