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Joined 1 years ago

Bad analogy, it would be like meeting up with all your ex-girlfriend's other former partners and all bitching about that shared ex because you have that thing in common.

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What no proper version control does to a mfer(2)

This is like asking someone to check in on your ex, sure it sounds like a good idea, but...

We gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.

I would never trust that it would respect my privacy in the first place. Why would anyone think they're going to turn over a new leaf just because they released a new service?!

Same, I was only donating $2 a month but I'm not alone in finding this completely unacceptable. I applied at It's the scorpion and the frog with these people suggesting we should just wait and see.

"~Let's see if Zuck doesn't act like an anti-competitive asshole this time" <--where the hell is the logic in that?!

Reddit was where we were when we were younger tech nerds, so...yeah man.

Sounds like leopards are eating faces again.

Not just any tick, but THE Tick. Spoon, motherfuckers...

It's almost like some people crave enshitification.

"Hey this decentralized stuff is really cool, let's connect with the most gigantic corporate assholes who would absolutely centralize all of it if they know, so we can grow! What could go wrong?"


Don't forget to bring a towel!

We kindly ask everyone to engage in civil discourse and remember that not everyone will share the same opinions, which is perfectly acceptable.

It's really actually not acceptable to ignore what a bad actor Facebook/Meta has been. Catch up on the news if you need to. Cambridge Analytica scandal, unwitting social experiments, and the insane amount of intrusive permissions required just to use threads etc. They've been anti-consumer in an almost dystopian way and failing to call that out is an immoral stance. There's really no polite way to say, "that's a hell no, fix your attitude, or I'm out." That people have characterized folks telling you this is a deal-breaker as "blackmail" is the absurd stance here. We're asking you to stay true to the anti-corporate "power to the people" spirit that created Lemmy in the first place and call out Meta for being an obviously bad actor in this space, as a bunch of Reddit refugees... You actually arguing against this and acting like "both sides are fine" about it is being completely tone-deaf and is 100% antithetical to the purpose of the fediverse.

"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing." You've already committed to doing nothing during an important time with a "wait and see" attitude. Meta is still a face-eating leopard, a frog-stinging scorpion, or whatever analogy does it for ya. It's not a tough choice and there IS a right and wrong answer.

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Or they type fast and have a lot to say /shrug

Sorry to be blunt but nobody here should give a single shit that they "can't interact with Threads content" from Lemmy. Make an account there if you care that much. Lemmy is exactly the opposite of a corporate-controlled and monetized platform and the Fediverse is flourishing because a need arose to not let corporate fucks ruin everything they touch. If they're your friends, you can interact with them any number of ways, send them a link however you normally talk, obviously. This is shill talk.

You're picking out one phrase in that entire post and creating a new meaning out of it by ignoring the context.

That is...they didn't say it's not worth voting on whatsoever, they insinuated that if put to a vote, Meta will cheat and astroturf.

Facebook doesn't give a shit about its users and treats them and their data as a crop to harvest. On Meta platforms, you're the product. On the fediverse, you're just another user, free to do what you want. Disgust is indeed an emotion, and I'm 100% fine with being disgusted with Meta.

Agreed about influencers. Meta wouldn't be doing this at all if they didn't have a plan (or multiple plans) to monetize it. The whole reason I left Reddit and plan to leave Twitter was that I very much dislike having any part of my online enjoyment at the mercy of the whims of gigantic corporate assholes that think they are far more important than they are. Meta has been an awful and abusive actor in the tech world, why would any freedom-loving person want anything to do with them in a freedom-loving space?! Why would anyone just wait and see what they do this time to decide they're an awful company with only their profits in mind and no qualms about making those profits at a cost to its users?!

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So too many Americans buy trucks and SUV’s, not because they want to, but because that’s the only thing they can buy.

That is...insanely inaccurate lol. "I wanted to buy a car but I could only find trucks for sale" is not a thing in this country whatosever.

A single character emoji could easily be a typo as well.

I used this site when migrating

Shows where old Reddit subs relocated to or branched out to.

In what universe are you living in that meta does not have a history chock full of bad conduct?! Frog, meet scorpion.

Oh, and stop misusing "cringe" while you're at it.

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The people who want meta content can make accounts on meta services.

EXACTLY, so kindly stop arguing with people telling you that Lemmy users should not let them into this backyard due to Meta's history. You're being willfully ignorant and combative here while refusing to be persuaded by the people telling you exactly why it's a bad idea. You both don't understand (or won't) and are STILL arguing your point anyway.

If your arguments can't be distinguished from legit astroturfing, then you're obviously making terrible pro-corporate arguments on a decidedly anti-corporate platform. Read the room and take the freaking hint.

This, starting to feel a strong astroturf vibe here because 10 people upvoted the comment above you and yet nobody downvoted yours despite them being made within an hour of each other. It's like they have bots going and upvoting each other's pro-Meta posts. FUCK Meta and Reddit, these types of greedy CEO's who don't give a rats if they make the world better or worse as long as they make a buck are exactly the reason the people needed their own solution. Meta is literally the antithesis of everything decentralization is about. How the F did these people end up here if corporate control of their communication is just fine with them?

For real, this troll is honestly trying to argue that Meta being a hostile company isn't common knowledge.

Interesting, mine was 5 seconds long and muted.

NO....the beauty of the Fediverse is that corporate interests aren't welcome here. It's a new frontier and you're advocating that we extend an invite to the ones that fucked up the last frontier. Make a threads account if that's important, you have ZERO argument for the rest of us to need the ability to connect with them from a platform specifically designed for decentralized control.

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Agreed, I can dare to dream they'd go full Radio Shack even.

It will be there, it will just list the user as "deleted."

You can decide for yourself by making your own server or finding one you align with, that's exactly how this works.

Ahem, "landed gentry." :D

Let's not be so quick to rush to judgment there, eh?

Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?

"Break the loop and you break the chains."

Nobody actually said that to my knowledge but putting quotes around it lends some legitimacy. 

Yep, deleted mine yesterday. Their disdain for the mods that provide free labor and for the users in general with their lazy "they'll get over it" attitude was the deal breaker. Fuuuuuck Reddit.

Meta wishes to establish Threads as the new “standard” of the Fediverse which is antithetical to the entire concept of the Fediverse, which is to resist centralized, corporate control of the platform and to remain independent, open-source, and free.

Exactly this to the point that it's getting me increasingly annoyed that people are advocating to let Meta in. are you talking about, this entire Fediverse thing is exactly the opposite of Meta, and directly a result in response to corporate control of online interaction. Why in the world would we want to connect with Meta?! This is the anti-Meta, anti-Reddit, anti-Twitter.

Worse, this particular one is a meta-shitpost and nobody likes the word meta ever since Zuck stole it.

I think that this also helps one figure out Lemmy.

Samesies, I wish someone at Reddit would leak how many users deleted their account on July 1st and leading up to it compared to a normal month of people coming and going.

It doesn't need to replace anything, that's a sports mentality applied to the free flow of information. What this decade has taught us is that the doomscroll is all there is. Reddit, Tiktok, Twitter, etc. all have constant scrolling through content as their main feature. It's a feature that's extremely reproducible. What the fediverse does is take power away from the corporations that want to make money off of the flow of user-created content. By the fediverse's existence, whenever some company wants to rate-limit or ban 3rd party apps, the people can now just say: "Nah."

Go be an astroturfing corporate shill somewhere else.