1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I did nothing and I'm all out of ideas!

This is getting weird.

If I would generate an image with an AI and then take a photo of it, I could copyright the photo, even if the underlying art is not copyrightable, just like the leaves?

So, in an hypothetical way, I could hold a copyright on the photo of the image, but not on the image itself.

So if someone would find the model, seed, inference engine and prompt they could theoretically redo the image and use it, but until then they would be unable to use my photo for it?

So I would have a copyright to it through obscurity, trying to make it unfeasible to replicate?

This does sound bananas, which - to be fair - is pretty in line with my general impression of copyright laws.

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While she has not been named in the police statement about the arrest, it is believed to be Bonnie Spofforth

This, I don't like. If you - the newspaper, the means of information - are not sure about a name you should really refrain from using it.

It would be not the first time people get their lives ruined by some careless journalist because of a namesake or just an error.

It's not that different from "spreading rumors".

That aside, in this case, it is probably a rumor from an inside source. Still. Not a fan.

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I feel that your post is belittling a situation that, as narrated, is straight up mobbing and bullying, only acknowledging it in a small paragraph which I feel boils down to a dismissive "awful but only maybe malicious, probably just lack of oversight", while the rest of your comment tries to find excuses and normalizing something that is not.


I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, "how I liked to fuck".

I was told that certain issues were "sexual tension" and I should just "take the co-worker out on a coffee date to ease it out"

I was told I was chunky, fat, ugly, stupid. I was called "retarded" I was called a "faggot"

My work was called "dogs--t" I was called "incompetent".

"I think the reason you try to be funny, is because you lack any other skills." smiled then walked away.

I watched co-workers get what I had asked for weeks before they did. It took 2 months to get mine.

Also apparently some managers didn't like me because I "hadn't gotten drunk with them before" Which was said in that haha just jokin (but actually I'm serious) tone

Are nor normal nor acceptable: for anyone who is in a corporation where this is common place: take a step back and understand that it is not healthy for you, bad power dynamics are a real thing and the abuse of them sometimes can feel normal, especially in small businesses that get a sudden explosive growth. And I don't even want to go into her self harming to get a day off.

You can say it was probably a single person, but the lack of action by management with phrases like "change your priorities", "put on your big girl pants" and stuff like that makes it a Company issue, Company which indirectly accept and endorse that kind of treatment: they being so against unionizing sincerely gets a whole other meaning read under this light.

The notebook case is self evidence of it all: A small thing that normally wouldn't be anything important, but compounded with the stressful environment got emotionally distressful. The fact that such a small thing has stayed with her so long should tell you that she was really not in an healthy mental state.

I don't personally care about the whole LTT fiasco, as an uninterested spectator it's fun to watch from the outside and then change channel, a blip in the media world that will most likely blow down in a couple of weeks. But reading how these actions are belittled is really distressing. Bullying is not normal, and it should never be accepted. Ever.

The full thread for whoever missed it:

The Heroic Games Launcher is (IMHO) by far the best interface to gog you can have on linux.

You can find it on the AUR if you use arch, which makes it pretty straightforward to install.

The next version will integrate with the Galaxy API using the comet project, which should make it even better.

The only problem I had with it is that, once upon a time, there was a bug with downloading some games (Cyberpunk 2077, in my case) and I had to compile the git version of Gog-dl and target that in the settings.. but the fact I could even do that is great by itself.

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“One of the core requirements here, and this is really important, is for users for this to be opt-in,” says Brouwer. “I can choose whether or not I want to participate in being open to exchanging messages with third parties. This is important, because it could be a big source of spam and scams.”

Let me translate this for you: "We will make users hop on the most cumbersome, frustrating and inefficient way we can think of to enable interoperability. And making it defaulted to off will mean people using other apps will need to find other channels to ask for it to be enabled on our users' end, making it worthless.

And don't forget: we will put a bunch of scary warnings, and only allow to go all in, with no middle ground or granularity!"

Great stuff, thank you. I can't wait.

“We don't believe interop chats and WhatsApp chats can evolve at the same pace,” he says, claiming it is “harder to evolve an open network” compared to a closed one.

Ah, so they are going for the Apple's approach with iMessage and Android sms. Cool, cool.

I hope my corporate-to-common translator is broken, because this does just sound bad.

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The (IMHO) important bits:


Our continuous internal reviews and beta test groups have highlighted areas that we need to focus on more, mainly performance and content

From the FAQ:

Is the game canceled?
No, the game is not canceled.

What happens to pre-orders?
All pre-orders will be refunded in the upcoming weeks. The option to pre-order the game will be removed and the bonus will instead be added to the base game for all

Is there going to be Early Access or Beta Access to the game?
There will not be an early access or extra beta access right now

In the blog there are the steps to how to get the refunds, I'm not copying them in case they change.

As they say, A Delayed Game Is Eventually Good, But a Bad Game Is Bad Forever ^/s?^

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I wish they used them all, especially XDG_CACHE_HOME which can become pretty big pretty fast.

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Yeah. GDPR should have been implemented as a mandatory part of HTML or even HTTP that interacts with a builtin browser feature.

Well, it kind of is. The Do Not Track header has recently seen a court win in Germany (source):

It turned out that the judge agreed with vzbv, ruling that the social media giant is no longer allowed to warn users it doesn't respect DNT signals. That's because, under GDPR, the right to opt out of web tracking and data collection can also be exercised using automated procedures.

And it is basically the same in California too Source

GPC is a valid do-not-sell-my-personal-information signal according to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which stipulates that websites are legally required to respect a signal sent by users who want to opt-out of having their personal data sold.

Are you talking about this: ?

There's this one too: but it is not as nice.

Click on modlog at the bottom of the page, or just add "modlog" at the instance link.

For example for beehaw it would be

Probably they are getting ready for some vote manipulation and astroturfing for the long run.
You know, in case Lemmy and the Fediverse really get mainstream enough to move the public opinion in some way.

Having a thousand accounts that can upvote a seemingly innocent post made by an active and "real" account is always useful.

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Thank you for pointing this out. I was too flabbergasted by the sheer insanity of the messages to even consider checking the date.

Probably a repost of some kind. Still. I hope the target of this meltdown could go through this whole thing without problems and be safe.

Because, as pointed in the page, Servo is being developed as a(n embeddable) Rendering Engine, not as a full blown end user Browser.
Its alternatives are not Chrome, Safari or Firefox, but Webkit, Blink and Gecko

There's an example GUI called Servoshell, but it is more of a testing ground and example on how to embed the engine in an app than a serious alternative to anything currently in the market.

Already this kind of work is difficult and daunting. Adding to it a full GUI would make it completely impossible for the current size and financial backing Servo has.

Big words aside it just means that Servo wants to be only one of the parts that compose a real browser: the one that takes HTML, Javascript, WASM and translates them into the things you see on your monitor. All the user facing functionality are left to the devs of the app that embed it.

It's an error with a dependency written in Rust, the workaround is to use an older toolchain (1.72), it is fixed in the newer code of tokenizers, but probably it is not updated in AUTOMATIC1111 yet: you should check their bug tracker

To have more info you can read this issue: Link

I find it funny that this is the first video where I'm consistently getting the "This helps us protect our community" and "Log in to confirm that you are not a bot" errors while using an alternative Frontend.

I'm sure it's just a random coincidence, but it is still funny to me.

Block the user. It should be just one bot doing it in the instance.

To do so just, from your instance website, click on his name and search for the block function.

EDIT: For future reference you can automagically hide all (properly flagged) bots' posts toggling the "Show Bots" in your profile, but you will lose the useful ones too and the one not flagged will still appear.

This was an interesting question, so I took a quick dive in the docs, it seems it has an S3 integration to help with it, and some comments on the various supported services

More info here:

Still, depending on the chosen provider and the amount of viewers, it could be quite costly

Linus is an investor in the framework company: Source on the framework forums that links to the video on youtube

::: spoiler spoiler Why not directly link to the video? Because I don't want to! :P :::

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You should add some mushrooms in it.

Currently they have direct shipping for some EU's members (Germany, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Spain, Belgium) Source

And I think the shipment costs are currently already in the price for the laptop Source

But I've not bought one so I don't have direct experience

as an unwilling Whatsapp user the ability to migrate without having to convince all my social circles to do anything but check a checkbox sounds like a huge step forward.

That's the point. I feel it will not be a "simple checkbox", and they will make it the most obnoxious process they can using the Best Dark Patterns the industry has to offer.

Already the general public is not interested in the alternatives or the concept of interoperability - wanting something that Just Works™ - putting in front even the smallest step (and some scary text!) will make the percentage of willing people become even lower.
And that's not all. As it is portraited in the article by the Threema's spokeperson it is pretty clear that Meta will just try to make the maintenance of the communication layer as cumbersome as they can - both technically and bureaucratically.
They are explicitly the ones keeping the reins of the standard, the features, the security model, the exchanged data and who, how and when will be approved.

So from one side if they make it hard and scary enough to tank the use rate, they will have the excuse of not being there enough people to give priority to fix it or add features, and from the other side if maintaining the interoperability will be difficult and time consuming enough, the people and businesses from the alternatives or wrappers will not have the incentive to do or keep doing it for the long haul. As we can already see in the article.

Is it better than nothing? Sure, probably. Will it be a slow cooking, easy to break, easy to get excluded from, just bare minimum to comply to the letter but not the spirit of the law? I feel that's a pretty good bet to make.

Let's be clear: I will be extremely happy if all the red flags and warning bells that I saw in the article will just end up being figments of my imagination. But yes, I'm very pessimistic - maybe even too much - when I see these kind of corporate speech and keywords.

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This is funny. In the email he wrote that the only way to contact the pullpush team is to do so using the forum and, at the same time, he added a really weird ToS agreement where if you are affiliated to Reddit in any way you set that the only possible arbitration of all the disputes need to pass through, I assume, him as a judge.

I'm both impressed and weirded out. Kudos for the creativity.

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EDIT: Sorry, I missed the "web based". Today I'm incredibly distracted.

Feeder is pretty good if you use Android.

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Any foundation model is trained on a subset of common crawl.

All the data in there is, arguably, copyrighted by one individual or another. There is no equivalent open - or closed - source dataset to it.

Each single post, page, blog, site, has a copyright holder. In the last year big companies have started to change their TOS to make that they are able to use, relicense and generally sell your data hosted in their services as their own for the intent of AI training, so potentially some small parts of common crawl will be licensable in bulk - or directly obtained from the source.

This does still leave out the majority of the data directly or indirectly used today, even if you were willing to pay, because it is unfeasable to search and contract every single rights holder.

On the other side of it there have been work to use less but more heavily curated data, which could potentially generate good small, domain specific, models. But still they will not be like the ones we currently have, and the open source community will not be able to have access to the same amount and quality of data.

It's an interesting problem that I'm personally really interested to see where it leads.

2 more... that a Goa'uld? Scary!

I feel there's some kind of miscommunication going on here.

Probably I'm not understanding what you are putting forward, but to be clear: They are not doing this because they want to. They are doing it because they are forced to do it by the DMA.
It's true that allegedly they were working on some kind of interoperability layer already. For years now. But no evidence of it being more than lip service to avoid being regulated has ever surfaced - as far as I know.

Which would have been in line with your "Do Nothing".

Russia is actively in Syria from the end of 2015 as an official belligerent, it's not something new for Russia to fight directly while others use only proxies.

But I can see your point; still - officially - this is only a three days military operation. When that stance will finally change in the official channels, it will mean they can't hold the mask anymore.

For the interested, Opensnitch is great for Linux.

The pending thing is just a weird bug. For all intents and purposes you are subscribed and you will able to see it in your Subscriptions feed.

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I think comet is more about multiplayer in games that use the Galaxy API than achievements

The gog cloud save support I think was already in the Heroic Game Launcher for about a couple of years, I think I have my Cyberpunk 2077 saves on there, but honestly I'm not sure

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Let's be clear, it's really low risk, especially for such a low strength one, but some types of components can get damaged by it, or you could end up dislodging badly soldered or already damaged ones while you move the board around.

In the worst case, if you dislodge them just enough to give you an intermittent problem, good luck debugging it.

I just feel that it's not worth risking it.

Probably I'm misreading it, but isn't this kind of answer basically saying "google it"?

I don't want to sound rude, but my english is kind of failing me, I'm just curious, but what's the point?

One of the reasons of this kind of public forum is to share knowledge and experiences. ChatGPT is a closed, private, garden where the answer will just die.

I could get a "I don't really know the answer but I used ChatGPT and it gave me this:" followed by a script, or something like that.

I know, this is off-topic and I'm sorry, I'm just really interested in Why, considering it's said multiple times in this comment section.

I'm unsure about the keyboard but the caps are from the Drop + The Lord of the Rings MT3 Elvish Keycap Set

Unfortunately, in general, people tend to just read, vote, and then forget about it without checking back: that's why I always try to add some source or ways to verify what I post.

And - in this specific case - probably some people just like LTT, I assume.

Silverbullet is like that. It is not an electron or native app, you have to run a server and then get to it from the browser.

TLDR it is best run with docker or podman, but IMHO it is pretty good.

I don't know why but they are on a separate branch: 0.18.5_release_notes

Reading the commits it seems they want to keep them on join-lemmy, instead of having a changelog/releases file in the github.

They first added the 0.18.5 changes and then deleted the full content of the releases file and put to go to

I have a Boox Nova Air which is still going strong after around 2 years, and honestly it's pretty good for writing. But I heard a lot of people having problems with updates bricking the device or receiving a bad unit and having an hard time returning it, if bought directly from them. I did not have to talk with support and I avoided the updates, so I can't say more about that. My experience is overall good with it.

I also have a Kobo Libra H2O that I think is nearing the 4 years mark, and is still going really strong. The biggest problem I had was that it asks for a kobo account during setup, thing that I really dislike. I don't know if it is still like that.

But, generally, if you want an epub compatible reader that you can mod (NickelMenu etc) and easily side load stuff to, with a kobo libra you can't go wrong. Even if, to be fair, I'm not up to date with the latest devices and company policies.

One note: the kindle format is pretty closed and all the stuff you buy from amazon is generally DRMed to hell, so it's not certain that you can pass it to other readers. Just avoid amazon's ebooks.

EDIT: One thing I missed: PDFs on the default kobo software are bad, the Boox default software for PDF is far better and - in my case - there's a screen size difference too that can make my opinion biased. Aside from that for pure book reading kobo is generally better, but you need to buy a protective case for it: there are a lot of cheap and good quality compatible ones.

I'll try to simplify some concepts about the Fediverse and Lemmy using some more common IT knowledge.

I assume you are familiar with emails: gmail, protonmail, hotmail, aol, each of them runs a Server which will give you access, when registered, to a mailbox which will have a name of your choice, followed by an AT(@), and then a Domain specific to the vendor you have chosen.


Lemmy works in a similar way: When you choose an instance (for example, or, or, you can find a list here: ) you are choosing where your account will live. You'll get a full ID composed by your name of choice followed by an @ and then the domain of your chosen instance.

In your case your full ID is . This is unique to you in the whole Fediverse.


Contrary to emails we have another abstraction: Communities. They are collections of posts and comments, moderated by someone and about a specific subject. These communities will reside on a specific server, like your account, and you can, for example, go to ! or ! . As you can see their format is similar to that of your account: they have both a community name, the name before the @, and a domain that specifies where the main copy of it physically resides.

You can find a full, searchable, list of communities here: For some more complex reasons just disregards any of them that reside on (they have defederated with, but you don't need to understand this concept yet).


When you start to look around the site, and you are logged in with your account, you'll have the ability to follow three different types of feed: Subscribed, Local, All.

Local: This feed shows only communities which main copy actually resides on the instance that you are currently on.
All: All the posts from all the communities of all the instances will appear here.
Subscribed: All the posts from the communities that you have subscribed to will show here.


Until now the concepts were pretty straightforward and not so dissimilar from other services, but now starts the more complex subject: Federation.

For all this different instances (computers running the Lemmy server) to have the information it needs to spread and they need to duplicate it.

This will allow you to see the same exact content whichever instance your account is on: this means that if you have chosen to create an account on or it, generally speaking, doesn't matter. You will see and interact with the same content and people.

Your instance is just the gate towards the content, which you have to always pass through (so no, you shouldn't make an account in each instance, you just need one, and you should choose an instance which rules and values are acceptable for you and, better yet, similar to yours).

Going back to the previous comparison with email services you can think of this as: Each time you take an action (writing a post, a comment, sending an upvote) you are really just sending an email to all the instances, so they get notified and update their copy of the content.

An email saying something along the lines of " has just downvoted the post number 69420 in the community 42 of the instance 123" will propagate until every single server has received it.


Defederation is the strength and the weakness of the whole fediverse: it helps to moderate the content but it also breaks the web connecting all the servers.

Each instance automatically connects itself with all the others present in the net, but an Admin can actively decide that some other instance - maybe because it is full of Bots, or Scammers, or contains communities clearly voted to illegal or immoral things, or just they don't like it; the reasons are subjective - really rustled their jimmies and they don't want to see it anymore. In that case the Admin could decide to Defederate from them: this means that each time a new email from that instance comes it just get dropped and ignored.

So, if Instance A defederates from instance B, each time B sends an update to the content produced by the communities or people from B it will just be ignored by A. All the users registered on A will just not see anything or anyone from B.

Basically an instance wide shadow-ban.


This was just a quick and rough explanation of the concepts, but I hope it was useful: if you have any question I'll try to answer them at the best of my abilities. But keep in mind that they are not really high. And I'm kinda tipsy.

The main takeaways are this:

  • You only need an account in a single instance.
  • You can subscribe to any community that you want, wherever they are.
  • You can search instances and communities here:
  • You should choose an instance that has similar values as you.
  • Sometimes the federation (the mails sent around between the servers) can get slow, but all content will be eventually consistent. Kinda.
  • Communities are sprouting around at high speed, there are a lot of duplicates and everything is in flux, try to be patience.
  • Just try to have fun and be happy.

EDIT: Typos.

If silence is the real culprit you should try out a white noise generator, generally speaking it should overload/excite you less then music or human voices and could help you sleep faster.

Where I live silence during the night is not really an option, and I had had problems only when on vacation "away from civilization", but small stuff like white noise, a fan or similar low but continuos sounds helped me out without asking for my attention (which happens with movies, music or similar).

There are even apps that simulate different kind of sound and let you mix them (like rain, birds, wind) but I didn't have enough patience to really dig on this solution.