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Joined 1 years ago

I'm somewhere else but have kept Amazon in the back of my mind as a possible next place, partly out of curiosity to see what it's like from the inside. The culture has some fun elements. No longer. This moves them out of the 2nd tier and into the 3rd, and honestly I'd wonder about anyone there who's not chained to a visa.

I'll add that even when you're an expert in both languages, it's common to see WTF's in the original and not be sure if something is a bug or just weird behavior that's now expected. Especially when going from a looser to a more strict language.

I've translated huge projects and most of the risk is in "you know the original would do the wrong thing in these x circumstances -- I'm pretty sure that's not on purpose but.... Maybe? Or maybe now someone depends on it being wrong like this?"

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Phones ruined Burning Man. Their cameras make people tourists, and their onsite social media precludes immediacy.

I was very happy with Chromecast until last year, when they replaced the screensaver of family photos (from Google Photos) with ads. So I replaced all of the Chromecasts in our house with Apple TVs.

Yes, the posts are absolutely huge and I'm unimpressed with the bot devs response-- dude I am not going to switch Lemmy apps to make your bot less annoying.

23 and Me says my cousin is my sister...?

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By time required before you can truly be in and accepted as one (not just a tourist)

  • Rural folk
  • Expedition sports
  • Biker gangs
  • Private pilots
  • Some festivals

I found HAM folks super welcoming. I came to take the entry level test and they encouraged me to take the next level one at the same time, and generously offered to help me pass it.

Utilize. So many people misuse it that I should probably accept that the definition has changed. Instead of thinking they are a bit dumb.

I'm sorry but I just don't understand where you are at. I feel you are adopting this "I'm a very private person" label as an armor to close yourself off from a closer relationship with your family. I'm very much an introvert with my own internal world, and yet I feel people are probably the point of life. Relationships are not always comfortable, but I feel that discomfort is part of the fun-- to approach it with curiosity to see what happens and as a growth opportunity to see how you'll practice communicating with the other person with openness and vulnerability. To me that's way more fun and interesting than shutting down yourself and others with a priori rules.

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