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Joined 1 years ago

I've been wondering why people have been reposting Reddit posts on Lemmy. If I wanted Reddit posts, I'd go on Reddit.

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I said something that was 100% non-offensive, non-argumentative, and non-political

This is 2023. Everything is offensive, political, and people will argue about it.

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It's like when you used to pay for internet by the minute. Is it worth seeing what that picture will look like in 4 minutes when it's done downloading?

I thought you were being an ass, at first. Sometimes I'm a little slow.

I was thinking of gettingy ex-wife a hoop skirt for her birthday.

You did done enough good.

Every time they say that "scientists are baffled", I think that they're just talking to the stupid scientists.

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Valez believed that two women had come to the house to evict him

Did 2 women come to the house? Was he just hallucinating? Was he on drugs? The story is not very clear.

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I think it's a derogatory term for someone from Whales.

They only live in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, so there's a 33.3% chance of it being in Montana.

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I would proceed to the kitchen and pour me a whiskey.

That one on 25th Street that I hit the other day. Oh wait, you said "plot". Nevermind.

You are an idiot. It's not a circle. It's a flat rhombus. You're just falling for the circle propagandists, which are backed by the billionaire elites in the Illuminati.

Yeah, everyone in my party is perfect. Your party is the one that's full of dumbass douchewads that just want to rape children and kill puppies. Your party is the only thing stopping the world from becoming nirvana. I'm referring to the enlightened state, not the 90s band. I don't want you spreading disinformation or fake news saying that I want everyone on Earth to be in the same band. That would obviously be too big of a band to fit on stage.

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I bring my Emotional Support Hooker everywhere I go.

Going from the anniversary of JFK's blowback to a fried chicken recipe is the biggest subject transitions I've ever seen.

I've found DC to be the rudest bunch of people I've ever met. Everywhere I've gone in DC the people are just totally rude assholes. Everywhere I've been in the south has just been nice, polite, helpful people.

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I'm not using Jerbia right now. The image doesn't crash Liftoff, but it does take 20 seconds of scrolling to get past it. Please refrain from posting this crap again.

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It's definitely no moon.

I had so many issues with Bitwarden on Android that I couldn't use it. I'm using KeepassDX. It works well on Android, is FOSS, and isn't cloud based.

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"Hygiene and Shit" is going to be the name of my next album.

Monkey paws can be very useful, but also very dangerous.

Start your own instance. Then you won't have to worry about other admins.

All my TVs have a percentage next to the slider. You still have to slide the slider, rather than type in a number, if that's what you're referring to. I think the slider is just easier for a generic remote, unless the remote has a keypad or you're using a phone app as a remote.

My biggest fear is waking up without my penis.

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Because taxes are paid yearly. You tally your yearly income to file your taxes.

Why is that guy not wearing shoes?

I wish I had time to be bored. How does one go about getting this time?

Those 20 somethings are the student drivers. I know a lot of people who didn't get a license til their mid 20s.

I remember 1990. There was nothing arbitrary about it.

I didn't realize that you could stream it. There are tons of apps and downloads that you can use for it. I sleep to white noise cast to my TV from an MP4 that I have on my computer. It does seem like a huge waste of bandwidth.

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I'll just need you to verify your address, please.

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election frauds / riots / etc in the US, global warming / severe weather increasing,

Anyone who thinks those things are getting worse doesn't have a true grasp of history. I'm old, and I get amazed at how many young people tell me I'm wrong about what it was like when I was younger. I was there. I remember.

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Did you tell him it's a portal to the opposite dimension, or did you lie to him?

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This is just one story about it. Many journalists under the last 3 administrations have had raids and seizures of their devices. It's an extremely disturbing development, but it actually dates back to the Wilson administration. It's not nearly as new or as rare as it sounds.

Most of the things I use my phone for don't work on iPhones. They work just fine if you want the limited apps that they have available. I've found that making custom automation is not even a thing with Apple. You can't side load apps, so you're limited to just what they offer inside their store.

iPhones are for people who aren't really into tech and just want something very basic that works.

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My inner monologue does lots of voices. It does a great Christopher Walken. It also does a good Bill Cosby, especially when talking about pudding. I get offended when it uses Cosby's voice because he's no longer acceptable in society. My inner dialogue can't keep up with changing times. It's still saying "Where's the beef".

The early days of the internet was waiting for 20 minutes for a naked picture of Pamela Anderson to finish loading on the screen. I'm not sure if anyone really wants to recreate that.