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The navy manual for troubleshooting equipment in the field includes "lift 3-6 inches and drop"

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Iirc, boogie is known to use sugar daddy websites?

If I go 2 days without coffee, my head starts to kill me. Definitely an addiction.

A wave of them swept through my old apartment once almost six years ago. I still freak out at the smallest itch or bump.

Those bastards cause serious trauma

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I had a bug caused by the shipselling bug where each time I went through a load screen my gender and appearance randomized. So I can't even begin to guess how all the noodles are connected.

It turns out something can have multiple causes. A rising wave of bigotry and easy access to firearms can both contribute to someone being shot.

You know that some of those people are still living paycheck to paycheck and are going to be in some hardships?

Sure. They can file for relief from the state and then pay it back later, but uncertainty like that is still horrible. And the time it takes to receive those loans can also cause issues like being late on mortgages.

Did you use the Air Bud method?

Weirdly, I had a save corruption caused by selling a ship I stole. After new Atlantis broke, whenever I would go through a load screen my char customization would randomize. Sometimes I'd be a woman, sometimes a man. It was a wild time.

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Wait, wasn't that wormtongue

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When you call someone an NPC, my initial reaction is to respect you less and be more onguard to what other silly things you're going to say.

You were doing great in the first paragraph, then shot yourself in the foot in the second.

Don't think ya read the prompt.

I always get excited when I see a new CnC tiberian sun trailer has dropped... but I should know better..

I mean.. he won that one. I'd congratulate him on a well played feint as I died from lack of care.

Even if that was true, at least they make the effort.

Yesterday there was that article on here about the NLRB reviving rules in a huge win for unions by forcing recognition of unions if an employer fires unionizing employees prior to the vote by the employees.

That NLRB action wouldn't have occurred under a conservative push.

I'm hoping for hungryartists to show up.

I'm against AI-generated anything as a principal. I have too many friends in the art community who's primary form of income is the art they create.

I think I've become more jaded over time. I blacklist authors who use AI generated cover art, and I'm getting to the point that I want to do the same for games because I am so tired of hearing AI voices to replace characters, even if that character is an AI in the game.

Again, it doesn't stem from my hate of new technology, but rather the people being effected by that technology - the artists, voice actors, what have you. And also there's that thing where I do not want to talk to a chat robot for things.

I use to spend so much time on there as a kid. I had a flashback as soon as I saw that avatar.

When I'm in a discord channel and hear someone begin eating because they're on voice activated..

Or they're talking while also eating..

I feel the urge to strangle through my computer screen.

I have many negative options of this show. Ultimately, while Lucy was...okay.. Norm and chet had my favorite dynamic and didn't act like complete morons most of the time.

They seemed to have set out with the intention of making the BoS a slapstick comedy rayher than a serious player consisting of intelligent humans. Especially Knight Titus and Maximus felt like horribly written characters.

I understand them going for humor but.. I feel the slapstick nature of it really took away my enjoyment of it.

While fallout has had humor in it, I felt it was backseat to the actual atmosphere of its story of surviving the wasteland. In the series, slapstick seems to be all it is.

Also I don't understand why they added the thing about ghouls.

Star Wars was always my favorite sci fi universe for so long..

Now with what Filoni and Disney has done with it, i just dunno any more. I feel lost. I loved Andor and Rogue One though, but apparently they aren't the most popular?

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El Hazard, is that you? It's been so long.

I mostly hated that the skill trees are still mostly % increases. Cyberpunk retooled their entire skill tree because of that.

It's a type of gameplay progression that just isn't that fun - but Bethesda loves it.

I don't separate them. To still partake in the art helps boost their popularity and their message.

I also can't claim to support a group while boosting their biggest antagonist. I also see this spreading into the AI area.

If I see authors using AI cover art, I blacklist them. AI voices for characters in games? I'll swerve. I can't claim to support a community of artists and then shoot them in the foot at first opportunity.

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I also have the little heated traps for them too.

One bad apple ruins the bunch.

Cosby was the titular character. His actions reflect on everyone. The supporting cast and crew did good work and were paid (hopefully fairly) for it, and I hope their efforts will always be remembered but the work is also tainted now.

One thing I'm unsure of is if Cosby wrote any of the shows. If so, his creeping shadow gets worse because he's a hypocrite. If not, then it's unfortunate to the writers.

There will never be a black or white answer in this but I have to draw lines somewhere. I don't demonize the supporting cast, only the titular one.

The cast can and should denounce Cosby in cases like that but.. again, Apple and the bunch.

It depends. Self publishers on places like Amazon Kindle are probably making that choice themselves. They choose their own covers.

I understand a Self publisher has less financial resources but.. there's no good answer.

For large publishing firms, they have a choice. They pick books they think will do well and support it with cover art, marketing, etc.

When you have things like Fallout's TV series using AI art to market itself? That's a multi-billion dollar company. They can afford not to. I don't fault the writer for a book that a publisher forces AI onto, but as long as they stay with a publisher who openly forces them to use AI, I will hold my stance.

The cartel is probably far beyond drugs and prostitution only these days. Arms trafficking, human trafficking, etc would remain largely viable methods of funding.

And the cartels are smart enough that they'd just shift pipelines and continue to be a large issue.

My only gripe with solo is that I preferred the EU version of his backstop. More in the imperial pilot thing.

But I had already accepted that there would be new canon.

Depending on how broad we are talking..

I'm Human Resources. Many would be glad we're gone, but Human Resources are there to do many tasks people take for granted such as setting up benefits (retirement, health, life, etc), to vetting and hiring, and mediating between managers and employees. Often times, these require extensive knowledge on how to navigate labyrinthian laws that sometimes change regularly and less-than-friendly benefit companies.

More specifically, I'm a workers compensation specialist within HR. My job is being a subject matter expert and a liason between the employees and an underfunded, understaffed, stretched to the limits Workers Compensation program that is struggling under the weight of a massive worker population with little in funding being provided to it. I anticipate the needs of the work comp program to try to ease the burden of the workers falling into a denial-appeal cycle.

To be fair.. society would march on without us. There'd be this horrible adjustment period for the workforce where managers who may be industry specialized (Like a manager of nurses isn't really trained to handle most HR functions) have to pick up new skills. And for a while you'll probably see a lot of people not being enrolled, disenrolled, tracked, vetted, etc as people figure it out.

Overall, you'd probably see a lot of unions/angry workers and it would probably hasten a long a massive amount of protests and strikes. Human Resources in the private sector acts like a buffer in some ways. Correcting issues individually before they become systemic.

Even in countries where prostitution is legal women are being trafficked against their will to those countries to be forced into sex work.

They're already being trafficked to the US to be forced into prostitution, why would they care if it's legalized. It wouldn't affect their trafficking.

But I also feel you may be inflating the ramifications of legalization of drugs and prostitution. I believe it was Canada or one of the US states where the cost of legally sold Marijuana was still too high and people turned to their old dealers. You'd see the cartel enter the market again with cheaper, more dangerous options for those who can't afford the higher priced, taxed, and regulated products.

We can regulate those who wish to operate above board, but you can't stop the pipeline.

A thing to remember is that legal prostitution is still a vector in the human trafficking trade. Even where it's legal, women are forcefully relocated to those nations and forced to work.

Most of the prostitution issues would be handled, but you would still need to account for it.

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