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Joined 2 months ago

pov: you've never heard of kerning

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how about you don't engage in bad faith red herrings? instead, you could address the points other people raise in their comments.

this is some smug, manipulative bullshit.

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it is manipulative. it is designed to distract from the subject at hand and imply that the person being asked is acting in bad faith if they don't chase your red herring.

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as the mod of two worldnews communities, can you try to squash the shill/bot accusations. it's dehumanizing, and it acts as a thought terminating cliche, stopping discussion of the topic. it's toxic af and it should be grounds for immediate short bans, and long bans with repeated use.

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yea. how dare you. try engaging on topic and with intellectual honesty.

how do you tag people?

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oh: sync.

no, thank you

i've decided to turn around. i'm ridin with biden!

did you ever get them lottery numbers?

given that it's obviously a joke, i thought a little razzing was appropriate.

He’s tainted goods.

he reaches across the aisle. i'm not going to vote forhim (again) for senator but i would vote for aoc for president.

they fixed the AV kerning

i'm sure it was.

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there’s a bunch of people on Lemmy really mad that they can’t tell everyone not to vote for Biden anymore.

is there any evidence for this claim at all?

I have presented exactly as much evidence as anyone else.

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glenn beck made the single strongest case i've heard for kamala this morning: of all the electeds in DC, she was ONE of EIGHTEEN signatories on the green new deal.

i really didn't think i'd come around on her, but glenn is who sold me on obama too so it makes sense.

de la cruz

oh god no. someone might take it seriously.

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america makes banana republics. america is an empire

this is a platform for people to discuss topics that interest them. i have every reason to believe it's populated by people discussing topics that interest them.

i have been defending my vote for jill stein for 6 years. please dont tell me what i know. she bought a ticket to an event for one of the few media outlets that would give her a platform. she didn't know who else was assigned to her table. putin wasn't one of those, but he sat there for a few moments. he spoke only in russian and didn't engage with anyone speaking english.

i didn't defend anyone or the general act of shilling.

how about AOC Fetterman?

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Is your argument that it’s okay to spread hate and slander


anyone can read this and see

i am going to push back on that a bit and say that your presumption about other users is unfounded and toxic to the community.

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it wasn't the head table.

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really? can you link that? i've been arguing about this irrelevant photo for over half a decade and this is the first i've heard it was the head table.

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damn. i have watched that interview a dozen times and missed that it was the head table. what i did hear (and transcribed just now while watching it) was:

"war has failed in the middle east"

"we need a peace offensive"

"there was no interpreter"

"no introductions were made"

"it was a chance to lift up a different point of view about US ... as well as Russian foreign policy."

"I spent the dinner talking to the german diplomat"

"i wasn't paid a penny."

"i declined sponsorship"

"nothing happened at that dinner"

"that picture circulates without a single fact"

"i was there with a number of peace advocates"

i'm sure you can understand how i found it forgettable that it was the head table, and i hope you can forgive my assertion that it was not.

they only post on thing topic with some random sprinckled in

so? they might care a lot about one or two topics.

I don’t think private individuals without a political agenda

i don't believe there are private individuals without a political agenda

they dont interact with anyone except to spread hateful messages, and the messages are copy pastes of other bots.

i have never seen this.

Also, what makes you so sure that these are private accounts?

i assume that other users are actual users. there is no reason for you to assume they are not.

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I can only conclude from such behavior that it is not about exchanging ideas with others, but about promoting a clearly defined world view,

some people want to spread their ideas. that doesn't make them not-people or even require that tehy are paid.

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this has no context

what makes you think they aren't sincerely held beliefs being posted by real people?

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she's not a russian asset.

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