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I’ve seen a theory that bending ability depends on spiritualism. And since all air nomads are very spiritual, they can just all bend.


You can make classes, but you can only ever make one instance of them. This shouldn't affect how most object-oriented programmers work.

I feel like this is based off our code base at work, where they never saw a singleton they didn’t fall in love with.

these hallucinations are an "inherent feature" of  AI large language models (LLM), which is what drives AI Overviews, and this feature "is still an unsolved problem”.

Then what made you think it’s a good idea to include that in your product now?!

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I’ve released a game on PC game pass (and Steam), and I can tell you that it’s painful for the devs too, before the players ever run into these issues.

One thing that was especially frustrating is that there is no way to automate the process of uploading a build. You have to drag and drop giant files (which you first had to get hold of from the build server in a usual setup). And click buttons and stuff. And wait a lot between steps.
When we mentioned the desire to automate this, so we could automatically deploy eg nightly builds, MS sounded like that was an interesting idea they hadn’t heard of before. WTF.

And stuff like that missing will automatically mean that the quality of the build on that platform is worse. No nightly build, but only build on demand requiring human work time and frustration means no frequent testing by QA on the platform, until they absolutely have to.

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I agree.

Crunch is a project management failure. This is my professional opinion as a tech lead at a mid sized gaming company.

When I saw all the praise the game received at release, the level of detail etc. My first thought was, so what was the cost on individuals?
Don’t get me wrong, this is an amazing game. But I worry that a lot of overtime went into this.
And other projects will be measured against that. This might set another very bad example.

I was gonna try it, but then I saw this:

The CEO doesn’t understand GDPR, so I’m not inclined to let them handle my data, and even pay them for the privilege.

Really nice article, except for the work time section. Can we start to agree that overtime should not be normal? (To be fair, I don’t work in an industry with actual emergencies. There’s always tomorrow or next week. So maybe I’m missing perspective here.)

Well that, and the being laid off. At my (unionized, European) company it’s usually the longer you’ve been with the company, the more secure your job is.

Also, because they are so cheap they just throw them out when the battery is empty instead of replacing the battery. It’s great for the environment! /s

I wish it was swift.

So, I’m playing adventure games (and similar games that work in the setting) with friends most Fridays. We’ve been doing this for years and have quite the list by now.

I’ll list some favorites of mine from that list. But let me know if you’re also interested in some more niche/janky games (not everything we played was good, some of it was so bad it was already entertaining again, especially when enjoyed in a group).

  • Heaven's Vault
  • The Case of the Golden Idol
  • The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
  • Chants of Sennaar
  • Pentiment
  • Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
  • West of Loathing

People make fun of this, but AAA hasn’t been an indicator for the quality for a while, but rather the budget. Given Ubisoft worked on this for 10 years, I imagine it’s gotten stupidly expensive even for them. So, the term seems appropriate to use. We can of course still criticize that with that kind of budget, this is the best they could release to players after 10 years.

What a rabbit hole I fell into with this. Really nice options, thanks for sharing!

When I was a kid, my grandparents got a new car. I got sick in it all the time because of it. I hate that smell to this day - but at least I don’t get sick anymore.

I have a two year old. I speak German, partner speaks French, we speak English to each other (but not the kid), and we live in Sweden, so the kid’s learning Swedish at the daycare.

So it’s 4 languages (3 that we teach plus English) and the one parent one language approach.

Kid was a bit slow to start speaking, but now he understands a lot in all 3 languages, learns new words in all 3 all the time, and even picks up a bit of English occasionally. He’s started to distinguish the languages too, depending on who he talks to, but it’s definitely usually still a mix of all languages. When he speaks Swedish to me, I either just reply in German, or I might repeat what he said but in German first. And when he asks for his favorite lullaby in French, I just tell him in can’t do that one. We also have books in the different languages, but we might just use them in either language and describe what’s happening instead of reading it out.

And I’m told this mixing improves over time, I’m not worried at all. So I would say this approach works really well for us.

If you mix the languages between both parents, I think (but that’s just my gut feeling), the kid will have an easier time distinguishing the languages later on if you associate some activities with a specific language. Could be a place where you always use one language. Or some books, etc.
But, I doubt that’s a must. Kids are astonishingly good at learning languages (I’m so jealous).



I never realized. Thanks!

Solve advent of code in it

I’ve been counting down the days until release. This will be one of the very few times I get something in early access.

Also I’m so glad demos are a thing again.

I hope they work on the UX a bit, especially for Steam deck. That would make the game perfect IMO. Otherwise I’ll still play it and have fun, but I’ll grumble about the UX.

This was really interesting to read. Do you have some links where I can read more about what ChatGPT likely is and isn’t capable of?

Or just both

And here I am stuck with Google slides.

On the remembering faces topic: I want to tell you about a condition called face blindness.

And people might not even realize they have it.

That doesn’t change that disabling cellular makes a difference, so I don’t see your point. Just because something’s not perfect, doesn’t mean it can’t make a difference.

It also costs you nothing to disable it. And if everyone keeps it disabled for all their flights, it’s not minimal anymore. So I don’t really see the problem here.

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But that’s just a waste of electricity then? And battery health?

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