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Joined 4 months ago

Let us not forget how much Trump hates environmental regulation. He will auction off America's treasures for whoever sticks enough money in his pocket. Biden has done a pretty decent job of maintaining the old guard mentality of preservation and conservation (as imperfect as that may be).

I wish more people cared about the environment.

If more people vote third-party it will pull center politicians further in whatever direction you vote

oh you naive child. you're willing to doom us all for your 'conscience'. what a spoiled, privileged brat.

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if we act like cowards we will be ruled by bullies. buy guns and coordinate.

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thank you OP. ffs, open source. we get it. next.

who cares about placing blame? you sound like a kid crying to your mommy. JUST DO THE RIGHT THING GODDAMNIT.

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I can't wait to get back to Oregon

people are so desperate for an identity these days.

You all deserve whatever hell comes for you.

hear hear. i'm so sick of trying to explain how western democracy works to toddlers. fuck it. FAFO you little idiots. i'm already packed up and heading for my bunker. ya'll can sort this whole, stupid, goddamn mess out yourselves.

getting rid of conservatives

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ROMANS? “colonized” by ROMANS??? lmao

Listen here, you little shit. why don't you get back to me when you finish reading the history book instead of commenting when you're only halfway through? in case you missed it, the ENTIRE HISTORY of civilization is a long, continuous story of lesser peoples being conquered by larger peoples (whether in size or technological superiority). every tribe of people, at some point in their history, had a moment of 'first contact' with a larger, more 'advanced' civilization, and it almost ALWAYS ends with the underdog getting the shaft. europe is no exception. germanic tribes, prior to contact with the romans, were not so different from any other 'primitive' people. the romans colonized most of europe, which in turn spread roman technology and culture (hence the term 'romance' languages).

nationalism and the concept of countries didn’t truly exist until like 1700s. Sure, there were some special cases like Poland which has been a “country” (or rather, a united kingdom) since the 10th century, but even for these outliers, the idea of a nation comes waaaaaay after the fucking romans have existed, please stop embarassing yourself.

I never used the term country because the concept is bigger than the idea of the modern country. you really need to stop going on the offensive until you calm down some, junior.

And europe’s contributions to… “medicine, science, phycics, chemistry, etc”, even if we discount the ones that were straight up stolen, is a non-sequitir when we are talking about what europe at large has done to its subjects. Do you think that advances in, for example, electric power production, are worth the countless colonial deaths in middle africa? Europe is pretty fascist still, living on the blood of the third world

first of all, the romans themselves learned a lot of what they knew from the near east, which were actually the first conquering city states - persian, babylonian, achaemenid, etc. history makes no attempt to hide the fact that most western society was greatly influenced by the near east and arab cultures, so using the term 'stolen' is dishonest, (along with calling europe out as being the worst colonizers). any actual scholar understands that the entire history of technology is the concept of 'standing on the shoulders of giants', meaning owing their achievements to the great minds that came before them, no matter where they came from.

and, just to send this one home: fuck you, western chauvinist, I hope your life mirrors that of the global lumpenproles, who have no choice but to take your country’s neoliberal “fixes”

fuck you too, kid. i guarantee you wouldn't say that shit to my face and walk away with all your teeth still in your skull. i'm just as radical as you are, son. i'm trying to tear down capitalism just like everyone that understands what the fuck is going on. you need to watch your mouth and pick up on who your allies are. just because i'm not grossly misinformed about world history doesn't mean we're not on the same side.

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not exactly true. don't discount europe's contributions to medicine, science, physics, chemistry, etc.

but yeah, the western world has been exploitative as fuck. we learned it from the romans, who colonized the shit out of us. it's a vicious cycle, but i think if we can just beat the fascists and corporations, we are the verge of a new enlightenment.

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Screaming at people to vote will not make them want to vote. Worst case scenario you piss them off enough that the spite vote against you.

if people are that petty and childish, then fuck it. let them live in their spite world alongside the sociopathic, conservative right. i'm so sick of the lack of humanity in america.

but tech news ad nauseum is 'meaningful'. lol okay.

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thank you for an excellent, well-written post. you're 100% correct. i'd like to also add the need for secure communication to that list of logistics. the revolution needs hackers and programmers so badly.

but yeah, all that plus vote biden, whether you like it or not. we can eat him later.

pretty much. and once you wipe the earth clean of that scum, you step back and let an AI designed by academics in the humanities take over.

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that's not tough guy shit, loser. that's just regular old 'this is what happens when you disrespect someone' shit. it's just a statement of fact. would you let someone talk like that to your face? you're a feckless little twat if you would.

oh, and great way of sidestepping the acknowledgement of my history lesson, punk. can't even own up to being wrong about something? you're spineless, kid. walk away.

you live in a bubble. i don't think the majority of americans sees it the way you do. i see it the way you do, but you shouldn't assume that just because your personal social media feed is pro-palestine that it's unanimous across the US.

I'm a D&D nerd and a big fan of this guy's art.

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I'm old. I've lived a good life. If it means that there are finally posses rounding up conservatives, I might just be ok with it.

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any means necessary

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i explain that i'm not. also, i'm armed, so bring it.

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^gets it

I get tired of making a new reddit account every month because i spoke the truth in a thread. reddit censors too much to be of any use any more. i am supporting free speech by being here.

you're smart and correct, but i stand by my assertion that without immediate bold action, things are going to get bad and we are going to wish we had done SOMETHING when we could. we need more people like you committed to a by any means necessary approach. i'm only here to get people on board with the necessary steps. we need great minds to figure out how to implement it.

perfect is the enemy of good

no, i just see big picture stuff instead of the trees in front of my face like most of you children. my conscience tells me that if i let the conservatives win, i am essentially dooming untold future generations. if you take the sheer number of people that will suffer because we were too kind to remove the broken members of society, it becomes obvious what is truly being conscientious. it's a simple trolley problem, my guy. wake up.

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There’s something endearing about a young person trying to look cool by being edgy, completely oblivious to the fact that everyone sees through their facade.

not really

if we don't act, we're still headed right for those things. tell me how to save the world any other way.

i don't have to have a post revolution plan because i'm not applying for the job of being the leader of this thing. you're making a straw man out of me. i'm not the revolution. WE ARE THE REVOLUTION. it takes many minds to sort this out.

you don't have to agree with me, but you really do need to have an alternative or this shit is going to get so ugly in your lifetime you'll wish you had done something while you still could.

lol. surely you're not serious. you realize that climate catastrophe is here NOW. we needed solutions 3 years ago.

I don't want to have a discussion. I want to unify a disgruntled public so we can make change for the better. Get friends if you just want to have a discussion. All I'm here to do is to get you to say it with me:


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or perhaps i'm surrounded by a bunch of children who don't understand the gravity of the situation and are too cowardly to do anything about it anyway. of course they reject my ideas because they're not comfortable ideas. most of you are coddled infants, so i don't really expect much, but i'd like to connect with some people who have a spine and a conscience.

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at least we agree about one thing: time is slipping away.

i don't claim to have any plans for post bloody revolution, other than the fact that existing ideas about how to mitigate the problem will become possible.

i'm honestly here to understand how we can make the changes we need in time to stop the coming dystopia without violence. make me see another way.

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i'm really sitting at a computer desk trying to have a conversation in the real world. how does having a conversation with a smaller audience accomplish anything?

there are absolutely people that need therapy. i just don't think the majority of us do.

i don't know because i'm not a conservative.

we've had those for decade and they've done nothing. next.

i'm fine. i don't need therapy. i doubt most of you do either.

and this is why lemmy is a limp-wristed do-nothing. too many people here want to stick their head in the sand. but by all means, pls share some more star trek memes.

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i'm being rational when i tell you that if you hold yourself to a high moral standard and expect your enemy to do the same, you're a fool.

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