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Joined 1 years ago

Rubiales it’s not a “dumb mistake” kind of guy. It’s an “I’m untouchable and can do whatever I want” kind of guy. This is part of a years long trend.

I mean, he is indicted for several corruption cases, accused of holding orgies paid with federation funds, and being a shady creep. Spanish sports federations and national government have protected him from prosecution, delaying several cases. Let’s see for how much longer.

He also is kind of bad as a federation president, petty, dismissive with some teams, blind to corruption and deals between teams and referees, slow to accept the popularity of women’s football, and many more bad decisions.

It’s not an innocent guy that made an honest mistake, it’s the kind of guy that treats other people like objects and have the power and influence to avoid or delay the consequences of his actions.

He should have resigned years ago, he will not do it. But now he has done something that:

  • it’s easy to explain.
  • has been seen around the world.
  • looks very bad.

So everyone that wanted him out of the federation for whatever reason (this one included) seems to be taking the chance.

As an Spaniard that doesn’t really care about football, but knows the kind of use this guy and others like him are making of their power, influence and taxpayer’s money ABOUT TIME.

Multiple communities with the same theme in diverse servers mean lots of repeated information in my home page.

I find hard to find new niche communities. All is all, the common denominator. My home is what I already have subscribed. Local instance communities are there. But I don know a good way to get offended content from communities outside of those categories.

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They tried. Then apple dropped 32bit binaries support.

Apple is a very expensive partner to have. They do whatever they want with their ecosystem and many developers have been burned when apple decides to make their work obsolete or outright copies it and makes part of the bundled in apps.

So. It would be amazing if valve updated every one of their games for new versions of macOS and if they would kept MacOS proton support. But macOS is a moving target that will break backwards compatibility whenever it suits apple. So I understand that is hard to justify the investment.

In the end MacOs and Linux where less than a 1% of the Steam user base. But one is an open ecosystem where there is competition and some semblance of respect for backwards compatibility and the other is a closed and sometimes hostile environment.

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He is delusional or triying to scare the poor Snoos. If anyone is angry about this and looking for a face to punch they have a clear target and is not some dude with a reddit t-shirt.

They are looking for a suit, no tie, popped up collar wearing, venture capital dudebro looking, jailbait ex-moderating, failure of a CEO.

“Prompt Engenieer” is one of the funniest thinks that have happened in the recent history of the world.

“Learn to ask questions to a prediction algorithm and get rich! Is the work of the future! Software engineers and writers will lose their jobs, but asking questions is an evergreen field!”

Dude, if the algorithm only understand correctly formatted input is a parser. We have those.

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In Spanish we have an expression, “¡No se podía saber!” It’s something like “Who could have seen it coming?”

NFTs are a bad investment? ¡No se podía saber!

I had a problem with my family account on Spotify and my options for asking for support were twitter dms or some meta stuff (Facebook dms?)

I was 🤏🏻 this close to cancel my account right there, but my partner still has social media accounts, so they solved it in my name.

Get a freaking email inbox…

It’s just another kind of MLM right now. It always has been. The superbowl Larry David add was the swan song for crypto mainstream appeal.

And you are right, most of the people that were telling you to buy cryptocurrency for reasons, now are into the “prompt engineering” fad.

Por metaverse, only the really unicorn-chasing and completely clueless about technology marketing “gurus” got into it.

It’s funny how computers are almost the only human invention that for some reason must be able to be used without learning anything.

We don’t do that for almost anything else. We expect people to learn how to drive, how to fill taxes, how to buy things on the store, how to cook, how to play chess. It seems like the only cases when someone decides learning stuff is an inconvenience is when tech people get into another field and tries to disrupt it.

I am all about making things as simple as they can be, but not simpler. Intuitive is a super relative term that depends on your knowledge and life experience. People find Office intuitive after using it for twenty years, but for me is a nightmare where legacy features intermingle with weird cloud and AI shit, and most of the time I only need a markdown file. No interface is intuitive, they are only familiar, clear, accesible, discovereable, etc.

Interface Design goes in cycles of skeuomorphism and simplification because computer stuff is not Intuitive, you have to open the way with metaphors people can understand, and when they are part of everyday life you can make the app for the virtual credit cards not look like it’s made of leather.

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Not being intended as a joke makes it even funnier. I mean, the lack of awareness is amazing.

Bots are routinely rounded up and banned. A lost follower is not necessarily an unfollow.

The article is reaching for a narrative. The lady they talk about has done other things in this period of time. Other stuff has happened. The change in followers is minuscule in relation to the magnitude, so it could be noise.

It could be homophobia obviously. It could be some controversy about unfortunate body image declarations. It could be noise. It could be the war on Middle East and a round of banned bots. It could be too much time since the last record. She could be losing the spotlight. The social network could be purging deleted accounts.

The reason “homophobia” is a guess. The reason “bots” is another. None invalidates the other because in both cases you have to make assumptions about the motives of 100.000 entities.

Also could be 5.100.000 followers lost and 5mil gained. The article talks about the delta, but there is not a reliable analysis about the composition of the following and its change over the last months, except one simple number.

It’s amazing how so many people are falling into the trap and arguing against or even in favor of Microsoft’s CoD argument.

A single game of whatever size or importance is not the problem. But it’s in Microsoft’s best interest that the discourse keeps being this lacking in nuance and centered in aspects like this.

As I said in another reply, there was never any chance of this guy apologizing.

If anyone expected a (real) apology they don’t much about him.

How would a engine change affect the game design philosophy of Bethesda?

Performance? Visuals? Alright. But game design?

Creation Engine powers Starfield and Fallout New Vegas. Quests can be complex, dynamic, with multiple endings, with lots of ways to approach them. Or they can be flat fetch quests. The tools allow both and everything in between.

Bethesda just chooses to use the current game design framework and would choose the same on any other engine.

They are actually updating their game design principles. They stopped using game design documents, they simplified the quests, they try to make sure every play through gets to see as much content as possible. Maybe they should stop updating.

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Correlation != causation.

That because is doing some heavy lifting

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Vivaldi is a chrome derived browser. Using it entrenches Google power over the web.

The manifest v3 debacle, weird “standards” like the recent Web Environment Integrity and more are only posible because Google controls most of the web clients through Blink and V8. They can make or break standards thanks to the massive amount of Chrome and Chromium related browsers, like Vivaldi, Brave, Opera, Edge, etc.

So, glad you like Vivaldi, but you are not that far from google and are in fact an asset for their goals.

We need Firefox alive and well. If we lose it, Google will be THE web and will control it’s foreseeable future.

My 970 seems as old as the wheel if you read this kind of threads.

I really need to upgrade my rig…

When has that stopped any tech or fake-tech company from making their IPO?

The IPO is where the Venture Capitalist get their paychecks. Is that or being acquired by some big tech like Google or Microsoft.

The current vc investments can not really be recouped with profits. They exist to make company valuation as big as possible before the IPO, so they can as much money as possible selling as much as the company as they can without losing control of the board.

The company will pump REVENUE just before the IPO to increase valuation, but the PROFIT right now is inconsequential in comparación with the total addressable market. It’s all pure speculation and a terrible way to make a sustainable business, but it’s the best way to get a lot of money for the VC and the founders.

The end of 0% interest means “business” no longer have access to free money. So now they want benefits, and growth but without the spending.

Also we skipped a tech bubble crash around 2008, so these corpos deaths are more than overdue.

The cicle as Doctorow says in his enshification tesis is:

1.- be good to your users, spending tons of that VC and 0% interest loan free money.

2.- be shit to your users, be good to your clients (add buyers, business that use your platform to do business)

3.- be shit to everyone. Squeeze the platform and get every last dime of value as profit.

Once you are in 3 there is no coming back. But these corporations have pulling the ladder behind them using an extra decade of dominant position to try to stop the cicle.

Fellas! Why are games today so buggy! Why are they incomplete? I just don’t understand!!!!‽‽???

I have at least 60h in my play through, all of them on the steamdeck. Good enough for me.

Not saying other games are no getting certification they should not but BG3 on the deck is not bad at all.

I’m on act 3. The performance level is acceptable to me. 30fps/1080p (docked) on low settings.

I’m having more bugged quest or game does not want to detect your mouse right now problems than graphics or performance ones.

Some media organizations have started nuking old articles to please the Google algorithm

Corps need a self destruct mechanism for when they get out of control.

Maybe is time to leave Fedora (and Nobara) behind. Not really feeling that great right now doing free testing for Red Hat, having so many alternatives.

As I said Creation Engine did mot stop another studio from being creative.

They are not being hold back by Creation Engine in game design, they are stuck in a design philosophy and production strategy that until now has and got them lots of praise and sales.

They use the chest trick because saves reworking the inventory and container system. That would take time and left the game almost the same, so they don’t.

If they used Unreal engine they’d have to build a new inventory and container system from scratch, who knows if they would end up taking the hidden chest idea (it mostly works) and porting it?

The “Update your engine Bethesda” discussion is valid from many points of view, but most of the problems with current Bethesda releases are cultural. They don’t test nearly enough, they don’t have a “fun” game until a couple months before release, they don’t coordinate the content and mechanics production in any way, the quest writing is a free for all.

And until now things worked out. So they refuse to address those issues.

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It’s not that huge of a userbase. Pinterest is bigger. Twitter just have a disproportionate amount of celebrities, politicians and journalists addicted to the instant feedback and drama.

Elon is hooked and high on his own supply, so he seems incapable of understand what Twitter actually IS for most users and that “ego boosting machine for the rich and famous” is not a business plan.

Enshitification implies a degree of planning and success that he seems incapable of right now. And you can’t jump to step three without achieving steps one and two. Never good for (most of) the users, never good for the advertisers. Nothing to squeeze.

I mean, it has gone to shit, but it doesn’t seem intentional. Even in the best of circumstances these changes would not be better for the bottom line than just doing nothing.

The technology used by Valve is Irrelevant. The operating system losing support is not even supported by apple. The users of that version of MacOs are at risk because they use a closed source unmantained operating system.

As I said Apple is not concerned with kind of old software. They expect everyone to move up with them, developers and users, or get left behind.

Portal is a game released THE SAME YEAR the iPhone was. In classic hit PC game time that’s “nothing”, you expect to be able to run it, but in Apple’s timeline is ancient history. Take a look into how many iPhone games just won’t work anymore.

It’s getting bigger, but I said they WERE less than an 1%. And macOS was bigger that Linux for ages.

Then Apple proved they were not an ideal alternative platform, being even more closed than Microsoft, and not understanding the games ecosystem, so Valve pivoted and got into the Linux thing, failed with the Steam Machines, pivoted into Proton, and now I have a Deck.

This looks more like trining to make it run in a stolen raspberry pi in Elon’s basement than trining to extract value.

Let’s be real, there is no value left to extract.

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So… cars are toys for grownups?


They are completely disconnected, with the exception of the occasional spinoff or direct sequel, but those are easy to identify. The last game is probably the easier one of the series to pick up and play (this statement has been true for the whole existence of the series)

Where to start? Depends. Everyone of them is a huge game and a big time investment.

Taking into account you have no nostalgia for the series, I’d say your options, in order of what I think would stick are:

  • Option 1: the last one. If you just want to play a modern action/rpg game with AAA sensibilities but weird enough, is not a bad option. You have no need for any previous knowledge, the gameplay is completely different to the one in previous entries, etc. Haven’t played so I do t know if it’s any good.
  • Option 2: the 7 remake. One of the biggest milestones in the series retold for modern audiences, with updated graphics and narrative.
  • Option 3: 16bit retro experience: FFVI, SNES or GBA version. The pinnacle of the formula for the 8 and 16 bit consoles. Upcoming titles in the series are way different. Great in every way a game can be good.
  • Option 4: the 7 vanilla. The first international massive mainstream success for the series and one of the more influential video games in history. After this one, if you loved it:
    • Option 4a: the PSX trilogy. Go for FFVIII and FFIX for the full pre-render backgrounds and 3d models god killing trio.

    • Option 4b: the complication. If you are really into the setting and characters you have a few games complicating this one under the “Final Fantasy VII Compilation”. Some aren’t even RPGs.

If you go completely Final Fantasy insane after any of those, start with FF, the first one from the NES and make your way through them all. Prepare a couple thousand hours.

I’m sorry but framework and library in this post are going to be used loosely, because even React, Vue, Angular, Svelte, etc devs use the terms loosely.

React is mostly a UI library like you would find in most native app development. Of them all them JS frameworks/libraries is one of the less opinionated and with less batteries included. By design it does not does everything. Most other frameworks do way more.

It lets you define custom components. The components can have properties that their parent component defines and internal state. If the state or the properties change the component gets redrawn (magically). There are some lifetime functionalities (things to do on first render for example) and performance improving stuff (memoization) but mostly that’s it.

All the other features you talk about are third party libraries or frameworks that can operate with react or are build on top of and cover the bases, like routing, fetching, caches, server side rendering, styling utility libraries, component libraries, animation libraries, global state management, etc.

The big difference with the vanilla way is that the approach is mostly declarative. The runtime takes charge of updating the DOM when your components state or properties change.

You take a big performance hit, and an even bigger bundle size one, but the speed of development and huge ecosystem of readymade solutions can be really important for some use cases.

Other frameworks take different approaches to solve the same problems:

  • Component system for code reuse and organization.
  • Some way to manage state
  • Some way to decide what to re-render and when.
  • Extra stuff. Some frameworks end here, some have tools for everything you would need for a web app.

Sounds like a “you want us to buy Nintendo? Me too buddy…”

It’s super funny, but if you don’t try to use things as what they are not, the type coercion can’t hurt you.

But if you make a tradition of trying to add empty objects and numbers…

The great sin of JavaScript is gracefully (silently) failing when coders do silly things.

What about something like this?

“¡Hi! You might have experience some changes in the interface of Beehaw. The admin team is not really happy with them but remember, we do not build the software that powers this community, so if you are experiencing problems make sure to report them to the Lemmy developers. We are already doing it.

In the meantime we are making some plans to mitigate this problems with theming on our end.

If accessibility is being a problem, take a look into these alternative clients.

In the end Lemmy is still in an early stage and it’s the responsibility of every instance to help in any way we can to help make it as good as it can be”

No need to throw anyone under the bus. To be honest it’s not the kind of criticism I expected from this community. Maybe you would be chillier if you had a downvote button to get all… that… out of your system.

You sound really adversarial against the people that build our tools. Even if you are frustrated, this leaves a really bad taste.

It’s a solution, but I don’t like it.

1.- It’s less resilient. If (more like when) one server goes down it could take the only community in a topic with it. 2.- If the moderators for the community of your interest are kind of dickwads, or absent, or malicious, you have no alternative. 3.- Federation can create weird problems. If your account instance is not the community’s one, you could be effectively banned, without doing anything wrong. 4.- Creates a perverse incentive for using the biggest instance you can for both creating communities and users. Some of the bigger Lemmy instances already are under heavy load and having problems to stay online. Imagine if we discourage using small instances.

Some mechanisms to “merge” communities across servers would be cool addition. Every Android community in every server that still federates with each other lists every post in all of them. Moderators moderate the posts in their instance. Link repetition is the same as inside of one single community. If one of the composing communities moderator team doesn’t does it’s part it could be expelled from the composite. Like a soft de-federation.

Just rambling. It’s a complex problem.

I have a killswitch because I wanted to carry the deck in a bag and the default case is too big.

The kickstand and the feel of the case are a nice bonus.

Yeah, writing prompts it’s the long term goal, programming will be obsolete.

Nobody that can write a problem in a structured language, taking edge cases into account, will be able to write a prompt for a LLM.

Prompt writers will be the useful professionals, because NO big tech company is trying to make it obsolete making AI ubiquitous and transparent, aiming it to work for natural language requests made by normal users or simply from context clues. /s

Prompt engineering it’s the griftiest side of the latest AI summer. Look a who is selling the courses. The same people that sold crypto courses, metaverse courses, Amazon dropship store courses…

I’m in the third act, over 50h played. Every single minute on a docked deck, 1080p/30fps output.

Perfectly playable. Of course graphic settings are almost all the way down and facial hair could look better, for example.

Many people play games at 40fps on the deck. Maybe taking a look in ProtonDB or Steam reviews is more useful than having a 8 tier verification system?

As I understand Verified should be runs on the deck in SteamOS stable, at 30fps most of the time, text can be read, game is 100% playable with gamepad.

Playable should be you will jump hops. Text is not legible on the deck screen, input with a keyboard or mouse is required, launchers make weird launching the game.

The Verified program is not a performance benchmark. It’s a baseline and each gamer has different performance thresholds.

Some games won’t run at 60fps in any platform (Dark Souls original release) so they should not be PC verified?

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