MadMenace [she/her]

@MadMenace [she/her]
1 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Even if her death is guaranteed by leaving it in (and I'm not sure it is without more information), does that make it ethical to remove? Perhaps the patient would prefer a shorter life with greater quality in regards to her seizures. After all, don't we allow and accept cancer patients to forgo treatment and enjoy the time they have left?

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I trust the admins. I was attracted to beehaw specifically because of the tight moderation. If they think they can keep to the same high standards and refederate, great. If not, oh well. I'd rather miss out on some content than expose myself to rude assholes, bigots, fascists etc

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Does anyone know why he used a bail bond company? Seems weird. Does he really not have the $200,000?

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I just recently left my job as a manager at a pizza place. One thing that helped my sanity when dealing with crazy customers is to laugh at them. They get so upset, over what? Pizza? Can you imagine how shitty their life must be to get so worked up over something so minor? It got to the point that I'd have to stifle my laughter in order to not piss them off further, especially when they asked for my name. Yes, please waste your time complaining about me, nothing will come of it because you're full of shit. I especially liked scolding customers in my kindergarten teacher voice when they cussed. Can we behave like adults today?

Also, coworkers are great for venting about customers to each other. You get a little quick validation and it goes a long way.

I have a tickle phobia. My incredibly abusive ex boyfriend used it as a method of torture. It's surprisingly effective. He would sit on top of me so I couldn't escape and keep going and going. I just remember not being able to breathe and blind panic.

So yeah. Not a fan. Makes me have panic attacks.

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Hmm, that's not how they work in my state. You either pay 100% of the bail yourself, or you pay 10% to a bondsman and they cover the other 90%.

I just watched a video where a woman from Tennessee explained that every resident was required to get a new license plate that year, and that they had the choice between 2 standard options, the only difference being that one said "In God We Trust" and one didn't. Oh, and the ones that had "In God We Trust" had the numbers come first. So for example, every "Christian" license plate reads 123 ABC, and every "atheist" plate reads ABC 123.

What the fuck?

As a result of the attacks, lemmyworld temporarily turned off open sign up and switched to an application process. I saw a comment asking if this made it more likely for beehaw to refederate. 😂 They only turned off open sign up because of the mass posting of CSAM on their instance, idk about y'all but that's not exactly making me jump to refederate...

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No but I just got over a crummy chest cold. Not as bad as covid, which I've had twice.

Have you ever heard of the BRAT diet? It's helped me a lot when I have an upset tummy. Stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. All foods that are really easy on the stomach. I hope you feel better soon.

I'm guessing the patients were required beforehand to sign forms consenting to the device being taken out in the event of ___________ (in this case, the company going under). Because otherwise I don't understand how it'd be legal to force someone to have brain surgery against their will.

But if the company can't continue maintenance and support for the device, why not have her sign new forms exempting them from liability and just let her keep it? Is potential liability not the only limiting factor here? And would this be ethical?

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They are both equally important. However, we tend to judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior. Considering this, I think it's important to continually try and understand the intentions of others, and consider how our actions might be interpreted by others.

Well look at it this way, at least it was ruined ahead of time and you didn't end up eating meat that had been sitting out at room temp for 2 days.

The Chrono Trigger soundtrack is a goddamn masterpiece. I haven't played it for years and the songs still randomly pop into my head.

Use the garlic butter dipping cups from Papa John's, I bet it would slap.

I bought Dunkin's pumpkin spice ground coffee a month ago when I saw it in the store. I don't care that it's 106°F outside, I fuckin love pumpkin spice.

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Oh, I had no idea. Thank you.

Smh this site got me contemplating eating 12 different kinds of cat food in a cursed taste test

Nope, ranch has about the same amount of fat as mayo, so it comes out to a similar texture.

1 more... What have you been telling these women?

Try ranch as the fat, gives it an interesting kick.

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I can see why people would be confused or concerned after seeing the manatees. The video linked in the article shows a group of several manatees in shallow water, all close together in a big heap of slowly moving indiscernible black rubbery skin. It is absolutely not clear that what's happening is mating.

Yes, you really shouldn't eat tuna more than like 2-3 times a week because of the mercury content.

Health and housing are pretty important for survival, so it's kinda understandable that you're stressed out. Care to go into specifics? Why do you feel like you can't express yourself?

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Absolutely wild, apparently a local restaurant owner had a beef with this newspaper for some reason, and I'm guessing she has connections with the police department (especially since they were letting her drive on a suspended with impunity). Context leading up to it:

Seriously, the amount of times I've had someone I don't know ask for a hit of my dab pen is insane.

Is Tallulah Riley right wing? Wow.

It's not awful but, I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 now, 10 hours in and the game is still introducing new mechanics. This is undoubtedly the longest tutorial I've ever done.

So much of the time, people will just make up complaints to try and get free food, so you have to be constantly on guard for manipulative assholes. Getting a customer who treats you like a person even after you actually made a mistake is a total relief.

My sister used to call the lottery a tax on stupid people.

Queue that headline from 6 months ago, "Most Young Men Are Single. Most Young Women Are Not." Hmmm I wonder who the women are dating? 😏

If you’re a trans woman, would you want to go play chess if you’re specifically told that you can’t play in women’s only spaces? No, you probably wouldn’t even start.

Which is ironic, because isn't this kind of the same reasoning for creating women's tournaments in the first place? To provide a safe space for women away from the "boy's club" mentality that turned women off from pursuing chess?


The context gives me terf vibes so I'm going to say the woman may have been thinking something like "If you were a 'real woman' you'd have dealt with sexual assault yourself as a victim and would have more empathy." Which ignores how often trans women are victims and just like, falls apart when you look at things like the scores of cis women still supporting Chris Brown. Men don't have a monopoly on unfeminist opinions.

Idk about voice training but I when it comes to singing, you want to avoid smoking, and eating or drinking anything that might coat your vocals cords beforehand, like dairy. (Smoking coats your vocal cords with tar and mucus.) Makes it much harder to finely manipulate the muscles in your throat. Staying hydrated helps keep your throat clear, I suppose caffeine might affect that.

Good advice, but it's worth mentioning that ANY animal bite is an infection risk because animal mouths harbor bacteria.

Any injury that opens your insides up to the outside should be thoroughly washed with soap and water to minimize the amount of pathogens that pass through, but animal mouths and claws can harbor some nasty pathogens that have evolved to coexist with animals. Ever heard of cat scratch fever?

I don't have a dishwasher. I haaaaate doing dishes.

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Holy hell

Aww sounds like my dream life!

Never heard it called a "bum-gun" before. Thank you for the mental image of someone pointing a supersoaker at their asshole. 😂