3 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is so stupid. It cracked me the fuck up. The kid and I are sitting giggling like a couple of morons.

Y'all are motherfucking gangsters. Appreciate the work you're putting in. I don't do your kind of code or I'd pitch in. Much love. ♥️

Damn. I was really hoping this would be a ray of light for the next year and a reduction in the level of election insanity we're going to see.

Instead, just more fuel for the flames.

RiF migrant here. Howdy, y'all! Pull up a chair.

Former fundie here. Y'all are probably misinterpreting what is going on.

Mike Johnson is a True Believer™ from what I've seen. Doesn't mean he's not a terrible person, but his motives and actions aren't necessarily as simple as repressed urges to view gay porn.

The most likely explanation is that Mike Johnson's son was watching porn and got caught, probably more than once. He probably admitted his guilt early on, but he attempted to hide the activity. So, not only do you have the kid for sexual immorality but you've got him for dishonesty. After hours of lectures at the boy - involving his mother, father, possibly clergy or youth leadership - the poor kid is probably swearing on a stack of bibles that he sees the light and will never do it again. That's not good enough. He can't be trusted as this isn't the first time.

This passage was probably pounded in bone deep:

Matthew 5:

27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 29And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 30And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

So, the boy should rip out his own eyes and cut off the hand he jacks off with. Maybe he should castrate himself. If the behavior continues, he's willfully hellbound. Doesn't he understand?

So, Mike Johnson, wonderful paragon of fatherly leadership, says they will both install this software. That way he can prove what a good person he is and bear the cross of his son's sin. See how great he is? He's helping the boy with his problem. Barf.

So, now the kid's 'sin' is making national news and impacting his father who is a Great Man™.

Christian guilt in a nutshell.

I really feel for the poor bastard. Hopefully he makes it out from under the shadow of his father's insanity. It's truly evil shit.

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Looks like it is showing some etoiliation on the new bud. It has to bud to continue to grow as it was cut of when planted. Aerial root may mean that it is root bound in that pot.

Larger pot with the correct soil for dragon fruit, more sun.

Machining and blacksmithing are highly correlated with right wing BS in the US. Check my uname and ask me how I know. 😁

Copied a previous comment of mine. There's some ugly context to this:

Former fundie here. Y'all are probably misinterpreting what is going on.

Mike Johnson is a True Believer™ from what I've seen. Doesn't mean he's not a terrible person, but his motives and actions aren't necessarily as simple as repressed urges to view gay porn.

The most likely explanation is that Mike Johnson's son was watching porn and got caught, probably more than once. He probably admitted his guilt early on, but he attempted to hide the activity. So, not only do you have the kid for sexual immorality but you've got him for dishonesty. After hours of lectures at the boy - involving his mother, father, possibly clergy or youth leadership - the poor kid is probably swearing on a stack of bibles that he sees the light and will never do it again. That's not good enough. He can't be trusted as this isn't the first time.

This passage was probably pounded in bone deep:

Matthew 5:

27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 29And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 30And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

So, the boy should rip out his own eyes and cut off the hand he jacks off with. Maybe he should castrate himself. If the behavior continues, he's willfully hellbound. Doesn't he understand?

So, Mike Johnson, wonderful paragon of fatherly leadership, says they will both install this software. That way he can prove what a good person he is and bear the cross of his son's sin. See how great he is? He's helping the boy with his problem. Barf.

So, now the kid's 'sin' is making national news and impacting his father who is a Great Man™.

Christian guilt in a nutshell.

I really feel for the poor bastard. Hopefully he makes it out from under the shadow of his father's insanity. It's truly evil shit.

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No doubt, the national security risk from something like this is pretty significant. IIRC, Covenant Eyes is basically a rootkit that you voluntarily install and you can get around it by booting from USB.

Many fundamentalists take a lot of pride in being Luddites. Knowing too much about computers and the internet can be 'Worldly'. Church networks are often wide open and church computers are frequently infected. Leadership roles in fundy churches - as low as Sunday School teacher - can come with an email address and instead of using webmail, members will install add-ridden software given by the webhosting company of their website. There are companies that specialize in providing webhost and associated services to fundie churches.

There's an entire cottage industry of 'Christian' software and computer services. You know they're good people because they have a fish symbol on their homepage and some bible crap in their about section.

The exploits write themselves.

I wish more people on the left realized this. It's been my experience that a lot of the left are insulated from just how big a threat the Nat-C's really are. Most people lack the historical knowledge to see just how spooky the similarities between the rise of Nazi Germany and events in the US over the last few years. The Beer Hall Putsch and the response to it are frighteningly similar to January 6th.

Due to the rural/urban divide, even in red states, most of the left aren't seeing or hearing how far off the deep end a big chunk of this country has gone. I'm a redneck, have a heavy southern accent, beard, truck and most of the other stereotypes. People just assume I'm conservative.

The shit strangers just say to me is unreal. "Putting the n*****s back in their place, only good democrat is a dead democrat, the Storm is coming and then they'll see."

The racism has gotten worse, or at least way more open, people didn't used to be so openly racist even when they thought they were only talking to likeminded individuals. I almost never heard anti-Semitism until a few years ago, there are so few Jews in the south it just wasn't much of a thing. Baptists tended to support Israel. Now they're getting talking points from whatever Q-hole they're feeding from and talk about Jewish conspiracies. I can only think of a couple of times I heard Jew-bashing. One was an actual Klan member and the other moved to the south as a teenager.

There's always been anti-black racism, it's the south, but BLM ripped the lid off. Claims that black men were punching white women in Wall-Mart in town and that the cops weren't stopping it. Crazy shit.

And then there's the queer community. If you have a queer kid, and you're smart, you get that kid into an online school. The hatred is truly vicious and supported by the State.

We're getting the fuck out in the summer of '24 and moving up to Yankee land. Figure it will be a lot safer there.

If I have to, I'll figure out how to make a community and mod the thing until someone better comes along to mod it. I'm very much a lurker and rarely post.

I'm hoping that there's already something out there.

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Farm and eweka.

I drive a 98 Ranger XLT, it has a 5900 lb towing capacity. I'm pretty much going to keep fixing it forever.

I want to watch all the groups that have been threatening my people. I could give a shit less what their particular views are at this point. They have heads full of rot and words full of poison.

Dikes or pair of dikes also refers to diagonal cutters. (Look like pliers with blades instead of jaws at the end) They are used for cutting sheet metal, also, wire cutters are also called dikes. Can also be used as a verb: Dike off the corner of that piece of steel, or, dike out that part of the circuit.

My wife is bi and it always messes with her when I say it. Just a trade term.

Escape the Devil's Doom Looks like there is a PC port for it now.

I'm stripping ipv6 because I'm ignorant on a lot of this and a lot people say it's bad and show how to strip it. I'm a script kiddie in a old guys body.

I ran both iptables-save and nft list ruleset but, the output was so offensively formatted when inserted into Lemmy, I'll wait until I've had some sleep to try and get it legible.

Right, fail safe is the concern, I couldn't get the kill switch to work so I started monkeying with UFW.

I'm probably, mostly, behind my eyes, inside my head.

In moments of adrenaline and action, I'm in my chest or gut. Sometime hands, especially when doing delicate or involved work. Sometimes legs or arms when laboring.

In times of pain, I'm often at the focus of the pain until I work and ignore the physical and go somewhere deep inside that doesn't hurt so much. Usually, a good memory or fantasy.

As best I can figure, the majority on the left are completely unaware of how dangerous things have gotten over the last few years. Unless you're living in it, most people see it as histrionics.

We live in the deep south in what used to be an island of relative progressiveness. I have acquaintances that joined the three percenters, know former military spouting Q shit. Lost the only man I ever called brother to the insanity. Things have CHANGED in the last few years.

Our friend circle has shrunk and we no longer talk to our neighbors.

We're moving to the northeast this summer. There's a very real chance that it won't be safe for us here much longer.

Like you, we're armed and also realize that it likely won't be enough.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme. The smart Jews with means got the fuck out of Germany before things popped off. We can't afford to leave the country but hopefully we'll land somewhere safer.

Hope nothing happens and all the worry has been for nothing. I really want to be wrong.

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I have a wife, daughter, and son. My daughter is queer. My son is a teen. There isn't a future here for them. My daughter, especially, will be in danger.

I've had to cut all contact with my family.

We've been saving since 2020.

If it was just me, I'd stay.

I pass as a bearded white guy good ol boy. The shit I hear. These people aren't coming back. Even if nothing happens with the next election, I don't know how they rejoin reality.

I don't know what happens to this country. I kind of hope there is a bloodless balkanization.

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I've got 53 and 5353 open so that DNS will work for my local network when connecting to *arr and jellyfin.

I.E. type raspberrypi:8989 in a browser to bring up Sonarr.

Should I restrict to UDP?

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I'm very much a RTFM guy myself. So much so that I'm getting a front plate that says RTFM. It always amazes me when people kill good equipment through lack of easy maintenance that is clear in the documentation or can't solve a simple problem because they didn't look at the instructions. My career is now based on my ability to implement what the instructions say (thus the plate).

I don't always follow the instructions; but I damn well know when I'm violating them, and why, as well as assessing the risks as best I can. That's why I'm asking: the instructions didn't make sense to me but I'm not an electrician or automotive engineer.

I'm real picky about my truck. It has a few dents and paint chips but is pretty cherry. 190k miles. It just got a clean bill of health from a trans shop and I had them add a trans cooler. About to replace plugs, wires. Doing my own hitch install because I don't trust most shops to drill my frame or torque correctly. Also going to try and find an oil leak. Getting a few drops a day. Hope it's something simple.

My truck has only surface rust as it has never been on salted roads. I've got a 500watt amp under the seat grounded to the cab and I downgraded the fuse to 30amps because it didn't need the 50watt or whatever it was the kit came with.

My gut says that running the ground to the battery and using an auto reset breaker are a bad idea. However, my gut can be wrong and I'll ground to the battery and use the auto reset breakers.

Thank you very much for the advice!

MAGAt Watch, Fascist Watch?

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WatchtheRight works for me, I'm also partial to FascistWatch as that pretty well describes the whole range.

We can let it percolate a bit. I won't be setting anything up until tomorrow anyhow.

I will do so. Thanks!

*edit Not engaging.

Awesome! I don't want to mod but will if I need to.

As I said, I'm mostly a lurker. However, given how small Lemmy still is, I'll make sure I contribute to help growth.

Dang, you're in about as good a place as you can be then.

I hope I'm just an alarmist old fart. If so, my family ends up with a better life anyhow.

Hmm. So you strongly recommend wiring to the battery and using the auto reset breakers as the risk of brake failure is greater than an unattended short.

I'm just a jack at auto repair and electronics and haven't dealt with trailers since I was a kid on the farm. If you don't mind me asking, what is your experience with trailers and such?

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In case of a fused breaker?

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That's a pretty good idea. I've got Maxi fuses in 40 and 50amp values. Maxis are slow blow, IIRC. May do this.

I second this recommendation, was going to post the same thing. Just watch out for cats and permethrin, it is neurotoxic for them.

For your old man's sake, have a plan. Have a go-bag, include SS card and birth certificate. Try and keep your vehicle 3/4 full. Chances are, you will have time to run to a safe state on one of the coasts. Pre-plan two routes, one for back roads and the other for highways and interstates, print it out. If you can, keep a minimum of $500 on hand and more like $1-2k.

I strongly recommend a handgun, take it to the range and practice enough to be proficient loading and shooting at 7 yards. A single woman is usually welcomed at ranges. Just don't talk politics and if anyone asks, you've got a bad ex-husband. The more straight you appear, the easier it will be.

Sorry for the unsolicited advice/novel. Stay safe.

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7-way kit is ETBC7 from etrailer. Breakers included are Pollak PK54230 and PK54240. These are thermal overload breakers and typical of 12V auto reset breakers. They get hot and a bimetallic strip flips up breaking the circuit.

These breakers are used instead of a fuse. That's why I'm thinking of using manual reset.

I can just see them ticking away if there was an unattended short.

Edit: Also, the instructions on that ETBC7 kit include grounding directly to the battery. I assume, since so many people suck at electrical, that's the safest way to ensure there is a proper ground. I'll be making my own good ground somewhere with bare metal.

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