1 Post – 195 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

an old dude

I don't really think one debate decides who people vote for. Plus you have the electoral college. So you were fucked since forever, you just never noticed. But please vote against Trump because you probably don't get to vote again if he wins, that has a big influence on the world too

it's probably not the best place to say this, but it's a shame. Twitter had real use and this bastard used his reverse midas touch on it to the detriment of all of us who aren't nazis. Well I hope his sheik boss lets him suck him off now as a reward

18 more...

That's always my trigger, fucking 'sideloading'. Jesus christ it's installing shit. Installing. There was never a need for such a pissy horrible concept in the firstplace, a bootlicking special if there ever was one

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He warns? Does he now? I know that bashing journalists is a rightwing ting, but these dudes are really complicit in all of this shit. How the hell do you come up with that kind of headline? He warns

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Main thing: you won't solve societal problems with technology. All of the problems we have today can be solved using what we have but we don't want a better world.

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And for the cunts who think there is an end to this kind of bullshit - a hijab is not enough, it has to be good. After that the shade of black is wrong, or the way these women breathe, or they don't cower in a way these fucking micropenis pig-shit eating cunts like.

Luddites were not idiots, they were people who understood the only use of tech at their time was to fuck them. Like this complete garbage shit is going to be used to fuck people. Nobody is opposed to having tools, we just don't like Musk fanboys blowing spit bubbles while trying to get peepee hard

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Like somebody already said, this is like

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They were doing ok. But the github thing and the 11 thing and the edging and now this - I can't wait to buy a machine that can run windows virtualised. I need it for my work apps, but this virt thing has been a dream of mine for a long time. Compartmentalization

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It's american highschool bully culture. The rest of the planet solved this by using other messengers or simply not being cunts. Guess that approach is another thing that can't be done in the land of the free

It's not possible. I need software that runs only on windows, so as much as I'd like to I can never switch. The only thing I can do is maybe do a vm passthrough thing - except I don't want to spend a couple of grand on a new pc. People have jobs, real jobs, we have to work instead of fucking around distro hopping. A whole bunch of people could possibly switch to linux, but it's still such a major pain in the ass that nobody will do it unless they are forced into it. Expect hacked win 11 installs

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Thank you. This is a part of the whole trad mess, where they basically claim that everything was better for reasons and we should all turn back to the traditional values like bigotry and slavery. A fun mess where I lose my shit with anger - your answer is wonderful.

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I'm still in disbelief, for some reason we can have a nice place here

Popups? Were they using windows seven with grandma's internet explorer? Popups

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If I try to spend more than I have it just doesn't work. Nobody charges me for it. But then I can just transfer funds from my account to another, no need for apps and shit, and it costs zero money to do it. You can probably guess I'm not from Murica (where Jesus lives)

Who gives a fuck? It's not our problem if it's not feasible, they can find ways of making money without living in our asses. Or they can make a bit less money - they can buy less latte and guacamole etc

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Hey absolutely, it's insane having oligarchs control our infrastructure. But even nationalisation is a better option than having these morons.

But he's a very stupid and very malicious man, how do we know?

It's a shame the mobile firefox is such a flaming turd in comparison. Can't imagine using anything else on desktop bit they made me switch to cromite. And the devs gaslight you if you complain about the degenerate ui issues on firefox mobile. I wish there was firefox sync for chromite

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Ai has literally nothing to with that. We can do housing this second if we wanted to do it

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Having an option to choose s3 inconveniences most humans? Wtf? And the clearly broken option is good? Are we on reddit?

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Dude you don't get to decide what I'm angry about. The term is extremely inaccurate, you don't sideload shit on your computer, right? It's yours. I don't sideload shelves, I put them on my wall. So I'd say the offensive part is that somebody who gets my money gets to decide if I own something.

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That's exactly what they did, and we all knew this was going to happen. Like I said before, if you don't manage to cut your toenails with a fryig pan a gun is not going te be much help either, dumb fucking cunts

Musk. I think it was a couple of weeks after that

There's a bunch of people here trying to suck some Elon dick. Interesting

Could go either way fucking lol, the man is an insane cunt - what fucking possible way could it go except to shit? He might become a normal dude after a stroke? What the fuck

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Seeing somebody play a game is piracy?

This mf straight from 1950

For some reason I always felt they were not trustworthy, like years and years. This doesn't come as a surprise

If somebody told me it's past time to commit I'd commit to calling them a cunt. What a horrible horriblw cunt

I'm not sure they really fit the ask but you might like Srsly Wrong

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Yeah, let me just change my profession real quick, fuck the 20 years I have invested. I'll just do a tapdance on my eyelashes for the neckbeards and everybody will be happy weee

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While Israel is doing nothing, nothing at all

So you're telling me a fad that doesn't work actually... doesn't work? Say it aint so

A serious question - when will nvidia stop selling their products and start asking for rent? Like 50 bucks a month is a 4070, your hardware can be a 4090 but thats a 100 a month. I give it a year

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On the other hand if it's 500 poor people fuck'em

Dunkey became a bit much some time before his gaming company thing. I'm not sure what it is, but something changed and I just couldn't watch his stuff again.

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I'm also interested in this. In fact all of this could be my fault, so I just want to check. The one thing we can be sure of is that it's not the Russian war that's causing any problems anywhere, right? Maybe it's the phase of the moon, or astrology

For starters the fediverse is real and it works, the metaverse is peering into Zuckerbergs asshole

Best part is we don't even have AI, we have keyboard prediction on steroids. Maybe that's why it's everywhere, not telling everybody to leave them alone.