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Joined 1 years ago

There are better ways to do that even in Excel!

Worse. It’s “attempting to understand this might cause me to question my faith, so I’m not going to even try.”

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The whole point is to 'normalise' all the issues with Trump's presidency so that the public just sees impeachment etc as a normal political process rather than a sign of something being seriously wrong.

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I like “Executive Function Disorder” as it actually describes the underlying issue and not just the symptoms that other people can see.

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Let’s not forget he stole an election with the help of a corrupt Republican governor and the Supreme Court, either.

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“On two occasions I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.” - Charles Babbage

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And just straight up broken by idiocy like infinite scroll.

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I increasingly feel like religious indoctrination in childhood creates a kind of mental illness or disability by disrupting the development of critical thinking skills.

This is not accidental. Many religious scholars have talked about the need to "instruct" children when they're very young - by the age of three or four.

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TIL I’m a transwoman.

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Don’t worry, the bigots who are backing him won’t let him forget.

Fair enough. If you want to solve the problem of gender equality, give it to the experts.

This isn’t even remotely ambiguous. The DoJ’s interpretation is correct.

The question isn’t really about the meaning of “and”; it’s about the syntactic structure of the whole section.

A defendant is eligible if they do NOT have (A and B and C). In other words, having any of A, B or C will disqualify them.

The law could have been written in a more readable fashion, for example:

the defendant—

  • (A) does not have more than 4 criminal history points…;
  • (B) does not have a prior 3-point offense…; and
  • (C) does not have a prior 2-point violent offense…

But the meaning is the same either way. Amazing that this got to the Supreme Court.

It’s also entirely plausible that this is exactly what was intended when the law was written.

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So the thing that was meant to be a learning experience turned out to be a learning experience?

There are other forms of MGM too. Fortunately most of them are rare these days. Castration, subincision, penectomy.

And then there’s intersex people. That are routinely subject to “corrective surgery” in infancy. As adults they tend to be firmly of the opinion they should have been left alone and that the surgeries were harmful.

IMO bodily integrity and autonomy is a fundamental human right that should be absolutely respected for every human being.

Just give it a couple of years for the hype/boom/bust cycle to complete, then it’ll settle down and people will start using the tech appropriately.

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That's commerce, not capitalism.

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Yes, thanks to moderators who abuse the system, and lazy admins who don’t hold them to account.

Reddit uses fingerprinting techniques to track you across accounts. You need to look into defeating these tactics in order to successfully register (and keep) a new account.

Change browser, block html canvas, change IP address, etc. Also time plays a factor. Leave it a couple of weeks.

Or, recognise that Reddit has become completely overrun with shitposting bots and has little in the way of interesting content to offer these days, and move on.

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Career-wise, yes, in my experience.

When you start out in junior positions, you don’t tend to have a lot of autonomy in your work life. Other people are setting priorities, deadlines etc, and you’re just along for the ride.

As your career advances, you tend to take on more leadership duties. You’re more responsible for managing your own work, and then eventually other peoples’ as well. This is where executive functioning deficits tend to start to really hit home.

It’s not for nothing that a lot of people get diagnosed in middle age.


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The law: Do what we say, don't challenge us, give us all your wealth, we can change the law at any time.

Your hobby is collecting hobbies.

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Everyone knows what their end game really is.

For a while there I thought "moved to Belarus" was going to become the new "fell from a window", but I guess they've decided to stick with tradition.

Some older online games have pretty good latency tolerance because they were built in an era before broadband was widely available.

Vanilla World of Warcraft, for example, has a ‘spell batching’ mechanic that helps to equalise things somewhat. You’ll need to play on a private server though because Blizz changed spell batching in Classic.

This isn't new. Reddit mods have been like this for a decade or more. And the admins let them get away with it because they get free labour from them.

You clearly don’t understand ADHD.

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I recently had to talk a designer out of implementing a “webpage progress indicator” that was a thin horizontal bar across the top of the page that filled in as you progressed through the content.

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The real world.

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ADHD is definitely a possibility. I have it and can relate to those issues. However stress, anxiety and fatigue can also cause problems like this without there being an underlying condition like ADHD. Definitely agree on seeking professional help though, if that's possible.

I wouldn't object to paying if:

  1. Their pricing was more reasonable
  2. A fairer cut went to content creators
  3. They had something that actually qualified as a search function on their site
  4. They weren't trying to bully everyone into paying
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Cue every kid in Iowa telling teacher their pronouns are Fr/Fi/Fo/Fum for a laugh.

My work machine is W11 and has options to change it. Not one of those stupid ‘home’ vs ‘pro’ version things is it?

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Oh. Yay.

And that’s their only “good” product.

The rest is utter garbageware, designed for one purpose: to check boxes on RFPs.

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Thanks, I guess. Shame I can’t compete in the olympics or read books to children any more though.

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In my experience, influencers are people who:

  • destroy natural monuments and works of art for attention
  • play cruel pranks on others for attention
  • present a completely false image of themselves and their lives
  • constantly demand special treatment while offering nothing in return

And about a million other things I can’t think of right now.

In short, they’re among the most awful people around. You really don’t need a more insulting term.

Did they specify the days were sequential?

Sure, relocate them into the new unified Israel-Palestine.

Right up there with Ctrl-X, C and V for Xut, Copy and Vaste respectively.

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They also use various browser fingerprinting techniques, and who knows how long they keep that for.