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(continuing the headline)... And Produce Some Sweet Album Cover Art

Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Piped Links?

I don't know. Seems pretty cowardly to me. So does asking for delayed trial dates.

How long do we give them to reply before we presume them lost, and the waters dangerous?

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If their art doesn’t make enough money then it’s clearly not in enough demand.

Unless you burden the word 'enough' with far too much work in that sentence, then that implication doesn't necessarily follow. It is possible for something to be in great demand by those without money to spend. Furthermore, it is possible for there to be issues with the logistics between the source and the demand (e.g. demand is very physically distributed, or temporally limited and/or sporadic).

Money is a very particular way of empowering and aggregating only some demand. It ties the power of demand to history and not moral or egalitarian considerations for one.

I get what your point, and is a fair one. Except there is evidence that he wouldn't have been voting their way, since he was thinking of leaving the court, or at least gave that impression to others to get a raise. Then the gift tap turned on...

When it first took big bites out of Firefox, it wasn't slight at all. I have only my hazy human memory on this, but some pals and I ran a test script at the time. Iirc, Chome would routinely load enough to start reading in 2 seconds while Firefox was more like 6 on average with our site list and went over 10 way too often to ignore.

It had been very easy before that to blame the sites for all the crud they were larding in. But it was like Google's clean, fast search page compared to Yahoo's "junk you don't need" frontpage all over again. Chrome won on speed fair and square.

Thus ends this yarn by one internet fogey.

Right on.

But I think people have to get used to using it for smaller, less important things first ."What restaurant should we go to?" And such like. Otherwise the entrenched interests it would oust have easy FUD ammo against it.

For that smaller stuff the mechanics of the system bog people down, so simple voting's easy count wins in the calories/decision evaluation. Maybe some apps that make it easy to do would be helpful. Or some popular board games using it as a mechanic. Discussion forum comment rankings based on it?

You meant, pointless makes roundabouts traffic lights?

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Planes are serviced by teams on a regular basis. Regulations and double checking galore. There are trailers on the road at this moment being held together with welded closed vise grips.

Hmm... Katamari Damacy, Braid, Portal 1 2 combo. Subnautica.

And we have quite a bit of willpower and imagination to build the craziest, most fucked up intersections that will still expand our cities.

Not just crazy. But glorious and transcendent too. Driving through the enormous multi freeway intersections near Dallas feels like a space age cathedral. Vaults to the heavens, arcs and sweeping forms surround you.

I imagine future archeologists digging it up and wondering about the religion that built it.

I was too young to vote at the time, but the charts and graphs thing was rad.


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