26 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Not internationally significant. This is US news.

They support actual US propaganda more than they support well-trusted international news agencies like Associated Press and SCMP.

They've taken down Associated Press articles for "missinformation" and SCMP articles for "propaganda." Yet, RFA/RFERL articles are perfectly fine.

Looking at the modlog, they also remove any comments that discuss their removal policy.

Argentina needs shock therapy to realize milei is a dumbass

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It's RandAlThor, what do you expect?

Mods are so cute: denying that Israel is committing genocide, removing comments that say as much, and calling it "misinformation."

Why the fuck is a mod so active in the comments trying to enter into arguments with people?

what's wrong?

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I disagree. ICBMs serve no purpose in a war unless you've already lost. Nuclear strike capability is suicidal and China's no-first-use policy makes ICBMs completely irrelevant to the discussion of China's war capability (particularly w.r.t. Taiwan and the SCS).

You don't launch nuclear weapons unless you've lost and you want the other side to lose, too.

Even luggage is probably easier on the train lol

lmfao classic israel

religion sucks dude

more bombs for everyone

  • us, probably


The US has been producing more electricity from fossil fuel sources than ever before and uses accounting tricks to claim that consumption is more from renewables.

Plot the total energy produced from fossil fuels on an absolute scale. It's been growing rapidly YoY.

I don't see any language tag on my end

whataboutism is perfectly valid here

so much worse tho

[citation needed]

fr Israel is worse than Russia

Citing... Wikipedia?


If you like people not being poor, you like the CPC

New York cut their libraries so who's the real loser?

What even uses a liquid fuel in the Chinese arsenal? The newer Dongfengs are all solid fuel. US intelligence once again demonstrates their impeccable research ability.

I guess the DF-4, but it was mostly decommissioned ages ago. There's like one or two hanging around for historical reasons.

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The specifics of US propaganda aside...