Mbourgon everywhere

@Mbourgon everywhere@lemmy.world
0 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Instead of a “renaissance man”, I’m a “renaissance nerd”. Pinball? Sure. Sci-fi? Of course. video games? Natch. 70’s Italian Prog-rock? A raison d’etre.

Huh? I was pretty sure it’d fall out of OS support this year. And without security patches, shudder

Go do the demo. It is honestly really impressive. Had no intention of doing it, I’m not the target demographic or audience, but I was there to get a battery replaced and while I waited they did it. My jaw dropped at least twice.

I’m at a loss for the kind of things it can do for me day-to-day right now (and yeah, they have to come up with good selling points there), but for a virtual desktop I’d be there if it were cheaper. But you kinda see where they’re heading - glasses where you could read the web, check weather, watch tv, or play games, the UI, and the phone is just a computing brick that sits in your pocket all day

Some countries reverse commas vs periods. 5.599,99, almost 5600

This is how our local food bank does it. When you give money to them, you’re not actually buying groceries. You’re paying for trucks, gasoline and drivers who go to the various grocery’s’ warehouses, who take what is nearing “throw out” and make it available for people.

This is why I laugh whenever a local grocery store has a “hunger food drive“ - there, you are literally just buying groceries for other people. Whereas our food bank prides itself on being able to feed people for $.20 a meal - it’s a huge force multiplier.

Give to your local area food bank.

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Nice post!

A two year old article, but it’s kind of nice to see that this shit was prevented

Sad day. He was amazing - look at the artists he’s worked with and produced albums for. Everyone from Sun O))) to Nirvana to Neurosis. He shaped a generation of album sound.

Is Uttar Pradesh scummier than some of the other states, or do they just seem to get more articles? It seems like we are getting one of these horrifying stores a week.

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Using Memmy, I see no pic. Am I doing something wrong?

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Pretty easy/good read. Tl;dr - image manipulation in submitted papers can be found via AI, and there are online groups hunting for it.

“Now, the long-standing problem is in the national spotlight, and new artificial intelligence tools are only making it easier to spot problems that range from decades-old errors and sloppy science to images enhanced unethically in photo-editing software. “

“Covered in bees!” - Eddie Izzard

“Honey, remember we were talking about how catching Covid multiple times makes you stupid?”

Cache. It’s the “in” thing right now. Single-handedly improved Stanley’s profit margin

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Those are not the same. In one, the right-of-way is cleared and they are fined… but while that plays out, it’s usable.

I’m the other. They’re paying a price to keep people out. If you’re wealthy enough, then it’s just a thing. Like paying the yard guy.

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Why? If a criminal torches my house, they have to pay to rebuild it. Why should this be any different?

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Also sounded like they had apps centered/only there that had to be online for everything else to work.

But the 4-minutes-instead-of-10 batteries certainly didn’t help.

Correct. They don’t pay you to code. They pay you to solve problems, which normally ARE solved by code, but they really don’t care how.

This part bears repeating, as you CAN lose vision in one eye (partial or ALL) due to this.

“ if you suddenly get a lot of floaters and are feeling pain in your eyes or seeing bright flashes that look like a camera flash, you need to go seek medical attention immediately as these are signs of a retinal tear. Retinal tears are treatable but only if you go take care of them immediately”.

Sorta. He did kill at least a couple people. But it’s mostly discounted. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Harrelson

The miniatures shop called and told us to let you know.

Good read, horrifying story.

Is there a trick I’m missing? Spray my butthole for 30 seconds and I need pretty much as much TP, actually more because the first batches get wet.

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Reagan’s turning in his grave. Who would have thought the GOP would be more for Russia than against it.

What a shitbag. Sorry, ~corrupt~ shitbag.

Many people outside do not have headphones on. But most people who are walking/running/cycling do have them on.

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I’m just astonished he’s actually worth more than 1 billion.

“Extended warranty? How can I lose?!” “Perfect”

Wow. That was a ride.

(Or Santa Fe, Denver or Dallas - all the Meow Wolf sites are amazing)

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I’ve been hearing people say “not my pope” for years now. Oh, and that Jesus was too “woke” and weak, turning the other cheek.

I used it for a good 2-3 years. More than anything, it was stable and reliable. Updates worked fine and it handled all my hardware, which I’d run into problems with on other Linuxes. No complaints, though migrating versions was a WTF, because there was no clear path with CLOS, so wound up learning Debian and their Toy Story-based version naming convention.

That would’ve been better, honestly.

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Texas Fifth Circuit. Says it all.

Thanks for being the voice of sanity, um, SatansMaggotyCumFart

No, it’s also Sony’s fault for not making a contract that says “bought means bought forever”. Sony isn’t making contracts like that where they can get screwed over later. Just making them that way when it affects you.

What competition? At that point it was BlackBerry and WinCE. Oh, and PalmPilot.

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Android was still a year+ out at that time (first beta came out in Nov 2007, though). Thanks, I did forget Symbian. Thanks for the opportunity to dig through the rest, though.

Yes, but your 1650 is still the bottleneck

“Baking is chemistry for hungry people”