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Joined 1 months ago

This message brought to you by the Ministry of Truth.

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

And to add something with more substance than straight eye rolling sarcasm, amazing that the non-english speakers loved his performance.

Lets get one of those translators on the ballot.

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And I asked him, I said to him, and noone had asked him that question, I asked him, and he said noone had ever asked him, I said to him, would you stay on the boat, the boat is sinking, so the boat is under water, but there's a shark, but the boat is sinking, and there is a battery, so I asked him, and noone had ever asked him, I asked him, would you stay on the boat, the boat that is under water, and there is a battery, so there is electric, I asked him, and there is a shark, I asked him, and he said nobody had ever asked him, I asked him do you jump off the boat? The boats underwater, but there's a boat, and there is electricity, but there's a shark, so I asked him, and he said he had never been asked this before, I asked him, do you jump off the boat that is now under water? Do you stay on the?... Do you stay in the boat and get eaten by the shark? Because the boat is under... do you stay on the boat, that's under water, and get eaten by the shark? Or do you get electrocuted?

He said he didn't know. He said noone had ever asked him that.

That's enough about the boat.

-Based on a real speech Trump gave at a rally that resulted in everyone leaving early.

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Melt it down and cast it the metal into a buttplug.

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You go no contact.

The end.

And he will do it.

He has to figure out this thing with a boat, a shark, and a battery...

But once he works that one out, China will be paying our taxes.

One of my favorite thing about Age being one of the protected classes is that they literally wrote it as "you can't discriminate by age UNLESS THE PERSON IS TOO YOUNG.

They took the legislation against age discrimination and said only they were allowed to discriminate.

Using and simultaneously while Ernest works out his health issues/figures out how to grow his team to cover while he focuses on his health.

I definitely prefer, but it is definitely suffering while the captain is addressing other matters.

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"Peaceful protesters" is an officially designated domestic terrorist group since Occupy Wall Street.

Might be a different kind of designation?

They can't.

We need American Neo-Nazi groups to be our cops who attack the actual terrorists, "peaceful protesters".

Dab on the avocado toast kids. Eat shitty burritos.

Downvoted for literally an accurate 1984 reference with no other commentary.

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Disassociative Identity Disorder.

I was gonna respond directly, but then I saw the lineage of this post.

It is literally a hall of fame battle of people I blocked on (you included you boomer boot licking fascist with the audacity to have the immortal Johnny Ramone as your profile pic) vs people I loved on (who sometimes get a little tied up in the weeds, but are thorough and actually put effort into processing new information).

Low key crushing on you all... and getting my block button fired up for half yall.

I'll check it out.


Reminds me of Clem Fandango.

For the time we have left, when I see your name, I will replay the entire Clem Fandango clip in my head. Because JimSamtanko is just about as useful as Clem Fandango.

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If a dangerous situation arose and a sober teacher failed to respond appropriately, no charge whatsoever though, right?

Prohibitionists need to get back in their lane.

You have to know that I have no fucking clue

Yes I do. Clem Fandango.

Funny, for me, narcissist is being mentally unhealthy but rejecting that possibility, designating yourself the definition of normal, and considering everyone who isn't you the mentally unhealthy one.

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Thank you good sir.

I promise you, my mod deleted comment (wonder who reported it to get it censored) did not include "they blue MAGA should die".

It said "Fascists should die". It used your words to describe "Blue MAGA" as fascists.

You're doing a great job here champ.

So... Khanna?

Fascists. I said fascists should die.

If this is your response, you are agreeing that modern democrats are fascists.

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Bluster is all they have left, so let's blow the left half of America's mind and have a Bernie/Khanna ticket.

How rad would that be?

Bet it could beat Trump.

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Once again, if the job is getting done, and noone is getting hurt, what is the problem?

So you caught a charge and got reprogrammed by a court system that focuses on the substances, not the crime.


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Are you sober because you got your mental health issues addressed and you no longer needed the vice?

Or are you sober because prohibitionists locked onto you, beat you down, punished you, sucked up all your money, broke you, and now you are "sober" like someone who lived in San Jacinto and was thrown into the pit, was broken, and is now a "devoted free thinking Scientologist"?

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You don't need to believe it, I'm sure a lot of teachers would do a whole ton better with a buzz. Be more fun, more engaging.

Your puritanical attitude is your own, and you need to stop forcing your own misconceptions on others.

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Do the video clip.

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Blue MAGA at its finest.

"Ya, Biden got us into a genocide, BuT tRuMp WoUlD bE sO mUcH wOrSe!!@@!@"

"Ya, Biden was the one who dropped 35 billion dollars for the militarization of police, BuT tRuMp WoUlD bE sO mUcH wOrSe!!@@!@"

"Ya, Biden was the one who silenced and admonished peaceful protesters while commanding order, BuT tRuMp WoUlD bE sO mUcH wOrSe!!@@!@"

The current conversation is "Trump would be so much worse", but its like all of you forgot that he is going for a second term, and in his first term, while he was bad, he was not as bad as Biden. And you have no idea how much it fucking destroys me to say that about the leader of the party I used to so vehemently supported. But its just the case. All the bad things Trump did, Biden has continued, and Biden has come out with a host of things that are MUCH worse than anything that Trump ever did.

We must reject the 2 party system.

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Yes, I was referencing the one that is actually committing genocide.

You came along to help me out though and pointed out that Trump wants genocide too, re-framing my argument.

You and StinkyOnions were the ones who went "genocide? Oh, ya, the guy I support. Because I support genocide."

I'm just saying its cute for people claiming moral superiority "being done with the country" because of pornstar money, not genocide.

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Alcohol is a vice that adults are allowed to have.

If the teacher isn't driving, is conveying the information, and the kids are not getting hurt, how about fuck off?

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I didn't invoke Biden's name, so point stands, it's the pornstar money that's the line.

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Amazing how yall cant talk about Biden without bringing up Trump, but you're lockstep about not bringing up Biden when talking about Trump.

Its adorable.

PS: He also specifically said "done with this country."

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That's your line?

That line hasn't already been crossed ten times over for you?

Genocide? You can stomach that.

Paying a pornstar? Now that is just unacceptable!

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