0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Why did everyone believe this obvious fake news?

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oof, true and fucked up and sad

Fuck Israel. A racist ass colonial genocidal state.

Running Hillary over Bernie was the dumbest thing ever in politics, she was never going to beat Trump. Bernie would have easily won and was/is still more popular

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Huh? Groping is ignored much of the time if done by a woman to a man

Do things you actually enjoy doing, the friends and other things will come naturally. Don't do things to try and make friends. Do things you like and the friends will come to you. No matter where you live you can find something you enjoy doing

Fuck Israel, racist and genocidal state

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Clearly no gun problem in America

yup and I've always felt just like this even as a kid, fuck ads

Basically everything women cry about men doing to them. If it is done to a man by women it is ignored or considered not real or never happened or okay and normalized as you put it.

Im so shocked, wow

You have everything wrong.

lol calm down John, yes they are

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This isnt a good thing like you think it is

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for starters they dont even know they are Nazis

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Until you either crash or die of a heart attack.

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Israel literally started all of this and is continuing its aggression

yes, Im sad it took me this long to find lemmy, but its so refreshing here

You dont need to gain weight

And women spaces are allowed to blame men but they dont get closed

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Better quality of propaganda maybe, not life

lol sounds like whoever created this would actually believe that

You are saying how easy it is to get meth and how good it is, think bro.

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Yeah it's awesome and refreshing

Yet here you are lmao

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you replied instantly

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dont think thats the main issue here

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lol obviously

Oh stfu. And we could bring up a million other things that are committed mostly by women and you wouldn't say a fucking thing.

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All you do is cry and complain into the void instead of empowering yourself and others.

Also, For many people these medications destroy their bodies and lives. The world isn't black and white

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You missed it lol

Guns kill people. Wow it's so complicated. Americans need to examine their culture

Yup corruption straight up really

Not trying to but you literally did

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