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Joined 12 months ago

The internet has ruined me. I fully expected a punchline about uninstalling Life.

Great game though, agreed. Stupid thing had me waking up at 6am as a child to attend morning aerobics.

And Kiki stole something from me before I could save with it. I forget if it was an igloo item or a painting. I liked her but not at that moment! Looking back though, little frustrations like that made the game more charmingly alive.

I have to ask because I live under a rock and can’t tell; Is this type of joke legitimately considered transphobic?

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Seen this so many times and glad to keep seeing it.

More people being informed on these scummy practices to look out for and avoid is a good thing.

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If they can figure out how to enable the camera on my cameraless pc, that’s just impressive.

I don’t even use a proper monitor I use a 6 year old budget tv screen. I see no camera lens on that thing.

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Each video game copy was customized and knew exactly what you would try to do always.

Not from button inputs. That never crossed my mind. Literally thought it was some magical fake interactive movie and the wizards who made them accounted for everything and knew you better than you did.

Needless to say, learning about code and how you can make things read button inputs was a mind-blowing moment for me. I learned what the secret behind the magic was.

I have ever since then been far more curious on how and why things work. Learning about the methods behind the magics.

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Making info on Reddit useless to real humans is the main reason I need to set aside time to do this.

I really don’t care if AI trains off of what I’ve said. I do care that greedy greedy Steve Huffman killed 3rd party apps for it.

If Reddit’s use for searching obscure stuff goes away, there goes the biggest draw of the site. Get people going elsewhere. Like here!

There are too many damn love songs. 75% of all music does not need to be about love, relationships, and breakups. I stopped listening to radio because all the damn love songs got annoying.

Can we please have more songs about literally anything else. Weed, flowers, rainy days, animal companions, construction work, types of cars, card games, anything. There’s more in life to sing about than just relationships and/or the lack of them!

Sincerely, A person whose sexuality is “No” and has no interest in that kind of relationship.

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Pfp? Well I missed a memo. Seem to be fine without one though since I didn’t even know that was a thing.

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I miss it, but I also get to feel like I’ll see it grow all over again, slightly different.

But this time I already know that it’ll become a great place to go find a community for any specific niche in the future.

And this time, an ass CEO idolizing another idiot cannot kill off third party apps with one toxic decision.

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Humanity is screwed.

They like being alone, don’t like loud noises, will find a reason to leave a situation with more than 3 people in a small area. They don’t have any sexual desire and will be most happy to go through life without ever having intercourse. Probably going to go extinct without outside intervention thanks to that, better intervene to preserve the species.

They want to hibernate when it’s cold outside. Cold = anything below 70f.

They’re herbivores though so at least they don’t destroy their planet by mass farming the cruelest and most inefficient food source possible. Silver lining?

Wait tgis is a real car? Wow I thought it was an art project or AI meme

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Factory worker. Not tech illiterate but also not exactly an expert in any respect.

Have been abnormal though, Internet-wise. I only have a twitter to post crap from Switch to lazily import screenshots to computer. When Facebook asked for my real name I said fuck you and never looked back.

Reddit was the only social media that I actually used as social media.

The Game is the perfect counter/addition to Loss memes because every time I see a meme of Loss I know I just Loss The Game.

Then I get to say it and make othe people lose the game because of Loss. This makes me smile.

Fuck Steve Huffman should be all I need to say. Came from Apollo.

I’m not fully settled though. I’ll probably end up making an account on another instance or two, and check out Mastodon. I was never a Twitter person but hey why not try new (similar but different) things? But I also don’t feel rushed to do any of that.

Thanks. I just lost The Game.

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“Threads” is a new thing and allegedly he intends to have it link to the fediverse.

The thing to worry about is that it is an attempt to get rid of the Fediverse via Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

Since Threads is directly tied to Instagram, it may be an attempt to have the majority of fediverse users use Threads, because only Threads is also tied to Instagram. Once having the majority, defederate and keep the majority of the users that couldn’t otherwise be bought.

This is hearsay mind you. I am repeating what I have read. Please feel free to seek more accurate info.

The Tl;dr: Zuck is scared of unbuyable competition and we should NOT welcome his product in.

Side note: I can’t see the word “Threads” like I can Facebook or Twitter. Threads already exist as a term for a certain format, not a social networking service.

Another Voyager user here. It looks and feels like Apollo did and that’s what I come from.

Fun fact: Gas chambers are often used to kill pigs. You can hear their screaming from outside the facilities as the gas burns them to death from the inside out.

This is common practice.

It is plenty likely the victim in the picture whose mutilated corpse is very disrespectfully converted into sewage by now was gassed to death.

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I used to use Reddit every day. I just replaced Reddit time with Lemmy and YouTube.

If YouTube goes down… I’ll live. It’s not a life support thing like income or housing so I’ll just find other things to fill the hole.

Will it suck? Sure. Will I live? Yep. I’d prefer they put out a reasonably affordable subscription instead of just nuking themselves with ads and more enshittification, but it’s not like life itself depends on YouTube.

Their current subscription is too pricey. At least last I looked.

They can get some of my money if they put out a sufficiently lower priced option. I paid for Reddit premium and used none of the features I just liked the site before Steve Huffman decided to be super extra shitty. I’d do the same for YouTube.

It was my first browser. I used IE to download it.

When I changed computers I did use Chrome for a bit. Then Vivaldi because it was better to me (I liked the split window browsing)

Saw mention that Chrome and all related browsers were about to kill adblockers. Returned home to Firefox immediately.

I don’t feel a need to change right now, but have heard of Waterfox and Librewolf as potential forks. They’re in my mind if I ever feel the need.

On Voyager with my account with nsfw toggled off and I don’t see any furry or porn.

I am pleased with this.

I haven’t looked at the lgbt spaces on Lemmy. Are they as bad as Reddit was?

Where people don’t understand what a definition is and say everyone is whatever they feel like that particular Tuesday?

I left so many spaces when they got taken over by people who just wanted to collect labels without understanding what they meant, and instead just morphing labels to mean whatever they wanted.

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uBlock Origin has spoiled me by allowing me to erase the shorts listings. So I don’t even know how bad it is for shorts.

“What I do won’t matter” said by every individual is exactly how nothing changes.

Sure the ocean won’t suffer for the loss of a few individual drops of water. But if there are no drops of water at all, there is no ocean.

We are all drops.

Wow just calling me out here smh.

Paraphrased probably, but:

“What is an ocean but a thousand drops?”

It’s a really good way to get rid of the mentality of one person can’t make a difference. Because everyone is a drop, and without so many drops, there is no ocean. Maybe one individual drop doesn’t truly make a difference alone. But what if every drop was gone?

It helps me feel that, even if the difference I make isn’t big enough to make an impact, an impact only exists BECAUSE of all the drops.

That goes for both positive and negative things. A thousand bad drops are needed to make a bad thing. A thousand good drops to make a good one.

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Wholesome kitties!

I haven’t looked into what Sync is but it sounds like it’s more than just Reddit Lemmy?

Also a paid app?

If it’s a paid app then that makes me think quality to be honest. It’s probably misguided, but my default is to feel that if you need to pay up front for an app it’s going to be higher quality and not full of ads/microtransactions.

That’s basically the mindset I’m in.

We’re screwed and won’t shape up in time. But I’m still going to self reflect and improve myself.

There is very little chance. But there is zero chance if everyone lets zero chance stop them from caring about their own actions.

That reminds me of a generational difference I heard about where when someone says “Thank you”, the older generation will say “you’re welcome”, seeing that they did something worth thanking. But the younger generation feels uncomfortable saying “you’re welcome” and says “no problem” instead, implying it was simply an expected thing for them to do.

I’m in the “no problem” generation. And yeah, saying “you’re welcome” really does just feel weird to me.

I still have my account and check like once every couple weeks for 2-3 communities.

On PC, old.reddit, and no chance of getting a single ad in my face. I’m not technical enough to know if they’re getting other data from my bimonthly visits, but that’s a far cry less than my old every night visits.

As soon as they get rid of old.reddit it won’t even be reddit to me anymore. Just an ugly new thing overwriting the site I once enjoyed.

Thank you.

It’s not people using the neutral that bothers me, it’s the fact that the neutral is both singular and plural while the non neutrals are only singular/plural.

and the plural part also alters the entire sentence structure to plural.

“He is over there” - Singular and easy to understand

“They is over there” - Just sounds wrong.

“They are over there” - Both singular and plural. Is it a person of unspecified nature or multiple people of mixed ones?

English could use a popularization of a strictly singular neutral that doesn’t carry implications of being an object rather than a being (“It is over there”)

There are niche reddit communities I might still interact with.

But I have a combo of NoScript/adblock/ublock origin hard mode and a cancelled premium making sure they don’t get a penny from me, and I’ll prefer to post any useful info on Lemmy instead.

Probably around 8-10ish?

I knew people MADE the games. I just thought that the how involved so much more super-genius level of predicting the future and several times tried to ‘test’ that by doing weird things like waiting 5 minutes before pressing any buttons. And was amazed that still didn’t fool it.

Probably being unable to buy music when I was in my teens.

No job, no income, no way to get to the store anyway, and to top it off… half the music I liked I wouldn’t have been able to find anyways. (Fan songs/parodies)

So I learned that (free) YouTube downloaders and MP3 converters existed.

A bit later than that… NES/SNES games I wanted to play but those consoles were before my time. So I learned emulators existed.

So basically stuff I didn’t have access to otherwise.

Rain World.

I have some spoilers (including the gist of the ending) but am playing as blind as I can manage. It’s nice to just play and discover without having a guide by my side.

That’s a nice thing for me so far. Instead of endless hours wasted, it’s a little peek here and there. See some news, enjoy some memes, and move on.

If your keyboard has home/end buttons (right side, towards the top for me) and scroll to top does what it sounds like, you can probably ditch that one.

Pressing home automatically sends you to the top of the page, pressing end sends you to the bottom.

I personally got rid of Honey because I got word of it being a data harvester, which makes sense to me since it spammed advertising to YouTube sponsorships despite being a “free” thing… so I honestly didn’t bother looking to far into that I just chucked it and moved on. It wasn’t important enough for me to bother checking how they got the money to advertise through content creators.

I do use Dark Reader, RES (rip Reddit though. RES gets far less use now but I’m still keeping it), Sponsorblock, Return YouTube Dislike, and uBlock Origin from that list. So obviously I (currently) agree with them.

Vegans simply existing make people feel uncomfortable, so defense mechanisms in the brain trigger.

Since it’s an ethical stance, and people at least deep down know that killing innocent animals for 5 minutes of taste pleasure is wrong, but they don’t want to change themselves.

So the brain tries to rationalize how it’s definitely not wrong and really the vegan is wrong, and/or demonize the position to shield itself from the discomfort of knowing.

Basically psychological defenses kick in to defend unethical behavior that someone highlights by simply existing.

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Oh that one works. Thank you!