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Joined 10 months ago

I am not a fan of The Big Bang Theory by any means, but removing the laugh track on any show will make the jokes less funny due to the pacing for edits. They hold on shots longer to add in laughs... this makes for long uncomfortable silences when laughter is removed. And timing is very important in comedy.

If someone removes the laugh track, they should also remove the long silences to give it a better chance. I don't think it would help TBBT much for me, but comedy is subjective.

I'm confused. Do you think Chad Everett's character was played by Martin Mull or is there a joke I'm missing?

Step one: Become friendly with cop.

Step two: Cop friend pulls you over.

Step three: Flip off cop friend to get arrested.

Step four: Get settlement, get married to one another, and run off to Barbados together.

Step five: Argue about how the money went away too fast.

Step six: Get divorced, sell your body for drugs.

Step seven: Flip off a Barbados cop to get arrested.

Step eight: Spend the rest of your days in a Caribbean prison.

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I know. The headline is tough to get through.

I remember my financial literary class. It was part of Home Ec. I think it was one class where we learned how to fill out checks.

This is why gas is sometimes cheaper when you use cash or the gas station's own card. We pay the credit card companies to use their card on these transactions.

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They should join him in prison for solidarity.

I want AI to perfect space travel because we need to get away from these idiots.

We'll deal with these nuts later when they develop a Death Star.

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"No, I'm serious... cars are on our roads, folks. Some are even electric. Many people need cars to drive to their jobs and build the economy. Our roads are part of our infrastructure. Without cars, people would use trains and buses and the subway. And those help sustain thousands of good American jobs."

Good guy HP: Trying to save the planet by making their printers so bad no one wants to print anymore. 👍

Normally, I think gamers overreact a bit when it comes to ads on Xbox... but this time, this full screen ad when you boot up the system should not be allowed.

Wonder what genius exec had that brilliant idea. Stupid.

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On the one hand, I hope he loses.

On the other hand, I hope Meta also loses.

Something tells me we are the ones who lose.

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Companies likely lose money with more workers in the office. More electricity, more water, more supplies. More unhappy employees, more tired employees, more good employees looking elsewhere for WFH jobs.

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MAGAs are being swindled and don't know it.

If you tell them they are being swindled, with proof, they won't believe it and take it out on you instead for suggesting it.

They'd rather be ignorant than be proven wrong. This is also why phone/computer scammers keep going after the same people. The victims never want to believe they were duped until it's too late.

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Am I going to get another free year of credit monitoring?

Awesome. Wow. 🙃

I feel like I get another free year every year from different companies.

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Wow. Once he got booed, he turned on them pretty quickly.

Yup. That's Trump for ya. Only cares about himself.

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Sounds like something a guilty guy would say.

Just saying.

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"It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!"

--Chancellor Palpatine

Please don't be American, please don't be American, please don't be American.

Reads article ... "Chinese tour group."


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Computer virus. Okay. Phew.

Though a computer virus could someday be just as deadly as a regular virus.

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90 years old. Why do people keep voting for fossils?

I like Bernie Sanders and his views are younger than his age, but he's 82 now. He needs to pass the torch as well and endorse someone to replace him. He's done his service.

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Did they really say, "We tried to make this work. Gosh, we tried."?

Well, golly.

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This was a triumph.

I'm making a note here: huge success.

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


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Five years. Once again, not long enough.

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It would be one thing if they really were banning it due to health concerns. But that's not why they are doing it. It's about money as it is the only thing they care about. Someone is paying them to prevent competition. So much for free enterprise. Also, to own da libs.

They'll change their mind once lab meat eventually becomes a tenth of the cost with ten times better taste than the real thing.

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They could've been massively rich running the exchange the legit way, but no... it's always more, more, more... now, now, now.

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Yup. That's why they ban books and cut funding for public education. They want uneducated people to keep voting for Republican candidates who put their own kids into private schools, and the cycle continues.

And again, I thank rich people for being test subjects on new technology.

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I don't know about the Cybertruck or its charging port, but cars do have rain sensors to activate the wipers automatically when it rains. Car wash mode likely turns those sensors off to prevent damage to the wipers.

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The suspect.

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And when we're long gone and Florida is half under water... Historians will put his name up around the top of helping its destruction.

Guess he just wants to be remembered for something.

I don't understand the need for a delay. If he thinks he's bigly innocent, wouldn't he want to prove that as quickly as possible? 🙃

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Lucas heard the criticism back then too. He admitted that it was a mistake on his part. That's why he added Lando as a new main character in Empire Strikes Back.

He's also now married to Mellody Hobson.

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Here's an idea... why not ban all robo-calls?

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Nah. They just want to cut funding, not cut it completely. They need the dumb kids to grow up to be dumb workers and dumb voters. And to keep their own children in private schools to continue to rule over the poors.

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He had "consistently been drinking since the age of 13."

Drive it anyway. The Cybertruck can handle it. The Cybertruck can handle anything! I heard it's made out of 1978 Hot Wheels parts and 1982 Megaforce machismo.

For USB-A, it's usually not even 50/50. It's the witchcraft superposition when the first two tries don't work.

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