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Joined 1 years ago

America has two authoritarian right-wing parties to pick from. One is less right wing than the other, but they're still both to the right of the major right wing party in my country (New Zealand)

"Someone who doesn't want to be 100% a man or 100% a woman. Imagine gender wasn't a single choice, but a slider from 100% fem to 100% masc, and you could pick where it sat each day."

I'm missing stuff but that's how I would explain it to my nana.

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This but DotA 2 for me. 6000+ hours and I'm still trash.

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My cousin was taken off her mother because of the cola thing.

They did the last time as well.

Oooo old school forum flame wars. Is it weird that I miss that format? Might just be nostalgia, non-threaded forum arguments are kind of annoying to skip if you want something else out of the thread. It was always fun opening a long thread at the end and seeing the final dregs of the fight play out, then backtracking to find where it started.

Just to flip this, do you have any sources that horseshoe theory is a real thing? That's the funny thing about language, someone put Theory in the name and now people think it's a real thing.

To save you the trouble, it hasn't held up under academic study. Plenty of info on Wikipedia about it.

I've done that. Was looking at the radio to change songs while going through an intersection. My brain was on autopilot and I followed a guy running a red turn signal. Just about had a head on crash with the straight through traffic 😬

Hacker News has a monthly Whose Hiring thread which has a remote tag in the template. There's a website that pulls all the comments out and makes it into a job board of sorts but I can't remember what it is.

It was either that or a C++ programmer. Those template error messages are gnarly.

As someone who started and still works in a co-op, it's because it's hard. Banks don't understand worker coops and won't lend money to you without a real person to attach the risk to, which means founders have to take an enormous risk which it can be hard to compensate them for. The legal structure isn't common so you are limited in the lawyers who can set one up for you. Others have mentioned the cost problems - I started a software dev coop so we didn't have a large capital outlay but it did cost nearly 10k just in setup costs.

It took a lot of work to get to where we are, with little supporting resources. In contrast, I started an LLC in half an hour and $150 registration fee to the government. So no, it not just "what people choose".


I didn't put too much in my intro as I don't think I'm all that interesting and I didn't want people to think I was getting a big head. Short version of my relevant bio:

  • I'm a 15+ year veteran of the software dev industry
  • I run a small contracting company (a sub-5 person cooperative)

Sounds like a job for logrotate. It does more than just log files, kinda average name I guess. Checkout this server fault q&a for more details.

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Tech has an abundance of people who really need to be right in an argument. I've had this same argument with a developer at a client company of mine. Just couldn't let it go when I said I was comfortable with the Jetbrains suite and used their language specific tooling instead of VSCode.

I had a non-binary friend who wasn't just a tomboy or a fem guy, they had a bit of a cycle back and forth between being full guy mode and full girl mode over the course of six months. I don't personally identify as NB but I also have a tendency to lean in and out of my masc side over time.

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I'm old. I've been playing Dota2 as my primary game since 2012. It works out to about 500 hours a year or so, which is still a lot but yeah.

The one thing I find difficult in Insomnia is making the auth common across a group of requests. I end up duplicating existing requests which doesn't help if I need to update the process at all. Is there a way to use common auth routines yet?

Come back to us comrade. I have over 6000 hours now and it's still great. I've been playing since TI2 though so it's only like 600hr per year average.


They don't want to be told they have to wear a mask or that people should stay home from work when they're sick. Anything that would impinge on the rights of businesses to make money is against my freedoms.

It's the climate crisis but for health. Some people just can't bear to give up their treats in order to save lives.

Same here but with WebStorm.

Yep that's the one. If you can make a cron job to make the zip file, logrotate could handle keeping the last x files.

It might sound complicated, but the cool thing about *nix environments is that everything is made up of a combo of little tools. You can learn one at a time and slowly build something super complicated over time. First thing would be figuring out the right set of commands to make a zip file from the directory I reckon. Then add that to cron so it happens every day. Then add logrotate into the mix and have that do its thing every day after the backup runs.

My chemistry teacher taught me a trick that knocks the pain back for a little bit - cold head and hot hands. Basically, cool my head down with ice wrapped in a small wet towel, while heating my hands up somehow. It's supposed to pull the blood away from your head which lessens the pain.

Predictably Irrational is really good.

I feel like I read Chomsky's books at a key point in my life where I didn't really get all of it but it primed me for later learning. Good list overall 👍🏼

Sorry, I was first but I'm not super good with words.

That was me too. Now I'm good up to about 2 stories high, which is how high the climbing gym was.

It was scary and there were definitely times I abandoned a climb because my legs wouldn't stop shaking, but you eventually learn to trust the ropes will save you and push through the fear. It was 100% worth it.

Sorry brother, the hive mind detected wrongthink and you have been punished for it.

Hexbear is the third oldest Lemmy instance and the largest by user activity, but wasn't federated until recently. A bunch of people joined Lemmy without realising it was built by socialists and communists, and are mad that they have to be in the same space as them even though they were here first and built/are still building the place.

My mum swears by Subaru cars as well for the same reason - she walked away from what should have been a fatal accident without hospitalisation.

I just finished Tears of the Kingdom last week. No spoilers, the final boss fight felt like a dragon ball Z episode. The health bar busting out of its usual bounds and hitting the edge of the screen was a "shit just got real" moment for me and the kids, lots of hype. I didn't think I would see anything top Breath of the Wild in this generation but glad to be wrong.

I've seen tags used well in general communities, like country specific ones especially. /r/newzealand was strict about their post flair so that people could filter out politics or shitposts if they didn't want to see it but still wanted to engage with the other content.

I really enjoyed the Vince McMahon episodes a while back. Hope these ones are good too

I still make little static sites on occasion. There's still free options for hosting, I've got some on GitHub and used to use netlify til they changed their free tier. Sticking a static site into aws s3 +cloud front is super cheap if you don't have much traffic. The nice thing is that they run forever without any intervention.

At least read what he posted before replying. We don't need to build another reddit where people just rage at each other on behalf of their team.

Sweet, sent you a DM

My mum found an ice pack shaped like a ski mask that covers my eyes, it's magic for this. It's black so it blocks out the light and has that ice pack gel in it so if you get it cold it stays cold for quite a while.

That's my diagnostic tool as well. My GO told me to use the rizatriptan as my first medicine, so if that doesn't kill it then I know it's not a migraine.

Yep just to tack onto this, I find their stuff is fairly easy to stack together as well. Have ended up building my entire home network and security setup with Ubiquiti gear, there's a good Home Assistant integration if you're into that.

I could do a bit of moderation if you need some help.

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