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Joined 12 months ago

Lol because they're 4

I just got started today, but Connect has been working pretty well for me on Android. I had some issues with Jerboa, but I've heard others say it works well for them. For now, I'm waiting on Sync for Lemmy to release, but I'm also thinking of spending some time writing my own UI as a fun side project!

OP literally said they're gonna stop using it, "now that they've been made aware of their stance." Wtf more do you want? You want people to be omniscient? To know something before they know it? I don't understand how you're holding someone accountable for a lack of knowledge. That's asinine.

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Which uses computer vision, which is a form of AI. It doesn't have to be complex, or even work well, to be considered AI. All you need is a computer that makes decisions based on dynamic inputs and a set of rules on how to handle them.

Doot doot

Already has lol

Not OP, but I did this a few months ago with this drive: Micron 2TB 2400 M.2 2230 NVMe (Amazon link).

It was a little harder to find at the time, but looks like they're just on Amazon now, and at an even better price than when I bought mine (it's 19% off at the time of this comment). I highly recommend it. It's been working flawlessly for me for months.

Whoa, did you get early access to Chess 2??

I generally prefer watching in whatever the original language was (usually subs for me). But if I happen to see a show dubbed first, that becomes my new personal canon haha.

Unfortunately so. There should be more emphasis on the why and how rather than the what.

Death by snu snu?

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Skiii bop bop ba da bop

Ahh, that makes a lot more sense.

This is the first BG game I've ever played, and I'm having a blast with it. So far, I can't recommend it enough for people who like tabletops and RPGs, in general.

This is the way

Centralized or not, it's a massive improvement over basic SMS/MMS.

Edit: at least the concept is. Implementation aside, it's crazy that there isn't a cross-platform texting option that has more modern capabilities than what we've been using for the past couple decades.

I'm biased because I used Sync for Reddit for years, but imo it blows Connect out of the water. The biggest complaint in this thread is the ads, which the dev is already addressing. But in terms of the UI/UX, Sync has always been top notch. Frequent updates and fixes, very smooth and intuitive interface.

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"My brand!"

Yeah, that's one of my big complaints about the new UI. Otherwise, I don't have many huge issues with it so far. The beta they tried earlier this year was terrible, but at least they ditched the horrible server page that one had and kept the server/channels sidebar in this new update. That was the main thing that would've made it a dealbreaker for me.

Lol I'm glad other people are talking about it because same.. I updated it and noticed immediately and thought it felt/looked a little odd. Here's to hoping they listen to feedback if enough is provided! I've enjoyed the app, otherwise, for the RCS and what not.

I just set all this up this past weekend on my home server. It was a really fun learning experience, and it all works quite well so far. Highly recommend.

Overseerr is also a great app you can use to allow users to request/auto-download content they want to watch straight to Plex, etc.

Currently watching Lord of the Harry Witcher right now and can confirm this.

that is literally my email address

Wow, that is a terrible UI design choice lol.

Grim Dawn is so good. If you have any interest, just go for it. I don't even play many games like that, and I've put tonsss of hours into it now. Super underrated soundtrack too, imo.

Ok, I'll bite. What is this one haha?

I think you can change the font size and styles for both for posts and views. It's pretty customizable! But having multiple apps is a great option for comparing things like that.