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Joined 3 months ago

Imo owning a second property to rent out for some side cash is fine. It's a problem when your only occupation is "landlord"

Cause AI = bad

Duh 🤪

What sexist horseshit are you talking about?

Only way you aren't a "wagie" is if you're a trust-fund baby lol

So are you a trust-fund whiny bitch baby?

It kinda is for the children of fat folk

I'll believe it when I see it lol

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My parents kicked me out twice as a kid. One time was when I was 18, and I ended up homeless for almost 5 months on the other side of the country. The shit I went through fucked me up good. They said it was "tough love."

Please please please don't do something like that to your kid if you're trying to teach them a lesson. Those 4+ months still haunt me a decade later and continue to cause me immense pain.

I work in construction, and there are several black co-workers of mine that support Trump.

Idk why it is so hard for media to grasp that there are chuds of every race.

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Almost as if you shouldn't fly a helicopter through foggy mountains...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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This is a sad one once you notice it. The outdoors feel emptier

Got duped into giving my login info to a dude who promised to put money into my bank. Lost my account for like a week, and when I finally recovered it, they had taken what little I had. I cried.

Runescape as a child was a good place to learn life lessons

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I can barely afford to live. Tf am I gonna do?

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The Paxton's were family friends when I was growing up. We'd drive out there and visit, and my brother and I would always play "jedi vs sith" with their son tucker where they'd team up on me, and I'd always lose, lol. I also remember canvassing for Ken with my parents back when he was running for state congress or something. It is so surreal to see what Ken has become. My parents won't talk about him. Fuck that guy.

Yeah cause most people on here don't like ethnocentric genocidal states. Sorry to burst your little bubble ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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If porn is the only thing stopping someone from raping another person, then their problems are a whole lot deeper than porn

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Shit I'd go even lower. Gotta be young enough to have some skin in the game when it comes to the consequences of legislation, etc.

Don't forget the fruit companies!

Thanks, Mr. Boeing CEO

Yeah, cause she's an elitist piece of shit, which makes her unqualified to anyone with a fuckin brain.

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I eat meat, but I've gone months at a time on a vegetarian diet, and the smell of cooking meat could be nauseating at times. I don't think as many people would eat meat if it wasn't so ingrained in our society

Heck, you can't even mention Onlyfans on Twitch...

They don't like users mentioning their direct competition

I know that there's enough racism in the construction industry that it's a rare occurrence to even see multiple black people at a worksite.

I'm one of 5 white guys out of close to 100 other production employees, lol. Have you ever worked in construction? At least here in VA it's a healthy mix of latino, black and white

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Damn this reads like it was written by the parent of a 17 year old host that got fired 😂

You need to go out more if you think kitchen staff are such lowly pieces of shit lol.

Good chance your lawyer is addicted to xans. Doctors get friends to write them scripts for narcotics all the time. Cops are notorious alcoholics.

Rehabs are full of white collar druggies. They're just more palatable to people who like to clutch their pearls

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A lot of times it is

The law is fucked. Way too vague and ripe for abuse.

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How so?

Yeah but then you look like you hire predators. So no, not a good move.


Looks like this is where the avatar rework went.. ugh

Both he and his brother were found to have child pornography on their computers.

Can't the feds just throw some shit on your computer and pin you for it?

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Nah dude. Plenty of non-white workers saying bigoted shit all the time.

People need to stop attributing morality to skin color

Sure, but that doesn't negate the fact that Dem shills are dumb as fuck too, just not blatantly malicious like Republicans

It'd be really cool if we could get an arcade-style shooter that wasn't pandering to children raised on Fortnite..

Roblox has more serious shooters on their platform lol

Good points!

Depends on the cider/soju, but in my experience, yes.

I have constant anxiety and low dopamine. I take Ephedrine, and it's worked miracles for me. It even helps me concentrate throughout the day.

I prefer Primatine, but Bronkaid also works. Both can be bought over the counter with an ID

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Lmao what a wild take

You keep commenting this, and yet your source doesn't provide any evidence other than quotes...

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So how far back can a "Trump circlejerk" go? 2016?

Also, what type of area were you working in? Because I live/work in a metro area around our state capital, which is a factor when it comes to how diverse my workplace is. I can definitely imagine a rural workplace being more white-centric and conservative.

He's certainly not pro-Gaza