8 Post – 291 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


Bane of avocado toast enjoyers.

It's not a competition, all operating systems suck.

My honest answer:🥚

15 more...

I'm curious whether the increasingly invasive telemetry of modern Windows will have legal implications surrounding patient privacy here in the US. I work IT in the healthcare field, and one of our key missions is HIPAA compliance. What, then, will be the impact if Microsoft starts storing more and more in-depth data offsite? Will keyboard entries into our EHR be tracked and stored in Microsoft's servers? Will we subsequently be held liable if a breach at Microsoft causes this information to leak, or if Microsoft just straight-up starts selling it to advertisers? Windows is our one-and-only option for endpoint devices, so it's not like we can just switch.

I genuinely don't have the answers to these questions right now, but it may start to become a serious conversation for our department in the future if things continue at the trajectory they're going at. Or, maybe I'm just old and paranoid and everything will be okie dokie.

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Watch them roll with the most barebones feature set possible just so they can point and say, "see, lightning was obviously better!"

27 more...

My experience has been fine. If you go into Proton Mail with the understanding that you're doing it to stop Google from data mining your email, and not for the sake of truly private/anonymous email, you'll have a good time. The aliasing feature is super nice as well.

6 more...

KDE developers: okay so we're gonna switch to a floating taskbar so we look less like a Windows clone

Windows developers: hey guys I have a crazy idea


I came to Beehaw wanting a replacement for orangesite™. However, I've since decided that I care a lot less about having a massive network and more about just having a positive community of strangers to talk to about my life and interests. In that respect I'd totally be open to a smaller platform. Whether that'd be Beehaw or somewhere else, I don't know. But Beehaw leaving the Fediverse wouldn't be the dealbreaker for me that I once though it would.

All that said, I'd definitely prefer Beehaw to stay in the Fediverse. While there are a lot of dorks out there in the wild, there are some communities that I'd really miss.

I usually stay away from the political content for the reason you mentioned, but I figured I'd chime in and say I think this was a good decision. Stonetoss is a piece of shit, but there are plenty of other places on the internet for posts like that to happen.

I work IT at a hospital here in the US. The key issue is compatibility. Most of our vendor software flat-out does not support Linux at all, either on the client or server side. Shit, half of it barely even works on modern versions of Windows.

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Welcome to the party! Never let anyone get you down for using a "beginner" distro; it's perfectly valid to want a system that just works. :)

8 more...

That's a pretty healthy difference between donation income and expenditures. You love to see it.

Would you like me to lecture you on not eating avocado toast?

Best: the one I use.

Worst: the one I don't use.

2 more...

One thing I like about about Flatpak in particular is it allows me to have newer applications on distributions with older package bases (for instance, Debian.) I don't much care for rolling release distros, and I'm not a fan of having to hunt for a 3rd-party repository, so for that purpose I really love the option to just get a Flatpak.

Also Bottles. Bottles is great.

Still at a very healthy monthly expenses vs. monthly contributions ratio. Thanks for the update as always.

My humble used office desktop turned NAS quickly became a dual-processor, 64GB ECC machine with more storage and processing power than I'll probably ever need.

Wikipedia says that The Onion has had a website since '96, so it's definitely possible! (Also, TIL The Onion has existed since 1988.)

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I came out to my mom, which went about as well as it could've given she has a terminal case of way too much Fox News. She's now taking it upon herself to more-or-less concern troll about my mental health which is funny. I'm still hoping it'll turn out well with her, but I'm prepared for the worst. 🤷

Hey, that's not Alyaza! (ik they're probably busy with other stuff ty wallet for making this)

Tried to unalive myself two weeks ago, since then I've just been on autopilot. Last week we changed out our core switches at work. What was supposed to be a 2-hour late-night jam ended up a) getting delayed by several hours because our ER had a last-minute critical patient come in, and b) turning into a fucking 25-hour slog of our firewall deciding it was sick of our BS and taking down literally everything with it. Between that extra-long shift and my being kept up for 30 hours in an ER the previous week, my sleep schedule is absolutely toast.

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Based on the reading I've done, it doesn't really seem like one exists - it's just not what email was designed to do. I'm not an infosec professional, but that's the impression I've been given by others in the field.

Maybe you're a Matryoshka ;D

I'm specifically interested in seeing how the transition from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice goes. My boss has been pondering the possibility of migrating us from Word and Excel to Writer and Calc. My concern, as someone who exclusively uses LibreOffice at home, is those edge-cases where another entity sends us a document that has some weird behavior that might not be properly replicated in LibreOffice. I don't know much about the German government's typical document practices, but I think this will be a good case study on the viability of LibreOffice in a more serious production environment.

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Florida continuing to ensure that I'll never be giving them either my business nor my professional skills. Not that I'd want to anyways, on account of the weather and bugs wanting me just as dead as the politicians.

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I posted last week about being anxious for a big exam I had coming up. I was getting physically ill from the anticipation, and so I decided to just send it instead of waiting and studying until the last minute (it's a WGU OA, so I can take it whenever.)

I'm super happy to say that I absolutely crushed it! That's my last sit-down test, so now all that's between me and my Bachelor's is some essays and a work-based-learning experience! Needless to say I'm doing pretty good. :)

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I mean, I can narrate about the 20 Windows Server 2008 machines that I'm going to have to bump up to Server 2019. But, depending on how it all goes, I might just spoil the mood even more. :D

5 more...

Cool beans! Thanks as always for the update.

So, basically, 🐣.

I am now sitting in the chair next to me. This is mildly inconvenient.

Traditional for scroll wheels, natural for track pads.

A bit of an anticlimactic ending, but it's still nice to see Team 0% achieve their goal.

Nevermind the government or hackers, I use a home-grown VPN to keep Comcast off my ass.

Work has been going okay. I'm (unfortunately) getting back into Runescape, so that's been my main method of passing the time both in the slower parts of my shift plus my weekends. I'm getting coffee with my big sister this coming weekend and, barring any last-minute hesitation, I intend to come out to her. I don't know how she'll respond, but she's always been the one person I can go to with stuff that I don't feel comfortable talking to my parents about, so I have my fingers crossed.

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My poor home server's ancient Xeon processors are about to be even more painfully slow than before. 😩

3 more...

Y'all already know that I'm staying with Beehaw wherever it goes (so long as I'm not the only one!)

I talked about this later on in the other thread, but I came out to my sister (probably the one member of my family who isn't completely deranged), and she was super accepting! We met up again the day after for Easter at my mom's, and she gave me a bag with a bunch of her old clothes and some extra makeup stuff. 🥹

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No, but finding a job in a slightly less fucked country would be great once I have sufficient work experience.

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lightning doesn’t get junk in the ports

How the heck are you getting gunk in your USB C ports? 🤨

for the time

Indeed, it was probably fine ten years ago. But, as Mac Address (among many others) rightly pointed out, transferring gigabytes of HD video over a shoddy USB 2.0 line is a less-than-ideal experience.

way easier to use than usb c


12 more...

I love working on servers. My home lab is the one thing that I can sit down and actually work on for hours on end. I never really got into software development, probably in-part because my brain is mush, but deploying and maintaining systems is something that I love and am grateful to be able to do as a hobby and a career.

I also enjoy reading and writing, but recently I've had a lot of trouble staying still long enough to get anything done in that department. (I'm jealous of Alyaza's incredible ability to churn through reading material.)

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I'm doing okay. Last week was filled with a lot of little frustrations, but I got through it. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and, barring any weirdness with my labs, I'll be starting HRT! :D I'm nervous, but also very excited!

Edit: Insert that video of Linus Torvalds giving NVIDIA the middle finger, but replace NVIDIA with Regence.

In terms of games I actually play, Cataclysm: DDA (even if I still suck at it after hundreds of hours).

In terms of technical/visual impressiveness, Veloren.