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the place I work has tried RTO policies several times now - with very limited success. well over 90% of all white collar jobs can be done from wherever you can get internet so your VPN software will function. the customer facing part of the business has to be there 100% of the time, they dont have a choice, that's how the business model is designed. I go in a few days a week but honestly dont ever actually need to be there. maybe 2 days a month, tops, is my presence absolutely required.

the really interesting bit, which the article didnt touch on (not much of an article to begin with) is that there is a commercial real-estate bubble. the big buildings in the downtown business district/cores of most cities, that real-estate isnt worth much if there's no one renting the space. businesses that used to rent the space no longer need to because all of their employees work from home now. the people who invested in those big buildings are not seeing a return on their investments - and they are unhappy. that is, imho, a big driver behind the RTO movement.

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a one-seat majority isnt going to last for that long... right?

the "change" is that laptop ram is socketed again?

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VPN services are widely used by businesses - does this prohibition affect them?

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thats going to be an issue - at my work roughly 60% of the userbase is connected via VPN at any given point - so, ~40,000 people or so

depends on the restaurant, each has their own vibe. most places, if you're spending a lot they wont care if you occupy a table for half of a day. some places will and you learn to avoid them.

murder and violating a corpse.

win11 is hot trash. seems like every other windows release is a skip. did Ballmer enshrine that or was it Gates?

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if a content creator doesnt want people to be able to skip the ads/demonetize the content, then they should post on a platform that makes ads mandatory.

problem is that no one will watch crap on that sort of platform

ah, power constraints. yeah that tracks

considering his cabinet's international policy and all...

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and you're not even supposed to have a cellphone in use while driving in WA, that's an automatic ticket... though the police have you catch you doing it first.

same, and only reason I even looked at the article. why cant crypto just die already? it's just a huge scam

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Jesus Christ Marie, They're Minerals!

letters are literally whatever you want to spell.

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really hope so - my work's ServiceDesk is based in India and they're barely functional - nothing gets fixed until the problem gets passed to an American IT person.

wrongthink must be stomped on, with impunity.

without workers the smoothies dont get made.

how do they enforce that? seems undoable

yep. I never really paid attention to the show drama/trial. it was clear from the outset that he was guilty.

so... repackage a pi?

a little guy attacking a big guy needs to expect a big response. it's moronic to believe anything else

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are those people registered to vote?

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yep. diet is huge. lower salts, eliminate sugars, eliminate processed foodstuffs

healthy lo'i [water taro] system needs about 250,000 gallons per day per acre for it to be healthy

probably doesnt help at all. maybe grow things that are less water intensive?

remote work is pretty prevalent in finance/banking - at my job only the customer facing folks (branch offices, investment/mortgage, etc) need to actually be in the office - that's only 30% of the workforce. another 15% is hybrid now, the rest are 100% remote.

Section 702 permits the US government to wiretap communications between Americans and foreigners overseas

if the average American does not communicate with anyone outside of the country then, yes, that's true. really depends on the "communications" aspect though, as, with the Internet, a significant percentage of media is hosted outside of America's geographic borders.

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of course he's appealing. wont work of course

the KT impact

yeah, my last job was offshored to India. from what my ex-coworkers told me, problems I could fix in a few minutes would take the new group weeks to do - and that was 6+ months after I got let go. maybe they got better but I seriously doubt it. just because a job is capable of being outsourced it doesnt necessarily mean that it'll happen.

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yeah 8.1 wasnt that bad (supported it, didnt use it), 10 was way better than 8.1 imho. thinking win10 is going to be my last win though.

i met a bunch of folks going to school that I'd never have met if I didnt go (different social circles). still chat with a lot of them 25+ years later.

eh, I could just pirate their words if I so chose & there'd be fuckall they could do about it

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really? I read somewhere that the Fed has no plans to change rates.

obviously it wouldnt be prison like real prison but more of like goodfellas prison

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what language is that? looks sort of... polish?

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lived in New Orleans for a few years. first apartment was 11 feet below sea level - it flooded a few times. 2nd apartment was still below sea level but was on a raised foundation - hurricane (a few before Katrina) smashed a giant oak tree into the house. 3rd apartment was closer to the downtown area (ground was less reclaimed swampland and more solid) - still below sea level but not near trees. nice place, was there for a year then I gtfo before Katrina hit.

most of Louisiana is a floodplain, most of it does not have a very high elevation. most of the cities around Lake Pontchartrain are either at or below sea level - Slidell is relatively mountainous with an average elevation of 13 feet (which means basically nothing when a hurricane rips through). everyone that lives there (near Lake P) is familiar with flooding and is not under any assumptions that they are not living in a flood prone area.

companies will just leave even faster. someone didnt think this one through

oof an i3 though. modern winOS doesnt like i3's

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do doctor drugs/antibiotics count?