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The most impressive part is the lack of footprints on Amy's side. She can swing that ass like a cement truck

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It's a little command line program included with windows that you can set up to send short messages to computers as a popup box. A lot of printers could use this to tell you your print job was successful, and it was used a lot in libraries and such. And also my high school. They had some cursory protections in place, but if you managed to open a command prompt you could send your own message. You just needed the recipients windows username or PC name.. our school used the standard first letter of first name + full last name, even the teachers. So of course, being highschool, this spread like wildfire and there was a whole semester where everyone was abusing it to troll other classmates or interrupt teachers mid lesson. It was also being used as IM/text before any of us even had phones - you could shoot your friend a message to dip out of class or something.

Everything came to an abrupt halt when a guy was dared to run a batch file that was a single, looped, expletive laden net send to a wildcard recipient. It sent the message on repeat to every computer in every school in the district. Every time you hit ok a new box would pop up with the same message. Supposedly every computer needed a hard restart, including servers. Dude got in trouble, and our printers stopped telling us the print job was successful after that.

You're a legend. Glad to see you here

checks Russel Brands YouTube

Yeah....yeah they are

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This area has been pretty well explored by Pokemon Go players already. On Android there's an app called defit that has multiple options for adding fake exercise data to your Google fit account which is where Pokemon Go, and typically these insurance apps, pull their info from.

Watch the documentary The Internet's Own Boy. It's very much worth the watch.

Everyone knows refineries produce gas for their cars. Less people know refineries produce all the plastics too. Even fewer people realize an alarming amount of the industrial fertilizers we use to keep billions of people from starving to death comes directly from oil.

We. Are. Stuck.

Until we figure out how to repair all the scorched dirt we killed through overfarming that can no longer grow plants without heaps of fertilizer. Until we find some other process to produce massive amounts of plant food. Until we find some other way to fill billions of mouths we really CANT stop drilling or people die.

I'm all for eat the rich but they're more like an delicacy, not a staple diet for half the world. We need solutions along with all the 'tear it down.' You know who wouldn't starve if we stopped drilling immediately? The rich

Just sounds like little Timmy figured out why they're called mobile games before his parents did.

I've worked for a few of the larger ISPs in the US. They all have their own special weird shit like a windows NT machine shoved in a corner in a CO in west Texas that you have to remote desktop into and run some java applet from the 90 to log into a hardwired machine from the 70s just to set up a voicemail box for a phone line. Ain't broke don't fix it leads to some wild setups at companies you wouldn't expect it from.

Zuck hands out gps and microphone enabled flashlights to all of the fellow humans so they can see.

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The first generation iPod topped out at 40GB. It's felt like that for a long time, matey

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The last time I saw any of this piece of shit family mentioned, it was when he gave permission to his subhuman son to repeatedly beat the shit out of a civilian Russian prisoner who burned a Koran. I saw this because they filmed it and released it. And you want to call him honorable for protecting these animals?

Rotting in hell is too nice for kadyrov, what's the next worse thing.

I can confirm, I get pushed Linus hard. I watched like 3 or 4 of his PC build videos one time a while back. Never clicked on a WAN Show episode (his podcast). But now if I let just about any gaming/tech video roll to next, I get served entire podcast episodes of his like 25% of the time. I never asked for this, I always click off, they keep coming back. I'm not mad really just bewildered. Idk the retention must be there


Send that tracker to NORAD please

I built my entire base out of lapis because idk what else to do with all of it

You want SoulSeek. I swear it's not a dating app

Careful, sometimes they'll come out just to pull your plug from a concentrator when you disconnect, or it just happens when they're hooking up a new customer and yours gets unplugged to make room. But then they turn around and charge like $50 just to come out and plug that back in for a new install. That can be the entire install, you can bring your own modem and have everything fine inside, but some yahoo charges $50 to come out and plug some coax into a concentrator in a box 20 ft from your house that they unplugged for free last week.

Oh, that kind of draft

It's probably going to feel more like Watson in that Sherlock Holmes videogame

Some projectors are about this size too, and are surprisingly powerful for their size. But then the new issue is finding a blank section of wall

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Probably around 87% of it

I probably first got the weird idea when I signed up for Gmail and they made a whole show and dance about how your storage space just continually increases. The little storage space ticker was animated to the point of annoyance.

Today Google just annoys me with alerts that I'm 90% full and better give them money or else.

Dang I need to keep up on the lore. Looks like I'd mess up OPs reveal for it too by not moving the piece. If he does end up handing out flashlights, move him down around Pringles.

Or you could be like the company I previously worked for and not monitor anything with any seriousness, but a lowly tech managing some one-off software installs for the office PCs (me) might notice software that shouldn't exist and report it. Happened to a new guy, the VPN to his home got higher ups combing through his work, and was the final icing on the cake after they also found emails from work to a personal email with customer information attached. They didn't even entertain an excuse, he was sacked same day. (This was all pre COVID, there was no such thing as work from home)

So yea, definitely...VPN might not be the hammer that falls, but it can start the hunt and still burn you. Someone might use it to browse lemmy, other people might use it to steal company data. It's not worth the risk for a company to attempt to differentiate between the two. Obligatory 'your mileage may vary', especially now with the COVID push to work from home, but it happens!

this is informative, and unfortunate

Just looks like reddit shot themselves in the right foot, then tried to fix it by shooting themselves in the left foot.

I can't really take seriously any accusations coming from Sarah Silverman after that whole wage gap bs she tried to pull.

Seems like she isn't afraid to manipulate a trending social outcry to collect a paycheck.