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Joined 3 months ago

when the huge demand for AI dies down, then maybe they'll keep the plant around and provide power to the grid. they'll abandon it to cut costs leaving the government to mop up after them as they always do


Probably the superlative of "live service cancer"

You know you can pay proton with cash, right? No need to go all shady

They have servers in different countries as well

Kotlin has not, and, and or utility functions as well

No, this only hides it visually, you still run into the issue of content being hidden behind it. I now use bartender which allows me to at least put the tray icons in a dropdown that opens below the nodge.

But the fact this is necessary speaks volumes about Apples care for user experience

And I hate every second of it on my work macbook. How one could think cutting out the middle from the space that has to house your applications menu(IntelliJs is huge for example) and your tray icons, which can be quite a lot too, and then not have a function to keep either of them from just disappearing behind that cutout is asinine.

No No, I didn't need thos menu items anyway....

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The 'forest' cut down there is just a wood farm. There's no ecosystem lost, since these farm are basically sterile

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could benefit everyone

It's almost like monopolies are a bad thing

Yeah, I noticed that too. Makes it impossible for your mouse to stay in the gutter to avoid auto play

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uBlock Origin Filter:



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Maybe you care about the studies that show how their stuff is full of toxic chemicals that would not be allowed into the EU or USA if they were imported in a regular manner

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Sounds like the time Walmart tried to get a foothold in germany. Their american way of treating workers, but especially their way of treating customers (greeters at the door) crashed and burned hard here.

Aloy on the left has exactly my expression after I had to read that

Hardware as Sold Service (HASS (german for hate))

*without being successfully sued for more than we would make from seizure induced death, outside of an arbritration court thank to our ToS

Interesting, what app is that? Just so I can steer clear of it...

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I have a shrine to the Omnissiah next to my server closet if that helps you

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The owner vanished and the other Admins miss the ssh keys to be able to migrate it. Also had a partially fried database after a disk ran out of space

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I don't know why this isn't a bigger deal. There should be a public outcry, sanctions and called in ambassadors

He's saying that she outs herself as shallow and that is important to know early on. Fuck her for mocking you height but thank her for giving you such an early warning to leave

That's what the block button is for

Problem is getting an 55+" Screen with an OLED panel and support for HDR in a non-smart package

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is being intolerable brat who thinks they deserve fairness

Why do you think anyone does not deserve to be treated fairly?

Don't cut yourself on that edge kiddo

Yes, that's the only one you should use

Google really needs to decouple the hardware from the OS. There's no good reason newer Android couldn't be installed on older phones.

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or your pics analyzed for ads

Does it support Firefox Sync or offer a similar solution/integration?

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We already told you, the years old cobwebs are not a Halloween decoration

I'm in the opposite camp, lol. I feel like Prometheus and Covenant both were deeply unnecessary. The most hurtful thing you can do for a horror franchise is add too much detail. Even if it is as weird and convoluted as Prometheus and Covenant

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NOO!! Selling toxic plastic waste is our IP!!

Yes, but you see... that's better, because someone earns money with it now

Dafür gabs vorher schon gute Gründe. Dass er sich jetzt den Autokraten dieser Welt anbiedert und dafür die Auorität Ungrans Ratspräsidentschaft ausnutzen will ist doch nur die letzte in einer Reihe EU-feindlichen Handlungen.

Am Ende müssen wir mit der EU einfach weg vom Einstimmigkeitsprinzip, damit man auch Länder wie Ungarn bestrafen kann für solches Verhalten.


You are now a cygote

I never understood why they thought it would be a good idea to have them in it. It's not like they are known well enough to have a huge pull

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What you don't talk like some PR person all the time? We at MaggiWuerze always try our best to write the most thought out and well prosed comments, offering the highest quality in written commentary on the market.

No cap