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Joined 11 months ago

I started in college. Vaped for around 8 years like constantly. Once you're really addicted your body tells you you're getting pleasure from vaping, but really you're just temporarily setting back how bad it feels to not vape. You're literally having a miniature panic attack every time you crave it and stopping it by doing it.

Been clean for a year now. My overall stress level is WAY lower than while vaping. Felt that after a few months in a big way. I've also got high blood pressure. I ran out of my prescription blood pressure meds the same day I quit. A month later when I went to the doctor my BP was significantly lower than when I was on them, so literally quitting did more for my BP than prescription meds.

I sleep a lot better now too. Also, not having to constantly sneak away, or get grumpy on a plane, etc. Also also, to do with the blood pressure, but as a dude sexual performance is notably better.

Don't start vaping.

Enough money that I can retire in six months. So idk, like, call it a cool $4M/yr and I'm yours in office for 6 months. Otherwise I guess MAYBE my same salary at somewhere walking distance where I only have to work 3 or 4 days a week at 8 hour days.

My mental health is just so much better working from home. The upside would have to be enough to balance that and realistically nobody is actually going to do that.

Her last name is actually zelenska IIRC Ukraine has gendered last names

Yeah. I always tell newbies "nobody ever got a promotion for work their boss didn't know they did." Sadly if you produce 100 units of value and the boss only knows about 10 of them the guy who did 20 units but won't shut up about it looks 2x as valuable even though he's actually doing 1/5 the work. Trick is to be doing the most work and have people see it

This one. Second my app stopped working I never went back. Have been an avid daily contributor for a decade.

Prolly gonna die

Smelled like fruit

That was a lie

Was doing my masters degree. We're all talking about some book several people had read. We ask one guy if he's read it and he says "I don't like... read books" with the emphasis on those last two words just dripping with condescension. Like read the statement with the subtext of "if I caught my kid reading a book I'd disown him and call him a queer".

Really inexplicable take in a room full of literally only masters students

The term for this is "the euphemism treadmill". Basically every word we have for someone being unintelligent was at one point a medical term and for 100s or 1000s of years human beings have been making the same lame joke with whatever the current word is. We can get mad at people for doing it, but history shows it's guaranteed to happen anyway.

Well, it had one in WWII which is almost more impressive

Cringe. Recently learned that "the youths" have basically morphed the phrase into just meaning "anything bad". Like, that word was so useful though to specifically mean "something that someone does which flies in the face of social norms to which they are oblivious, but which makes onlookers uncomfortable". That word condensed a damn paragraph and I want it back

Every desktop app that's available on multiple platforms is basically written in it.

Yeah, anything with Ray tracing will have player reflections. You usually don't see them because they're faking ray tracing by baking the light bounces when the scene first loads

2 more...

Climate change isn't really an existential threat. To be a filter it has to kill all humans and even the bleakest models don't predict that.

Also for it to be a Great Filter it has to be something that ALL civilizations do to kill themselves. Seems unlikely that all civs wou ld even have analogs to gossil fuels in quantities sufficient to do this kind of damage. And the idea that zero of them actually course-correct when they notice it seems equally implausible