1 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Teams doesn't work on anything

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Firefox implements everything the various web standards require. There are a few non standard features that Chromium implements that certain websites take advantage of, but the fact that their code isn't portable is not Firefox's fault. As for Teams... Microsoft's just being a dick: if you change the user agent it works just fine.

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The same was said about gay people years ago and guess what? It wasn't true, because of course it wasn't. Informing kids and teens of the existence of other sexualities won't convince them to adopt them.

The increase in transgender youth can be mainly attributed to the increased acceptance and knowledge of the issue among the younger generations. Simple as that.

VERY few people would ever do it for attention, since the attention you get is extremely often negative. Most transgender people are terrified of telling others they're trans because of the reaction they'd get. The popularity argument is simply unrealistic.

Tell that to the victims of the Therac-25

I think you meant "concerning"?

Sorry but I don't see anything particularly egregious in there. It's all fairly common stuff, any sufficiently big company is going to face some lawsuits of that sort at some point. Also, remember that anyone can file a lawsuit, it doesn't mean that the recipient is guilty of what it describes or that the filer isn't just exploiting technicalities.

Nothing there blatantly screams "bad company" from what I can see.

I "let people be" when their religion doesn't harm them or other people.

And I don't care if "not all Muslims think of women that way". Their decisions/opinions make them better people, they don't make Islam a better religion.

This is, of course, not limited to Islam.

Cutting a pepperoni pizza is always a lose-lose situation

I've had so many issues with Ubuntu in the last few years compared to other distros that honestly I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending it as a beginner distro anymore.

Done. You can find it in the latest nightly build

I'm not surprised. Italy has always been a fascist country at heart, fascism never really went away here. The amount of people still openly and proudly identifying as fascist is disgustingly high. It's gotten better with the new generations but not as much as one would hope. Talks of mandatory work and military service have been circulating for years, the latter was still a thing not too long ago. I honestly can't wait to get out of here...

Sure, I'll add it

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With that said, the idea of basically having your future decided by an artifical intelligence is absolutely terrifying with how biased and nonsensical they tend to be. And I'll be honest, even if that could be solved, I wouldn't trust the Italian government to properly do so with how technologically incompetent it has been historically.

We are not censorious. We are just tired of hearing the same predatory bullshit over and over again.

Avalonia is great. It's cross-platform, supports hot reloading, it's XAML based, so not too different from HTML, it's FAST, has IDE integration and can be styled to match any OS's native UI.

If there was a known security exploit, it would have been patched. Everything works, so nothing essential is missing. The way I see it, it's yet another attempt to manipulate users into switching away from open standards.

Also, it's a multi billion dollar company, can they really not afford to put a couple of devs to work on changing a few lines of code to fix whatever small incompatibility there may be?

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They'd disclose it to Mozilla and the Firefox team if they knew. It would make no sense for them not to. Why are you so obstinate when it comes to this exploit theory, it's the least likely reason you could pick for them not to support it.

You really don't want to lose this argument do you? As a software engineer myself, I can assure you that that's complete bullshit.

Teams is nothing special, it doesn't intrinsically require any functionality only available in Chromium. It isn't some weird magical piece of software that can't be made work strictly using standard web protocols and features, something that, apparently, it already does because it does work if you trick it. It's not even cutting edge, chat and video conferencing web apps have been around for ages at this point, many were implemented years back with only a fraction of what's available today. They worked everywhere and still do. Microsoft is perfectly capable of making it work, because it can.

And If there was a known security exploit, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN PATCHED. It doesn't matter if it's on Microsoft's end or Firefox's end.

The only reason they don't make it work on Firefox by default is because they don't want you to use it on Firefox, that's it.

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Not right now, but I could add a button in the post viewer...
Do you mean the actual url of the image or the post's url?

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What a sad world we live in


One day you'll find yourself alone, ignored by any decent human being around you, abandoned by all that became tired of being with someone whose entire purpose in life is spreading hate and hurting innocent people around them for their pleasure. On that day, I want you to look in the mirror and ask yourself who the mentally ill freak really is.

Fixing the login doesn't fix the rest of Teams' problems. Maybe you're the chosen one and everything works for you, but it's not a common experience.

Oh I have it installed on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. It doesn't work. It takes ages to load, it never updates people's status correctly, half the time it doesn't even log in. Why they didn't just patch Skype instead of making that pile of garbage is beyond me.

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