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Joined 1 years ago

Canadian here.

I am not looking forward to this very much. If Trump gets into power, our local politicians are going to crank it into overdrive. They already pander to that demographic, so it's just going to get worse. Not nearly as bad as in America, but nobody wants to live under bad leadership and have their safety taken from them.

I don't really understand how we got to this point. But it just seems like all these grifters came out from the woodwork and are just being crazy in plain sight with no consequences now.

I'm sure they were always there, but I don't feel like it was nearly as bad as it has been. Maybe it's just recency bias clouding my memory, but like... dang.

I would love to see some sort of ranked ballot voting or other method of voting come into place for every democracy. No vote should go to waste because of having to pick between the lesser of two crappy choices.

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I think you might be misunderstanding my intent. I agree lol there really is no question, which is the better option.

Some people still might vote independent, or they might want to vote independent, but rather vote Democrat because they feel if they don't, they're not helping to fix the problem.

This is common in Canada as well. Having a ranked ballot or some sort of choice voting system would allow people to pick a primary or secondary choice in the event that their first pick doesn't have enough votes. That way, a vote wouldn't be left out, and everyone gets a say regardless of their first pick.

It annoys me that we can understand this issue, but yet the people in power just don't seem to get it? Maybe they just don't care. It kinda feels like it's a game to them. Will high-ranking democrats really feel the pain from losing? I feel like people with money always seem to not be burdened nearly as much.

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This made my morning :3

Edit: not a fan of Frank's new look, though. He looks...different.

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Thank you! I like it too haha. The battle network games are awesome

If they had made a statement like this proactively years ago, I maybe would believe it. But now after the years of rumored toxic workplace conditions this just seems like an attempt to calm their fans lol

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Thanks for posting!

Man, it's been wild seeing fascism growing over the past decade. I mean, it was always around, but it's really gotten worse. The trouble is I have no idea how you would even begin to resolve the issue.

Like you have people wanting to kill American liberals (which is hilarious because politically the American democrats are not even close to being leftist or the big boogieman, "communist").

It really seems like you have a very large group of uneducated and violent people who think Trump will allow them to fulfill their fantasies of control over others. The pain in the ass is that their ideology is spreading globally.

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I heard from a friend that this game wants your screen to be on all night? Is that true?

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What's hilariously sad is that this could work

I'm terrified that one day, I'll be forced back into the office. I think I've gotten extremely lucky so far. I know 100% I would not have made it through the past couple years if I was in the office. We have personal offices, which is a step up from cubicles, but it's 4 white walls and no natural sunlight. In the winter I saw sunlight for maybe 10 minutes total a day if I was lucky.

I just don't think people are meant to be working the way our current societies do. Conditions should be improved across the board for every industry regardless if you are doing white collar or blue collar work. Our lives are too short to be wasted making other people rich.

Being able to still download old purchases is my biggest thing. I'm glad they aren't removing that

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It sounds like the crew are trying to do everything they can to help out and do what's right. I hope that the authorities will take that into consideration when figuring out what to do with the sailors. The situation seems terrible for everyone involved

This will happen in every industry. There's no ethical consumption under our current system because there's no way to track where resources, materials, items come from, who made them, and how their workers are being treated.

Edit: I just remembered the story from the last year Or two where they found all those kids working in meat plants in the USA. Slavery and other unethical practices happen globally. I wish there was better ways to stop it. I'm glad people are talking about it and hopefully it leads to better outcomes in the future

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I'm so tired man. I just want it to stop. It feels like everything nice is slowly being squeezed in all aspects of life.

Anything that capitalism touches or influences has begun to choke us out. It just seems to continue and doesn't seem to ease up or improve. Maybe I'm just noticing it more, but the past 4 years felt like things accelerated quickly

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I miss windows 7

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Overall things are okay but I'm hoping they'll be better soon. I'm supposed to find out if I get a raise this week. But I doubt I will get properly compensated as the tradition goes.

So I started making gaming YouTube videos back in September but man I have no idea what to make. I underestimated how much time each video takes to make when you're working full time.

I've done some experimenting and some videos just don't seem to do well. I think ultimately I just need to make more so I have more information. I'm hoping that I can find my "niche" soon. I just want to make fun/interesting videos for people to enjoy haha.

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Valve works differently than other companies. Internally everyone works on what they want when they want. You can literally wheel your desk to a new location if you decide to want to work with another team. Because of this though it creates an odd dynamic that isn't always going to work out best for the developers or the consumers.

This is why it feels extremely random whenever valve releases something new. You would think they would just release banger after banger of hot AAA titles. But it's more complicated than that unfortunately. This is also reflected in things like fixing cheats in team fortress 2 etc etc.

This video will answer a lot of your questions

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I was shocked to find out that all his crimes apparently don't disqualify him from running for/being president again. Like what?

You would think there would be like... some laws or something.

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The only xbox exclusive(s) that I can think of that I have enjoyed and come back to in the past decade are the forza horizon games. I've had more enjoyment from backwards compatibility and 3rd party titles on my Xbox.

Halo should have been good. But something happened to both bungie and 343 during that split. Bungie had some kind of magic with their specific group from halo CE to reach. They knew what they were making, and they knew exactly how to bring their vision to life.

After the split, it felt like both company's were limping their releases to the finish line.

To be fair, I think a good portion of the issues are that Microsoft seems to be treating everything like a financial decision and not a creative one. I know this might not be the most popular opinion, but shit I would be happy if they scaled back their games a bit and just made something solid for once on a cheaper budget. I think we've seen that people don't need these massive projects to have fun. If you look at what some of the most popular games have been the past while, a lot are indie games.

I think the saddest part is that the xbox ecosystem during the xbox 360 was so good when it came to community features. Party chat was a game changer, and it made the system feel like a hub to gather friends. A lot of the games available were perfect for groups. Now because the games have been suffering, a lot of my friends have moved to various platforms. It's become less social and a lot less fun. Of course this is anecdotal and less of a tangible issue for Microsoft. But it's these long term issues that have cause a cascading effect of corroding their brand.

And we thought identity theft was shitty before. I hope that we'll have better tools to identify AI voices in the future. In some cases right now I have a hard time telling between an actual person and a faked voice.

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Stardew Valley is the game that keeps on giving. At this point, I wish there was just more. More towns to visit, more activities, more everything.

The only thing that does kind of suck is that after year 1 I feel like I've kind of mastered whatever I was attempting to do. I've heard some people say after year 1 is where they enjoy the game the most, but idk I feel like by that point I'm making more money than I need and the only thing left to do is collect stuff or attempt the skull cavern.

But man. That first year is a blast. I've been thinking I should try out more mods or possibly a jojamart run at some point

I think my body has not been dealing with stress well recently. It's reacting in weird ways that are new to me.

I've been taking small wins as they come! I just need to hang on for another month and a bit and then I get to take some vacation time.

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I think once my current gamepass offer is up in a year and a half I'll be using the service similar to blockbuster. Only grabbing a month when there's a couple things I'm interested in trying.

I wish the internet archive didn't pick that battle with these companies. I don't have faith that they will win when the government sides with corporations so frequently. I hope they have a way to dump everything to the public to be backed up. I fear if they were taken down we would lose all that important information

I only follow specific youtubers and artists. If stray away from my specific feed, Twitter is too scary lol. I am at a loss for good social media though. It seems like most social media sites have just gotten worse over the past decade.

I guess there's pros an cons to it all. Pro: less time wasted on social media Con: I've missed out on some information that is sometimes good to know.

Me too. Teams is the worst for finding old conversations. They might as well be gone after a couple days pass.

Not to mention lately teams will sometimes just not update with any notifications lately. So I'll go an hour with no messages or whatever and then suddenly teams decides to update informing me that I missed a call and a handful of messages.

Signing out and back in usually helps but man it feels like they took Skype and just Jerry rigged it

The company I work for uses activity watch to monitor our productivity. The program isn't very accurate though but they seem to take it as gospel. So I've had to set up ways to prevent it from making me appear away when I'm actually still at my pc working.

These kinds of micromanaging steps only further the employer/employee divide. In my eyes a good employer would consult with an employee if they aren't meeting their standards and work with them to improve things or offer other potential solutions.

From my experience they want us to be robots, not humans.

Edit: I also forgot to mention they monitor us with this tool without employee knowledge. They only will reveal this once they feel there's a need to fix an "issue" (which might not even be an issue)

There's also been a rumor going around that they are checking our webcams without our knowledge but I can't confirm if this is true.

It's not great overall

7 years for no reason. Damn. I hope they can find freedom and live a good rest of their life. What an absolute shame

It's so far a bland week. Not amazing, but not bad either so I cannot complain.

A positive thing is that my family was able to save $40 a month on our internet plan. So that's cool.

I really want to do something creative, but I'm in a bit of a creative rut at the moment. I'm sure I'll figure something out. It's a funny issue to have

I am not religious, but I often wonder if my life would be easier if I was. I feel like it offers people a lot of things. It helps with networking, and it can help mentally and emotionally cope with life's struggles. It can give a person a community.

I can see a lot of pros to believing in something. Of course, there can be lots of cons as well. But yeah, it's something I ponder from time to time.

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Maybe I'm a bad influence, idk. But honestly, I think people generally work quite hard overall. We're often stuck working for less than we should be getting and doing unfufilling tasks repeatedly.

Life's too short for us to be stuck in an office/warehouse/job for 8+ hours a day until retirement.

Obviously, try not to let it become a habit lol. Don't get in trouble, but I think if people can take back their time and still ultimately be productive most of the time, then I say go for it. Everyone has off days, and they're lying if they say they don't. We're humans, not machines

I hope you're doing better!

Sent from my android while listening to RATM at work lol.

I really hope for the sake of North America that they don't vote Trump in again.

Like sure the current situation isn't great. But holy hell was it bad with Trump lol. In Canada it made a ton of bad actor politicians come out of the woodwork and copy his play book. So his behavior is spreading.

I've been attempting to make youtube videos for the first time. I realized there was a topic surrounding the new zelda game that hadn't been covered yet so I am doing finishing touches on that. But its made me want to make more videos.

I'm really struggling to come up with a core theme or topic for my channel. I'm thinking of making some kind of video game / anime / Manga type content. The tricky part is I don't want to do just reviews and I don't want to make just gameplay or whatever either. I was thinking of talking about certain topics. The idea seems really vague though. I'm also trying to not get discouraged before I even start.

But realistically I know that section of youtube is pretty saturated. So I know that whatever I make needs to be solid otherwise nobody will want to watch it lol.

I've been watching creators for over a decade now. I have a general idea of what makes good content and I've been doing more specific research too. But I realize at some point t I just need to start publishing stuff

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Honestly, I have no idea how valid/effective the Chinese vaccine is. But stuff like this is bad for everyone, not just the people they were targeting. Short sighted plan, in my opinion.

Even more disturbing if it caused extra deaths.

I think my stomach might be getting better so that's cool. We get Friday off work so thats also cool. Otherwise not much is going on, for better or for worse lol

I'm sorry to hear about the bedbugs. Hopefully, it isn't an issue! I have never had to try these tips, thankfully, but Mark Rober seems fairly reliable.

This week has been one of those weeks where you want to just quit before it starts, lol. I really messed up my stomach a few weeks ago (I'm lactose intolerant and my lactaid didn't work), and I think I might have killed off a bunch of my good gut bacteria by accident. So I've been feeling mildly nauseous off and on in the evenings. I'm taking probiotics daily now, so hopefully, that works out.

Otherwise, I've been just playing some video games on my downtime. I started cyberpunk 2077 recently for the first time. I had tried it at launch, and it was rough, so I decided to wait a while. It seems a lot more stable now, which is neat. I'm trying to think about ways I could incorporate playing the game into a fun youtube video. I've got at least one idea, I think. I just need to sit down and see how viable it is.

I don't have time to read all this just yet because I'm at work lol. But I LOVE this topic. I've always been so torn on indie games. Some can be awful, but others are genuinely the best thing ever.

I will have to write out a list of my favorites in a bit

There has been a lil bad and a decent amount of good this week so far

My job's treating us poorly even though we're making the company massive profits in the millions. I would like to leave but I think I've been in this dead end position too long. I might need to re skill but I have no idea what I would like/what would pay enough.

The weekend was busy but a lot of fun. Got to go to my first anime convention. Only went for one day when I could have easily gone for the whole weekend. Next year I'll do that. It was nice because I haven't gone to any events like that for probably about 5 years or so. Usually I'm not tired at night but both Saturday and Sunday night I fell asleep right away which was kind of nice for a change.

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Haha that's true enough. I suppose there's a lot of factors at play for each individual! I just want to be able to help my parents retire and be able to afford things. Inflation is a bugger lol.

This is my channel

I'm kinda throwing spaghetti at the wall, so some videos vary in quality. But I would love to hear feedback if you have any!

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