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You wouldn't believe how many people think like that, unless it's the woman caught out.

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"just am unfortunate accident." How do you not see people on the beach?

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Understood from reading, but he should have seen something from a distance. Did he forget? Not care? Was looking at something else? Hard agree with no trucks on the beach. An ATV or some sort is sufficient.

It was the tax man that brought down Capone.

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Shares location, collects other data, no data deletion. I really like the idea of the app, just not the lack* of privacy.

It's probably mostly due to not wanting to pay spousal support and control issues.

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There are two people using resources. Should've broadened my set, let me revise that now: greed and control issues. Thanks for the catch.

"I'm sorry you're frustrated, perhaps it's time to start a new topic.'

"I'm not going to respond to that."

"I only use my powers for good!”

American. He's neoliberal and right wing.

Sounds like capitalism.

MAC addresses serious have to be spoofed.

It's the most practical tax idea I've heard in forty years, tbh.

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Animals tend to force sex, as well. Humans call it rape.

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They called him Mayo Pete for valid reasons, perhaps a refresher is in order.

I chuckled. I think there is deep seated shame of being gay, or soft, in toxic masculinity (and toxic femininity), that people probably go to extremes to hide it. Like being a player, spousal "discipline," etc. and it gets passed down from generation to generation. But that's a whole other topic.

Society doesn't reward intelligence and drive, together or singly. Society rewards mediocrity (make boss look good, not yourself) and undercutting.

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Yes, I thought the article was about that and ideas for correcting neoliberalism and how to root it out, effectively. I was sorely disappointed.

The profound importance of your comment can not be overestimated, imo. The American people need to wake up quickly and learn about soft coup and especially Operation Condor. History is repeating, and I get the feeling the soft coups shepherded by the USA abroad were test runs.

It would take ripping apart and rewriting hundreds of thousands of lines of source code, if not millions. Not just bloat from one off bright ideas, that led to the next bright ideas, but the deliberate obsfucation to protect proprietary code, in more instances than I can imagine. I'm not a programmer, so I could be wrong, obviously, but from my admittedly limited perspective, they'd be better off writing a whole new OS without all the built-in garbage nobody wants.

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  1. Nothing new wrt Trump, so idk why CEOs feign surprise.
  2. Biden policies are, for the most part, tepid, but I'm the current political and media cycle, whatever, I guess.
  3. What exactly qualifies this as "news?”

In some cases, no consent at all.

Some people can be religious and understand metaphor: some people can be atheist and understand metaphor. Some prime can be religious and interpret religion literally: as can some atheists (eg ” those people believe all the species on earth fit on a boat" when obviously, many religious don't). I'm reading statements that make good points, either way. Maybe peer review being more stringent would address a lot?

It wasn't even Bill's software iirc.

This was the most refreshingly honest answer I've read in a long time. And it made me laugh. Thanks for both.

A lot of people aren't impressed. I've seen people who are ten steps ahead while everyone else thinks they are ten steps behind.

So, because I was reminded of Alito's take, I got curious and was pleasantly surprised by Wikipedia's entry about religions that are lgbtq friendly.



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Ron was a gitmo guard. I'd need to see prior records of behavioral tendencies to say he became one of the latent, but opportunistic tendencies were there.

We learned by rote, same with math. I still feel cheated I wasn't taught common core math, after seeing a video on YT a few years back.

You guys' comments here are so wholesome.

Wow, out and out that it’s 100% okay to sell a marginalized society’s history back to them at a price. What. The. Fuck.

The American way.

Or car washes? Night clubs maybe.

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Of course!

I once worked for a multimillionaire who got audited. He did have to sell a bunch of properties, cars and other toys, to pay taxes, interest, and fines, and got ten years in the pen. This was in the nineties, and he was well-liked, but I never* heard, nor heard of, anyone claim it was unfair, including those who benefited from his corruption, except one guy who bought and sold particular high-end products for him who was also audited, and avoided prison, but idk whether he had to pay delinquent taxes, penalties and interest or not.

In The Handmaid's Tale (book), the Captain took his wife's handmaid to a sex club.

Will there be quiche? Vegan is fine.

It's grammatically correct, afaict.

Lee Atwater playbook, but yes.