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Joined 1 years ago

-Core is the new term for just aesthetics, and I think that's much more fitting over punk. Though in the case of steampunk, it's one of the oldest -punks so getting people to swap over to steamcore or something would probably be met with a lot of opposition.

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Shoutouts to SimpleFlips

I was aware it was a pre-existing term, but it's seeing a bit of resurgence, even in music, presumably because the younger generations think they're inventing things left and right.

What on earth is crust-punk by the way? First I've ever heard of that.

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Those are mushrooms.

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"Don't be evil"

Shit writes itself.

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I remember it being convenient for getting screenshots off it to pc quickly, but I don't know if there's a better method of doing so. I rarely, if ever, use the share function to begin with.

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Same thing happened to me recently with their stupid BOGO sale, I bought Xenoblade Chronicles DE and Skyward Sword "New" and they sent me both packages with no plastic wrapping whatsoever, the pre-owned stickers very obviously ripped off and lots of damage to the cases. I went to a brick and mortar to return it and they didn't reimburse my shipping fees, I had to call customer support for them to give that back to me.

I tried to just buy them new in store and they told me they "don't carry rare games like that anymore." I said fuck it, and went to my local Walmart for Xenoblade and Target for Skyward Sword and it cost me less. What a fucking joke. GameStop is trash.

My most recent gripe is with Amiibo, Nintendo literally announced some new ones recently and yet none of their supposed retailers carry them, aside from Amazon who have ridiculous upcharges on them. Went to GameStop and the employees didn't even know what the fuck I was talking about. So if you can't buy them directly from Nintendo you're shit outta luck cuz good luck finding anyone that sells them for retail price.

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But do you use Linux?

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What irks me the most is the effort these idiot parents will go to give their baby as basic a name as "Allison" or "Ashley"

  • Ashlie
  • Ashlee
  • Ashly
  • Ashleigh
  • Ashlea
  • Ashli
  • Ashely
  • Ashlei
  • Ashleah
  • Asheleigh
  • Ashelie
  • Ahshlee
  • the list goes on and on and on

No amount of vowels is going to make your kid's name stand out when at the end of the day it's the same pronunciation as the most common, basic form of it.

Mötley might be weird but it's at least unique.

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the problem is companies have weaponised complacency, there's too many people that don't care and that's why they keep getting away with it. do it enough times and people will begin to think it's inevitable and just put up with it.

Doom wads and hacks in recent years have been doing some absolutely insane things, and it's only been getting better as more and more people are realising the things they can do with it. I'm not surprised in the slightest.

Total Chaos has got to be the most mind-blowing to me, it's a total conversion mod built of GZDoom.

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Last panel would've been better if they didn't say anything

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except that the prices of food as a whole are going up right alongside fast food.

authors profile picture.

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It (isekai) was incredibly popular in light novel circles several years ago and they're finally making the rounds in the anime industry now. They'll be replaced soon enough, most likely by light fantasy, power fantasy, with video game elements which are already starting to pop up.

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It's important for children with celiacs or allergies as even a tiny amount of exposure can have catastrophic effects. They don't need to consume it, even touching it can affect them.

Do I think it's silly to have it in rainbow letters right smack at the top of the package? Absolutely, but it's nothing to be annoyed about.

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naked hula dance by yours truly

I fukn hope not

He seems to be doing pretty well in the third movie.

But what's your contribution to mankind?

Alibaba based its motion to dismiss on how it was named in the lawsuit as instead of its formal corporate name.


That's Ma Dong-seok, the badass guy from Train to Busan.

A Korean depicted with Yakuza tattoos...

Muscular dystrophy.

DiCapri, he's pants with short legs

DiCapriSun, he's a juice pouch

DiCabrio, he's a convertible Volkswagen

YouTube appears to just be pushing random videos with almost no views regardless of your interests. I try my best to curate my subscriptions and watch history and I still will get recommendations for "Part 72" of a playthrough of a game that isn't even a genre I have a history of playing. They're just pushing garbage at this point.

that's kinda what the "too" is all about though.

otherwise the quote would just be "This shall pass."

I wouldn't call it the best, but it's definitely one of the most iconic.

just put some ham in it.

He's at the top with the other two launching her, there's a cut in the video.

The shoes are probably worthless to most folks, +400% stamina isn't a whole lot when you only have 1 stamina. Would they work during sex? You're faster, but also last longer?

I'd probably take the mask, just because that's what would benefit me the most right now.

25 years too late, downtown is a fucking ghost town now, no idea what the hell they're thinking.

exactly 200mil is less than what they make in a day.

No it's not, it's Che like check.

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I miss when the products themselves weren't cheap garbage. Back in the early 00s they hit a stride of products that were cooler versions of products available everywhere else, same function, better form.

Here's another one, Solace Dreams also really impressive, though the game didn't seem all that balanced when this video was posted, not sure if it's been improved since or if the creators moved on to another project.

My first thought was Four Swords but the order should be Green, Red, Blue and Purple.

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is this not SEGA being cheeky about Ubisoft claiming that Skull & Bones is a quadruple A game?

or are they being serious that they're dumping that much into Crazy Taxi?

Perfect Openings

Good Stuff

Really making me wrack my brain here, but that's what I got for now, tried to pick a few that a lot of folks probably wouldn't be all too familiar with. Of course there's plenty more I like that have already been mentioned here like Sorairo Days and the like.

That's a big part of the appeal of some artists, they can keep the panels clean while not detracting from the action. They're few and far between, but they are out there.

Fair enough, it's not like it wasn't immediately apparent anyways, so in that sense the order doesn't matter.

Is it painted or is the shell custom as well?