MasterOBee Master/King

@MasterOBee Master/
0 Post – 220 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

As a conservative, this is mind boggling to me. In my head I think it's just a far right crazy conspiracy theory, but between this and the huge amount of support trump gets, I'm just baffled. I'm on the west coast, and none of my friends or family still support Trump or are election deniers.

Maybe the mid west republicans are just 100% trumpers? It's wild.

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What has he gotten done that you support?

I'm pretty disappointed in the Inflation Reduction Act that actually prints a trillion more dollars.

We need inherent change in the government, we need congress to get off their asses and create good bills. We need to get away from the 4th branch of government.

Not print a trillion more $ that goes to government subcontractors and the top 1%

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if Biden is the not-Trump option then you better vote for his senior citizen ass.

I think part of the reason why people feel they don't have a choice is because the DNC seems to have just chosen biden instead of letting any other democratic candidate have a chance at the nominee.

Wasn't there a huge civil suit against J&J that they avoided paying?

Just another big pharma company that is getting charged fines, but that's just their cost of doing business. These suits against J&J, Pfizer & more should put the company permanently out of business.

Conspiracy theorists and hate are more or less the norm in conservative circles, so far as I can tell.

I don't think they're conservative. I think republicans have given up on being conservative, and just now fight culture war and spend as much if not more than the dems.

I've been trying to be diligent about not conflating republicans and conservatives anymore, they haven't been conservative in awhile. Republicans have been overwhelmingly blindly following Trump, conservatives haven't.

Even as a conservative, Whitmer seems to be doing a lot of good for her voters.

Free lunches, better resources for kids and more funding for ELL.

Although I'm skeptical of too much more spending on public schools, as we spend an absurd amount more per full time student compared to our peer countries, as long as the funds are directed to doing good like this, instead of just the bloat at the administration level, it's agreeable.

If a state makes abortion restrictions, the least they can do is give the patient resources to go somewhere where it's legal, and have absolutely 0 laws that restrict them from going to another state to get an abortion.

It's baffling to me, every poll I see like this I'm just confused and sad

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So....if the government turns on the people, what do the French have to protect themselves with?

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Agreed, my only hope is that Trump will absolutely fall so hard that there is no way people can support him still (at this point, it may take his death, but even then, what conspiracies would come from that?), and the 'right' sees a series of defeats that they are forced to re-brand, become more liberal on social issues and actually try to be the conservative party of fiscal responsibility.

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Homie, like 3 of those were from 2018, a couple from 2020.

The most recent article, which is from an reasonable 2022, is in Oregon, your AP source is Oregon, too. Another you linked is in Boise.

You're trying really hard to prove your point, but all you've done is dig up 5 year old articles of a couple hundred Trump supporters in different states.

People with money are and are likely going to be “more successful” regardless of where/if they go to school. They’re also likely to have more free time and resources to use after-school test improvement courses. It’s like saying “the children of billionaires are more likely to become at least be millionaires when they are adults.”

Interesting, so people that have the ability to send their kids to different schools, like having a school choice, is having more input and the kids are provided better materials and resources than they are in public schools!

There’s also a huge issue of private schools being for profit businesses, so looking good is important.

first off, not all private schools are for profit. Secondly, that's the point, they need to do well, or they don't make money. That's like saying 'dammit, apple only makes money because they provide a service that billions of people pay for and enjoy!! grrrr, I wish we just had one standard government phone for everyone!"

They will pass students who don’t deserve it.

Really? You're saying the private schools are the issue with this? Public schools it's literally illegal to hold someone back.

There was at least one charter school that had almost no attendance but an almost 100% pass rate, because it was more profitable to pass them regardless and not enforce attendance.

And baltimore public schools produce illiterate kids. You think using one example to base your opinion off of all charter schools is okay? I'll do the same but can name hundreds of public schools.

Profit should not be the measure of success for a school, so why would we ever want to make that the case?

I didn't. I made test scores and success in life a metric for it. Right now, schools are more segregated since they were literally segregated.

Your policy of forcing every kid to go to public school and requiring that parents will need to pay 40k to a private school to get a better education only hurts people. There are plenty of benchmarks we can require to ensure private schools take in students from different demographics. Right now a poor inner city kid is sent to a shitty inner city school, without an option to actually go to a good school. Give parents the option to do that.

but look at how little money teachers make. Things need to change for sure, but that isn’t turning them into institutions for turning out money rather than good students.

How public schools are run aren't making good students. I want to switch it up by offering the choice for schools.

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(and thus, kinda push the definition of the body of conservative beliefs farther right)

I don't really agree with this. The republican party shifting doesn't mean the ideals of conservative ideology changes.

On the other side of the coin, just because democrats are starting to become more socialist, does that mean that liberal ideologies are changing?

I'm still a conservative because I believe in tradition, I believe in small government and a country that abides by the constitution is the best way to govern. I believe in the free market and put more emphasis on a states individuality rather than having a large federal government.

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It is, but I don't know why. We have the most public funding per full time student in the world....that money's getting lost somewhere, I assume the administration level of schools.

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1) We spend more money per student than our peer countries, by A LOT. What we've gotten with the spending is much worse test scores.

  1. People going to private schools and homeschooling shows better results in both test scores and future success rates.

When we see school districts closing AP and other honor programs because of equity, do you not see how, as a parent, you'd want more of a choice of sending your kids to better schools?

Basically, the argument from the left is that they want to control what the kids are learning, and can't control private/homeschooling education, and it might teach the kids something they don't want them to learn. Whether that's because they think the private schools are all religious cult institutions, or because they think every parent wants to homeschool their kids to be racist.

But regardless, the studies show that private schools and homeschooling is better for success of the individuals. Having ways that parents can have more of an option of a specialized school would be good for most families.

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Why do we need government requiring me to drink water?

Waste of government time, tax payer dollars, administration costs all so some politician can pat themselves on their back.

How would you like it if I walked into your office and dictated your time?

This article doesn't really lay out how it's 'front and center' - he's mentioned he's a man of faith and that most of our values in the west are due to our Christian history, which is true.

I've watched many interviews with him, I'm pretty interested in his campaign, but never has his Hindu faith been a big talking point.

“I was raised in a belief system where there is one true God who empowers each of us with our own capacities,” he said. “As we say in the Hindu tradition, God resides in each one of us. In the Christian tradition, you say we’re all made in the image of God.”

He's being asked about his faith in interviews and says they aren't too different from Christian values.

This story just seems like nothing.

What bank do you have that charges $35 for a transfer?

I transfer between b of a and chase bank, both known for having decently high fees, without any of those fees.

The $35 amount I've only seen with overdrafting. Do you overdraft every single transfer?

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haha new to lemmy, thanks!

One side thinks it's a flag of white supremacy and evil.

The other thinks it patriotic.

The left has already deemed it a symbol of hate.

Please explain how this is a “left” thing.

The general views have been that republicans are for parents being able to use their school funding for alternatives. The left is against that. That's how it is a 'left' thing.

, the left is the only advanced-thinking society we have.

I feel like your bias. You can recognize and criticize your own party. I promise, you don't have to just agree with everything they do.

If we left it to the right, we’d all be kneeling in a f*-k*g church somewhere.

In this situation, no, some would just be at different schools. Whether it's charter schools, private or home schooling.

I responded with several sources and points, showing that we've been spending more and more money, getting worse results and that private and homeschooling have shown to provide better equipped individuals to society. What do you think of these arguments?

It sucks, because I love when representatives deviate from their party and vote on the other side.

That's what bipartisanship is - to look at issues and what the bills are instead of just uniformly voting on legislation.

It sucks because people hate the two party system, but if there's anyone on their side that votes on the other, they're just jackasses screwing their party over. That shouldn't be our perspective.

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"Republicans on the subcommittee said in a messaging document, because some COVID relief funding provided to schools ”remains unspent and further investments will not be provided until these funds are used responsibly.”

Not saying I agree with them, or think they have the best plans for our school system, but I can see asking for some fiscal responsibility when given these funds.

We're living in a time where the people want to get their news in 15 second chunks, and think they understand a complex situation instantly.

We're also living in a time where social media leans heavily left.

These combined encourage young left wing people to be drawn to and vocalize their perceived expertise, when in reality they have absolutely no clue of the situation beyond what their 15 second attention span can gather.

but the glaringly obvious solution of forgiving that debt

Just because that's what you want doesn't make it 'glaringly obvious.'

Those with student loan debt are middle or middle upper class white folk. The cost of forgiving student debt would be 1.6T

Are you going to go into your city and yell out 'we need to give $1.6T to middle and upper class, university educated people, and we need to do it NOW!'? How is that a 'glaringly obvious' solution?

How does this remove the core issues of the student debt crisis: that it doesn't reduce the cost of college, and may even increase it due to moral hazard? How is student debt forgiveness 'glaringly obvious' when it doesn't address that at all?

How does it reduce the amount that future students are going to take out to get an education? How is student debt forgiveness a 'glaringly obvious' solution to this?

Just because you and likely your ~30 YO educated peers have an issue doesn't mean the whole nation just needs to write a blank check when the demographic you're talking about giving $1.6T to are the highest earners in your generation?

It's not that the solution is 'glaringly obvious' - and everyone who doesn't support it are just stuck in the far right, it's because there are legitimate problems with your 'glaringly obvious' solution.

I'm doing it in these primaries. Why would I take a primary off?

Strategy and empire building! Total war is by far my favorite series.

Mount and blade/Bannerlord is up there too.

It just so happens that many (most) private schools have a barrier that prevents people without resources from attending, so private schools appear to do better because they have better outcomes, but it’s by design.

I have addressed one way to get around that off the top of my head above. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways.

As I said I am not wasting my time

Trying to back up your statements with evidence from respectable international organizations.

Come on man, why even try to argue your point if you aren't going to put forth a solid argument? You're rage quitting because you can't back up your false statements.

I don't know about Iran's gun rights to have much input on that comparison.

From what I remember, I thought the protests were mainly by the youth in universities.

Terrible take in this context. It’s one thing for Manchin to vote a more conservative line being that he’s likely the only Democrat that will be elected in his state.

It's only terrible if the only purpose you see for the democratic and republican parties is to fully allign their votes with their party and against the others.

She should have been recalled for that stunt,

If her voters wanted to recall her, they could have.

it’s certainly not the performance her constituents put her in there for.

If you have a problem bring it up with the voters.

It's almost like the supreme court leaves legislation to the legislative branch.

If people want something changes in our laws, regulations and constitution, it's the legislative branch they need to go through. Which has separate powers than the supreme court.

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Competition is not always good.

So you think video streaming services should be in a monopoly?

You think that will be the best for the consumer and content creators?

I disagree.

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Or else...I might agree with most of western europe?

I thought the left thought that was a good thing!

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How is it the banks faults?

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I absolutely agree, I'm conservative and am fine with cutting 80% of our foreign military activity.

Using that money to help folk here including veterans.

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Competition is not always good.

So you think video streaming services should be in a monopoly?

You think that will be the best for the consumer and content creators?

I disagree.

Feature of what? A law that hasn't gone into effect yet?

It’s a blob of cells not a baby.

I disagree.

I guess if I thought souls were real I could see where you’re coming from.

I don't see it as a 'soul' - just a human life that deserves some sort of right to life.

And there are lines of people to adopt healthy Caucasian babies, sure but in reality many kids spend life in the system.

Do you have data that shows that caucasian babies are being adopted but brown babies aren't?

The people running Twitter should act like professionals.

Once we have presidential candidates that can act professional, I'll hold some twitter guy to that standard.

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