1 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Glad you went with wrapper and not the original term.

Twitch settled with him instead of losing in arbitration for banning him. I want to see the the transcripts. It sounds like part of his settlement was that he couldn't talk about it but ex twitter employees violated the nda. That's a lot of work on twitches side to keep it hushed which makes this weirder.

He's a massive pos so it Wouldn't surprise me if he did do something worthy of this witch hint but damnit i want to see the texts before i burn him when twitch is being so weird about it.

Forcing my fetus to listen to cbat. Fuck you little shit. You going to hate me, ill give you something to hate me for!

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24 June 2022

Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade

A lot of this needs to annonoymised imo. As you say. This is all product information meta will be looking to sell. I came here to not be a product anymore.

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Why do you assume they dont like their job.

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The tail end of this ripple is large corporations death grip on increased profits every quarter. But the reality is that at some point you can not successfully grow profits past the peak without destroying everything. We are in the initial phase of the destruction onslaught.

This sounds like a security check. Our liability and ransomware insurance both require scripts to be turned off for excel and word.

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I dont even want to read the article now. You just ruined science for me!

Just need to finish this project

Whistle and then point at a random persons dog.

This is like when bluebeam was bought. Bring on the enshitification and monthly subs then phase out support for perpetual license versions until the product isn't worth using anymore.

I have just enough care about this topic to post about how I dont care.

1 offer. Rejected by interviewee because company didnt give any salary benefits info until the very end.

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A b iCeland d e f g h i j k l m n o p q iReland

All 5 of them attacked you!

If you get assigned as a mod for one that they force removed the mods. You could just give control back to the old mods.

Im just glad you are showering. Its a start.

Petco has them for like 1.30 ea.

Did you hear about OPs cock?

I prefer when it doesn't come off cleanly and i get to lick the crumbs out of its panties... i also hate myself for typing that out...

Wouldn't that just be forcing your view of separation of church and state on everyone else?


That's was just a little Oopsi-soft


Turned old this year. Would prefer to not do this aging thing anymore.

That would be ideal... with 6 player coop...

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They are the same picture.

Fuck webp

They consolidated companies to the uk. Anyone who didnt want to live in the uk was let go. They did a similar thing to their Texas building years ago.

This is how the robots take over by drowning us in our sleep.

I think a lot figured it would be like hd1 where you could beat a faction and win the war. Devs stated though they wanted one continuous war for life of hd2.

Maybe because you are a fascist. This would be a lot more fun without people like you on lemmy.

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As an american my favorite hamburger helper is the "oops, all hamburger!"

They are all the same. A f150 has same gas image as jeep and if you need to haul you have a bed. No one drives a jeep or suv because they get better gas mileage than a truck.

The one game I've been waiting on from the ps catalog. Wont be buying it either.

Am im over here w biting for the snap.

Which one do you have?

I dont know... you dont see many puppies carrying around a ceramic pad and a razor blade...

And I've never seen one roll a dollar bill.

Crows are friends not food!

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I bought v2 because they built faith and trust with v1. Well That's gone. Time to move on.