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I really liked it. I've never played RCT 1 or 2 but played a lot of 3 and spend a lot of hours in planet coaster. I'm the guy who loves to create beautiful rides. Parkitect was a really cool mechanic where utility buildings are considered immersion breaking for guests. Same goes for employee paths. Such functional structures as well as the delivery of goods to your stores inside the park should be hidden behind scenery to guests feel more immersed. In my parks this added a really cool dynamic where every area is a labyrinth of guest paths and employee paths which are visually separated from each other.

Really cool. Does this improve perfomance?

I think I would enjoy the oceanic setting of the first one more but I've heard this part improves the game itself mayorly. Would you agree on this statement?

Shoutout to aswell. Love this guys content.

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IMO One of the hardest parts about Emotions in games is the narrow edge between developing a loving relarionship and a caring One as a close friend. I loved the Characters and interactions in BG3 but Part of me wished there were also "comraderie Events" similar to stardew valley were there are Events for getting to know poeple closer without the intent to develop a sexual relarionship to the Character

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I was sceptical, but the picture of the leopard has won me over.

Edit : just found this post, it might be a cheetah instead

Is this halo?

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That reads like a fever dream and I love it

It honestly sounds like its just Not your thing. BG3 is about as modern as a game of this Genre can be. Dont force yourself through something you dont enjoy.

What a wonderfully horrifying quote

Man i love theae reviews. Thank you for your work. I especially appreciate the gameplay Screenshots

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German autocorrect on a Smartphone is my Nemesis. I hope the incorrect spelling is Not too distracting


Just wanna give you a shoutout for how kind you've been towards all the hostility in the comments. Thank you for beeing a friendly humane beeing

How can one talk about Disco Elysium without mentioning the writing even once

I still can't believe how a little Bloodborne cart meme has lead to this. Amazing project

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I think I also saw them in the backer credits of Solasta Crown of the Magister

Really good read. Fully captures my amazement for the game.

I don't think steam concurrent players mean anything for this game since it it's day one on gamepass and it is known that it is on the shorter side.

Just you wait. They will drop the Game of the year Edition out of nowhere with 3 new origin character, multiple actspanning quests, 6 new races, 8 new recruitable characters, 14 new kiss animations while underwater and all the cats are romancable now

What a shame. I wish all of them the best. They are not to blame for what went wrong

I don't think paizo can afford the IP

So happy it's getting a sequel, these wonderful sounds still haunt me years later.


Hell Yeah Funky Kong!

I dunno you seem really hard to please. Maybe your dream game is so perfectly catered to you, that no one wants to delevop it

Hope it runs well. The first game was absolutely incredible

The demo was great, highly recommend checking it out

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Incredible game. If it weren't for BG3 this would have been my game of the year

Truly an incredible game. One of the rare games where I am actually rocking my head to the beat the entire time. It was one of those games where I knew that playing it will give me a straight up good time

I really liked the combat of DOS2. All the interactions between spells were a lot of fun. The only Thing i disliked is, how ineffetive movement felt. Either you had an attack which included movement, or you didnt wanna move

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Finally Dragons Dogma 3

Already? I thought with all the cutscenes and fully animated models, custom models for races would take way longer

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I understood the cease and desist more like a "we love what you're doing here, but because of copyright, please don't blatantly use our name" But I'm not used to legal speech so maybe I mayorly misunderstood this.

Yeah, give the winners some space. Speeches were really Short this year

The cinematic team is killing it once again

Maybe you have Not realized just how much your choices affect the "linear Story" and how much permutation there is in follow up quests or alternate pathways through the same quest. I guess thats the beauty of it. Most of the quests an Narrative fit into each other so neat One might suspect this way was the only possible way, just because of how good it is presented.

Is this quote from a known author of has someone just made it up? Cause it's cool af

Great read, might check the game out

Something tells me Starfield is Not gonna win RPG of the year

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