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Joined 13 months ago

And why would I want an apple anything? They get cheap labor so....what the investors want more money? Never had an iPhone or apple product never will.

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It's almost like Texas in general is a shit hole and tech companies shouldn't bother with the state in general. I have no clue why there even was a boom in Austin due to the stupidly shit power grid in the first place.

All I have to say is good. Fuck this woman (not literally she doesn't need to get laid). I drink and have been drunk many a times, never in that stupid inebriated state have I EVER thought to murder someone or try and cause them harm. Do dumb shit? Absolutely I'm a drunk fool so you give me a bucket, a empty street and a fuel and lighter I'm likely gonna kick a flaming bucket down the street. But to hurt someone or seek a fight etc? No. I'm still able to keep my morality and decision-making under control over those things.

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What's crappy is that's the only reason they are killing it. Cause it allows MORE people to vote easier. Which means LESS votes for Republicans. That's why they keep trying to kill it and it sucks.

No you stupid dicks maybe give them a new version after they return their originals and replace them.

You are surrounded be idiots. The average person is very stupid. Complacency is why we got Trump the first time. People sitting in their asses saying he won't win and then not bothering to vote or just tossing it away for the third party as a petty protest.

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He can't just go one day without throwing everything under a bus can he lol. Is the only person he hasn't his daughter (who he wants to bang) or has he done the same to her yet lol.

Can someone please just shut this fucking clown up?

They don't want to br worthy of love, they just want someone they can fuck and control that's it. If it was about wanting love they'd change their mindset for the better.

Huh. You don't say? I could have told you that and I'm not a genius. Who knew off world mining would be less environmentally impactful to the earth. One issue though would be cost.

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I can blame both and do. No it wasn't a good choice, but one was inherently bad and should never have been able to run. I didn't like Hillary, but I didn't like Trump way before that. Voting 3rd party is legit a waste until the way we vote changes or we somehow get one 3rd party candidate that isn't crap and has actual power to swing and knock out the two others. Which won't happen. And continues to not happen.

Does grayjay update when creators add new videos etc for YouTube? That would be the only reason i DONT use it. Though I don't see whynit wouldnt.

No shit.

I'm shocked I tell you, shocked! A republican doing fraud? No!

There never was a dream you fucks. XD

Why are u defending a corporation that's making you do a job for free that people used to get paid to do.

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Draw and quarter the mother fucker.

Trump wouldn't do any better though nor would a republican. It's a situation WE shouldn't be in.that simple.

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Honestly I'm at the point where we should evac all civilians and just nuke the area and NO ONE can have the fucking land.

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Most honest answer I've seen this week.

Put this fucker in prison...for the rest of his god damned life!!!! It's literally that easy. He has a laundry list of shit that will land him there. Stop being ficking pussies about it!

That's because that's something I've done when I was 21 😆 we played flaming bucket soccer. It did NOT end in disaster luckily.

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People have less kids when times are shit. There are fixes but with the economy, state of the world, politics, global warming and environmental issues ppl just don't want kids and I don't blame em.

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It isn't. Jist the dumb cunts that think trumps so pure. It was aired live on national TV if facts and literal live evidence doesn't sway them nothing will. Not even Trump fucking Ivanka on live TV would.

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They aren't that smart sadly. At least the SS officers were insanely smart. Though they should have been gassed or shot.

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Is there a reason he isn't being barred from running for office cause if not...he's gonna start a civil war by getting himself killed....

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I mean I suppose but when I drink now I rarely get to a state I cannot retain reason and think somewhat critical. This was mostly when I was in my 20s. But I would argue being drunk does NOT at all absolve me or anyone else from consequences of actions we made.. even impared. That's why I agree with this woman's sentences. She absolutely deserved what she got.

Unhoused....that's a fucking stupid term.

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Honestly at this point someone just needs to end Trump for the sanity of us all. There stupid fucks won't get over his dick in their ass otherwise.

No no, they are the ones throwing money at her in secret. You know that as well as i.

That's just stupid...and quite literally racist. You know there are Republicans that aren't white. Lotta blacks, Mexicans etc.

Nah just throw him in the ocean and watch the cunt drown.

Celebrating...100 days till marriage? That is fucking stupid.

They don't want to br worthy of love, they just want someone they can fuck and control that's it. If it was about wanting love they'd change their mindset for the better.

Not good enough personally. Should castrate ppl like them as well.

Get some guns and shoot em for all I care mate.

I'm waiting for the memes where people just start killing Republican officials.

That was my buddy Matt actually XD his left Jean leg caught fire, but yea I've done stupid but fun stuff.

I mean here's the thing, I'm not going to bend over and cry about people stealing things when companies want to get free labor out of you. I don't use self checkout unless I know the machines aren't bitches to use, like HAVING to wait after every scan to be told to then place it in the bag etc. I absolutely will not use those.

The issue comes when the stores have all the empty manned registers that can be used but they have 1 or 2 open IF they even have those open. They are trying to force free labor out of customers and Lotta ppl don't like it. I get it. Still not a reason to steal BUT again I am not g9nna cry about them losing money if people do nor will I condone people stealing.

Dogs mouth is FUUUCKED::: spoiler spoiler
