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I'm not sure it would cover open source software since it seems to be more concerned with data than the actual code. If that open source software is being used by a company controlled by a foreign adversary then that would probably apply but if it's open source software created by a foreign adversary but being used by a US company I don't think that would.

The actual wording of the bill seems pretty vague so I could be wrong and they might be able to apply it just to software but that would kind of to against the entire option B that they're currently giving ByteDance where they can keep Tik Tok running by selling it to an American company.

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Anecdotally this hasn't been true for me. I spent my 20s barely getting by. In my 30s and early 40s I've had a series of lucky breaks that have enabled me to move into a much higher paying job resulting in luxuries like home ownership, retirement money etc. and if anything I've become more liberal.

I also don't have or want children so maybe that factors in?

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Ok, call it whatever you want, I'm not really into labels. For context I believe in universal basic income, socialized healthcare, prison as a tool for rehabilitation instead of punishment, strong government regulations for corporations, high speed Internet access as a state run utility, and a bunch of other stuff that I don't feel like listing out.

They do, but barely. It's just a couple of minor in game items/skins and some out of game music/art. Still leaps and bounds better than locking entire missions or characters behind deluxe edition nonsense.

This did little to convince me that timezones are an unnecessary construct. Pretty much every point made was done from the perspective of someone who had already decided their opinion rather than objectively weighing the pros and cons.

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As the great Frank Reynolds once said "Fill me up with cream, turn me into a cannoli, make a stew out of my ass. What's the big deal? Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little pieces, throw me in the river. Who gives a shit? Ya dead, ya dead."

Google has no ability to offer iMessage compatibility as it's locked down by Apple. Allegedly Apple devs had a version of iMessage ready to launch on Android and the Apple execs decided to kill it because they felt that keeping iMessage exclusive to Apple would keep users locked in, which clearly they were right about. I'm not interested in a discussion over which phone is better than the other but I don't care for the false narrative that Google is the one keeping iMessage off of Android.

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This is in the US so your experience obviously may differ but we recently bought a house that needed a completely new roof. We actually had to back out of the deal once because the seller refused to pay any portion of the roof. It took the house sitting on the market for another 3 months before they finally agreed to cover just half the cost of a new roof and at that point we were tired of looking and just wanted a house so we accepted the offer. Our new roof looks great and we're happy with the house but paying for half of a roof was an expensive add-on to the purchase for sure.

This Arrested Development/Always Sunny cross over is exactly what I needed today, thank you both.

To shreds you say

Fair enough. Maybe one day these companies will stop being total dicks about tying basic functionality to proprietary apps and OSs and we can all finally just choose the stuff we want to choose. Will probably never happen but I can dream.

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It's rigid airship!

Don't worry, I got the Sunny reference even if no one else did