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Joined 12 months ago

Cheers from across the hellscape, friend.

HTC Droid Incredible.

It kept telling me its storage was full when it was nowhere close, and then because it only allowed over the air factory resets, it couldn't even erase and reformat itself. It was the top rated Android phone at the time and it's why I've never gone back.

Let's go with the atomic bomb...if you disagree, consider that we made a weapon too powerful to ever be used again, but nations that have them get taken way more seriously in diplomacy.

And let's be serious, it's pretty much tick-tock, tick-tock before they get used again when they get put in the hands of zealots. Let's be doubly serious, it will be religion that convinces some leader that they are within their divine rights to cleanse the world of their enemies.

This, we moved from Tribes to towns to cities to be more efficient but lost the cooperative aspect of the tribe which made it more efficient in the first place. Now corporations do market research until they figure out exactly what we can afford to get our needs met and then charge that price instead of anything related to their actual costs. It's resulted in a situation to where most people live month to month and can't afford vacation or even an unexpected car repair.

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For me, this post is right under the person who said "Agriculture" and the response "Because it lead directly to feudalism and other forms of autocracy?"

And if unqualified businessmen ruling instead of experts in their "given fields" isn't a perfect way to describe feudalism, I don't know if irony has survived.

Beats me, I live in Arizona and hearing other people speak Spanish is a daily occurrence. I don't get even the slightest bit upset by it and I feel like you'd have to be insane to care about such a thing.

So maybe you have it here, some people are insane.

I go from -"that's stupid" to "aww hell no" the second I find out the school accepts even a single dollar of taxpayer money.

Today's phrase is "garnish your wages." If their protest doesn't involve moving to another country it's not going to happen. I've thought about it too, but my contingency,for that definitely involves moving to Scandinavia.

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Oh man, this feels good because I filed an FTC complaint against them :D

I'm over here getting nostalgic for BEANS.

The first one because it represents a charging horse hitting someone off to their side with a lance.

Regular police officers not wearing full body armor and tactical gear.

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Sometimes you don't get a chance to say what you wish you had.

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I've been staring at this pic for an hour and I can't think of any possible rule it would violate besides "no giant rat balls." Which seems fair but unlikely to exist yet.

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Creepy ass motherfuckers. You'd almost have to be a studio exec to think this is even something you should ask.

The sequel to Trump screwing Stormy Daniels...Stormy Daniels screwing Trump.

I mean, does the girl know what she wants and can she fend for herself in a romantic relationship? If so, then no, what are you worried about? The legal age is 18 in this country and if my nieces and their friends are any indication, women are maturing much faster than they used to and they matured faster than boys since almost always.

A more stringent test though is, are you taking advantage of her immaturity? As some others said, only you can answer those questions. But don't base it on how mature YOU were at 19, that's apples to oranges my friend.

Agreed, pre-orders are a thing after all...but it's possible that it still works too often and also that gamers are becoming a bit more jaded about marketing. I don't buy anything till the Metacritic and Steam reviews are out, and I only watch gameplay videos any more cause who cares about the cut scenes? I'm sure I'm not the only one. Consumers eventually learn their lessons but then a new crop of consumers comes up.

Counterpoint: Call of Duty 27 should be out soon.

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I encourage you not to view him as an author but as an imaginative creator confined by language.

Preliminary testes have suggested it will be an issue, but we need another few rounds of testes to be sure.

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Whoa, whoa..I was told this was a Reddit replacement and this is way too kind, humble, accepting, and level headed.

This is downright peaceful.

I am from the USA but I want to say that for any foreigner who's seen the movie Groundhog Day (or news about the occasion), the answer is Punxutawney.

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The sad reality of the name of the newspaper being so true. This is Mississippi today. Not 400 years ago, or

Seems like his job was to "manage" the community in the control sense.

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Maybe just accept it as shorthand for what it really means.

Some examples:

We say Kleenex instead of facial tissue, Band-Aid instead of bandage, I say that Siri butchered my "ducking" text again when I know autocorrect is technically separate.

We also say, "hang up on someone" when there is no such thing anymore

Hell, we say "cloud" when we really mean "someone's server farm"

Don't get me started on "software as a service" too ...a bullshit fancy name for a subscription website that actually has some utility.

Same. Used it a few times in the months since the API stuff to research some obscure shit but I have no account there now.

Been saying it for a while, but his plan was to run it into the ground all along. Who is he buddy-buddy with in public? The Saudi's and the Russians, who both have an interest in seeing Twitter burn to the ground. He started by laying off people, not paying their bills, and making stupid brand decisions. This has been the plan all along and there's really no other logical explanation. 44 billion is nothing to the Saudis and Russian oligarchs if it takes away a key tool for organized dissent and the spread of western ideals.

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You're not there to make sure they take it, you're there to document whether or not they took it. That much IS definitely your responsibility, to confirm that they did or did not take their meds. You're not the asshole, you're just looking at it wrong.

Judging by the results, I act more like a robot when I see a captcha.

Pretty sure the recipe for human flesh is:

1 Tbsp Semen 1 egg Mix

Thanks, even my parents need therapy now.

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One of the best superhero movies by far. You take that back sir, and have at thee.

(I can't find a gauntlet so I'm throwing down a dishwashing glove)

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Other municipals have enacted anti-AirBnB policies. Gotta pick that or sabotage though, lol. If you start pushing for anti-AirBnB ordinances and then sabotage tourism, they'll be knocking on your door quick lol. Everything I can think of for destroying tourism would land you in jail, /shrug

Yeah, that hits in the feels too. In my case there have been two big ones. I wish I would've told the girl that got away that I just got jealous and it was my fault I pushed her away...that I forgave her or more realistically that she did nothing wrong. I was young and dumb. The other was what I didn't say to my stepson, that I wasn't ever going to try to be the "new sheriff in town" and that life is hard and he was fine just the way he was. Maybe that yesterday's painful lessons become tomorrow's triumphs. He was an angsty, antisocial teen and I always figured he'd be cooler towards me when he grew up a bit. He killed himself, so growing up never happened.

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I welcome the controversy, but World of Warcraft.

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I was checking out Archer for streaming the other day and noticed the episodes were 22 minutes long, which means 8 minutes of commercials in that half-hour TV time slot, or 26.666% of the total time.

That's why I stopped watching TV in the first place, they're essentially offering to "pay" you 22 minutes of entertainment for every 8 minutes of ads you'll watch and that's just completely not worth it to me. Would you pay $2 to watch an hour-long show? If so, to watch ads instead, you'd pay them 16 minutes of your time, and your labor would be paid at a tad less than 8 dollars an hour in entertainment as currency. If you'd only pay a dollar, halve that.

I play games so that my entire 30 minutes is fun and I'll pay for it with the money I make at my job rather than paying the TV industry in minutes of my time..the thing I have the least of. It's this really weird setup that's just become accepted where they pay us out in entertainment at near minimum-wage rates for time spent trying to program us.

(Archer aside....on shit that ain't even that entertaining)

The whole fuckin thing isn't worth it.

Content? Check Comments? Check Doomscrolling? Check

Alrighty, everything checks out

RBG was too ______ to retire as well.

One does not simply walk into beomodor.

I know this, but:

0.05(multivitamin) > jack shit

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