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Joined 1 years ago

That sounds like a special scenario.
Tho I'm not sure if a book needs a narrator it can be still called a book instead of a theater piece or voice play.

I like Google tts. I tried Samsung's one and I just couldn't find a good pitch/tone that I liked from it.

I use moon+ reader pro on Android for text to speech.

This is why I said that I am going to be controversial.
Text to speech is only going to be better with time.
My most important preference is to have the text delivered without reader bias towards its contents. And that's only possible with computer speech.

I'm going to be controversial.
I think the best audiobook is text to speech.
I prefer to not filter any stories through an other person. I want the raw data from the book, without any other feelings and impressions added to the original.

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It is escapism. Romance usually has very few things that's real. I mean that most romance stories are more alike to a fairytale than reality.

Most movies and books are 98% predictable with the well-known cliches. And that makes them work. Beig wealthy is just an other thing that makes it going.

Most girls were raised on the price charming idea, and a rich, wealthy and emotionally available person fits the bill.

Reality of barely making rent and having no money to fix your car or even just daily struggle to find childcare for a date would break the dream.

When you are watching romance you want the fuzzy feels, the safe environment that everything going to be alright and happy ending is guaranteed. Love, money, heath and safe environment - with tons of loving friends and family - now that's what people want to dream of.

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Found the original picture. Have fun!
(I accidentally saw the solution to it - meh :D )

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Okay this made me turn off copilot. Here is the registry stuff to disable it:

Step 1: Open Run and type regedit to enter Registry Editor.
Step 2: Please go to this path from the left panel.
Step 3: Right-click on the Windows folder to choose New > Key and rename this new key to WindowsCopilot.
create a WindowsCopilot key
Step 4: Select this WindowsCopilot key and right-click on the space from the right panel to choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Step 5: Then rename this newly-added value to TurnOffWindowsCopilot and double-click on it to change its Value data to 1.

Then you can click OK to save it, close the window, and reboot your PC to check if you have uninstalled Copilot from Windows 11.

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To make things worse, Vegas now have triple 0 roulette tables. Three zeros in a row. In the same place. Do not play Roulette if you want to win. The only bet in a casino isn't to the casinos favor is on Craps and it's called ODDS. But to get to able to play it you have to win against 1.41% house edge first. And it is capped about 10x or 5x of original bet.

If you want to have the best odds against a casino that is hard work and not solid strategy. Counting cards can make money but honestly the amount of work it requires - you are better on the stock market or even in crypto.

Do not gamble against the casino.

The only reason to gambe is to have fun and safe risk with money you decided to spend and to never see again.

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::: spoiler spoiler the snake is in the bottom left side of the picture. If you cout it it’s the fourth turtle from the bottom.


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If you want to wear a necklace or - anything - you should just do it.
I know it's hard to believe when you are still young, but when you are wearing somersetting YOU like, it will make you happy. And a happy person is attractive.
It's just a plus that any chosen accessory will attract people who have the same taste :)

There shouldn't be a debate. If it can be cured that's great. You don't need it don't take it - but there are barely functioning people who can't take care of themselves at all. They do need help.

Tho I honestly don't think it can be cured.

I would bring all the different handicrafts I tried... From crocheting animals (amigurumi), needle felting, diamond painting, miniature building kits, tatting (tho I haven't have much experience with this), cross stitching, polymer clay, bracelet making, braiding (Kumihimo), beading, "light" jewelry making - depends how much time I have :D

BTW I am open for more craft ideas - I do try to find new ones I haven't tried before. :)

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If you are into this stuff I'm sure we could be virtual craft besties :)
I kinda miss this thing from 100+ years ago when women (mostly only women) gathered together and did handicrafts while sung songs or told tales and gossiped about everything :)

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I think once I saw a web browser that made websites look like its code. So you were looking for bugs while browsing.

I believe some comedian suggested to respond with a similar vulgar question about their sex life. I think that's a fair point.
Tho you can always ask them if their first question to a stranger is a deeply personal one to get their own perversions fed. That way you are still on the high horse :)

Yakuza infinite wealth was worth it. (At least for me) Tho it took 10 hours to warm up lol.

But it's already had sale prices since release.

It isn't that hard. You need a crochet hook, some yarn and stuffing. And maybe one needle with a big eye - but that's not that important. I watched some youtube tutorials and learnt that way. The big trick with it is to use the "magic circle" to start the project. Here is a random video for beginners: Hope you can try it :)

*forgot that you need a marker too to see where the "row" starts. (I usually just use a piece of those twisty ties that comes with packaging, but you can use a simple paperclip or even a big safety-pin.)

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You are swallowing that saliva during the day. Usually we make 0.5 and 1.5 liters daily (for us measurements 2 to 4.2 cups). And that needs to go somewhere. And it is very important part of our oral hygiene too.

I don't know what kind of trigger warning would be needed for Disney discussions so I'm not commenting on that part.
The warning label for Disney could be that some of them are old and full of historical bias. And historical bias is the political correct way of saying that some works are full of racism and sexism.

Long time ago I saw a pigeon build a nest on a window sill, a place where there was nothing to anchor it to. They even laid two eggs before a storm hit and blew the whole thing away. :( Tho it was a pigeon nest and they are famously bad at building...

The saying is hard to translate to English:
They can't see the forest behind the tree - that they were stuck on looking at.

An other one:
They can't find the udder between the horns.

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Those "cheap" Asian EV's look like bare bone vehicles. But you get what you are paying for.
For once I wouldn't suggest to buy an old first gen EV. They are unpredictable, and have a lot of different issues.

To add to the 'canned answers' here is one more:
As non medication, Magnesium has a muscle relaxation effect. With a big cup of water before going to sleep it could help falling asleep. (Tho make sure you are using the right kind of magnesium pill that actually gets absorbed into the body)

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What they bring is suffering. No one ever wishes for a non responsible child. No one wants their child to be the "special one". No one wants all the hardship it brings. Even the proxy Munchausen prefers to have a functioning level so they don't have to do the work. No one wants to be tested by a "greater power" (random gene selection) especially not the sick little being that Teoretically Could be cured but there are people like you who like to decide stuff for OTHERS. How much time do you spend at orphanage with special needs? How much contact do you have to sit on the high horse and try to be god? How much time and money do you spend on personally helping the kids? How many diapers did you change to get to this opinion?

Gene thereapy has a right to exist. And with everything else as humans, we will abuse it to the limit. The problem is not the cure but the mindset. And your pretentious preaching won't bring conversation only suffering. You are not helping.

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Do you have any projects? I would love to see some of your work

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I have a beefcake laptop, that could fold into a tablet. But I still usually use it as a desktop computer: connected to all the periferials, speakers and a monitor, folded up to be a secondary monitor on the side.
While I had some cooling issues with it (had to cough up couple hundreds for repairs) I am still happy with the setup.
The phone is for during the day, some mobile only games and for reading books - tho I do like to listen to TTS when my eyes are busy.

Those who run don't see it, those who love don't mind it.

"Aki szalad nem látja, aki szeret nem bánja."

Basically strangers don't matter, your flaws wouldn't stick out to them. And your loved ones will accept you as you are.

It's not my type of game, but I love the whole idea of it.
I hope it will be a good and successful game! :)

:) Right now I'm back to digital crafting = programming. So nothing to write home about. I did try to find some like-minded people over here, but it's not easy here. I'm living in Las Vegas. And that means we are immigrants from dozens of different countries and basically 10% of born Americans were raised here. No history and virtually no community in this facade of a city. Probably I would have more luck in a small one gas station town :D
What are you crafting these days?

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It is the exact argument. You are holding up potential cure because it can be used for evil. While preaching that your way is the only way.

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Let me guess you are anti abortion too.

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I'm trying needle tatting, but my experience is to end up with exactly what I started with, namely a thread waiting to be used :) While it's easy in theory, I still have problems of grasping the building blocks.
My last big project was a "never again" cross-stitch from aliexpress. Totally understandable where you are :) And thank you for the links, I missed one of those from my subscriptions!

It doesn't ring the same, at least for me.

Nothing wrong with a month long hobby. Life is too short to not try new things. ;)
I had a bad mindset "cheap one minute joy" was negative in my mind. Now I know there is no such thing. :) Joy is joy - and by it's nature fleeting. And if you don't mind sharing, what were your hobbies that you really liked even if they haven't lasted?

Duplicate comment

Interestingly you haven't answered my question. Hiw much actal contact you had with these people you don't want to help? At leat have you seen them in real life? Because you are doing everything with your demagogue to hurt them.

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So you are non responsive person who can't leave the house and soils the bed. Okay.