2 Post – 138 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm probably just an AI pretending to be human.

Into wandering abandoned places, tinkering with technology, and authoring things for fun and profit. (@Melpomene)

Worth noting is that a number of US states also have strong protection laws. So, delete you comments manually and then, if you're really trying to ensure that they delete your data, submit a data removal request that cites your locale's law on data removal.

Theeeeeen in 6 months or so, send a data retrieval request to make sure they followed through... and report them if they did not comply. Might as well make them pay for that data if they can't follow the rules.

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Linux user here, also once upon a time a Windows admin. I think the most difficult thing for most users is not that Linux is difficult, but that it is different.

Take Pop_OS for example. For the average "I check email and surf the web" user, it works wonderfully. But most people grew on Windows or Mac so its just not what they're used to. Linux is kind of the stick shift to Windows and Mac's automatic transmission... its not hard to learn, but most folk don't choose to make the effort because they don't need to.

The best anyone can do right now is to migrate off of Twitter entirely. As long as Musk is in charge (or in charge through his puppet CEOs) the site will be a cesspool of toxicity and hate. I'm honestly not sure why reputable people are still using the site... guess the view and media exposure are better than doing the right thing and leaving?

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I, for one, welcome our new radioactive fungal overlords.

DeSantis's motivation here is transparently obvious; to keep the people who oppose his party from voting. We should be striving to make voting easier, not harder. A shame this is just the latest in a long history of voter suppression or disenfranchisement. Those of us who support independent and third party candidates are all too aware of the overt attempts to silence dissenting voices.

If an instance is sharing content that another instance finds problematic, then defederation makes sense. Regardless, though, it seems like lemmynsfw is doing their due diligence to handle illegal content. We all know that porn will exist... having good stewards of those communities is vital. Punishing them for providing a (legal) porn platform is counterproductive.

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Less featureful, terrible violation of privacy, no way to easily delete just threads, gives a known bad actor a strong foothold...

What could go wrong?

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While I am unsurprised, I do feel bad for the developers who are stuck dealing with the manchild who runs Twitter.

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This'll end well... not like there's a rapidly growing, decentralized alternative solution out there that is positioned to compete, right Spezzy?

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Moving a community is hard, so at least some of those mods are likely thinking that moving would destroy the community they worked so hard to manage. Its not like Reddit is going to respect a request to close, so they would end up competing with themselves when Reddit replaces them with compliant mods.

I'm not saying they shouldn't move (they should) but it's definitely a hard road to re-establish elsewhere. Some communities will thrive, but others, well, its possible that their users will just stay put.

What can we do to help them transition?

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Thanks for the great summary! Also a good reminder to people that storing your backups on a "as secure as we decide it is" service like iCloud isn't ideal if you want to protect your data from government snooping.

Edited to remove pre-coffee salt and lack of nuance.

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I'm not mad, but I feel your pain. The vocal "muh Redditz" folk are out in droves, claiming that the protest failed because Reddit didn't give in after two days. To them, vision impaired access, fair terms for those who helped make Reddit popular is less important than getting their memes and searching out cheats for games. So, let them have Reddit.

Good discussion, there. I like the idea of allowing it to be set per instance; while it doesn't hide the votes from admins, changing the in-instance presentation of the data does allow an instance to customize the "feel" of the instance... much like Beehaw chooses not to use downvotes at all.

I'm on the fence re displaying them. I use the downvotes activity to search for bots / astroturfers and it DOES allow identification of bigots who downvote for that reason, but it also does provide a means of harassing someone for a downvote.

Really, a cultural shift from "Downvote = disagree" to "Downvote =Anti-factual, low effort, or bot" is needed.

Maybe making upvotes counter downvotes is a decent start? Right now, kbin is weighted toward downvotes; some users with thousands of upvotes and hundreds of downvotes are sitting in the negatives.

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The more I read, the more I am in the camp of "let's not." Meta has rarely acted in the best interests of its own users; from their unethical experiments into causing depression to their privacy issue to... well, everything, they are classic examples of bad actors. The fediverse is not secure enough or big enough to counter Meta's takeover if we open that door... there's a reason we're in the fediverse and not the metaverse, after all.

The decision of whether to federate is up to the individual instances, and I'd not want it any other way. But I do think we should be encouraging instances to hold off on Meta-fying. Else, we'll be fighting Meta in a game that they're much better at than any of us are ever likely to be.

Yeah, that I get... it's just not intuitive for users. If downvote = -1 rep, then most people are going to assume that upvote = +1 rep, with boost being something like a "look at this post" option. But maybe that's just me?

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I'm a fan of a copyright term similar to the original US copyright term. Fourteen years at the outset, with an additional seven (versus the 14) upon the payment of a fee scaled based on the revenue generated by a work (to be used to support artistic grants.) After all, if the argument is that copyright is necessary to protect artists' economic interests, it follows that copyright holders wishing to extend should pay back into that system if they want to extend.

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I'd also add that they have, in the past, conducted unethical experiments on their users to attempt to manipulate said users' emotional state. I'm just a cross poster here, but I respect the stance.

Are you reopening here? Just curious as to how many mods are reopening versus closing up shop.

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Right? If I saw a screenshot from Elon saying "I believe the solution to world hunger is to grind orphans and poor people into sausages," I'd have to check if it were true because dude is unhinged.

It's fair to want to ostracize those who claim to be "moderate" who are anything but, absolutely. Concerning civil and political rights, there should BE no moderate. Either you support people's fundamental rights or you do not. Either you support everyone's right to love, sex, and associate with consenting adults or you do not. Either you support people's right to choose what to do with their bodies or you do not. There's little left to discuss.

Having said that, the US (and the world generally) has a terrible record, left or right, in supporting people's civil and political rights. I'm overjoyed that at least left leaning folk now support those rights, but it wasn't a decade or two ago that those on the left of the political spectrum were parroting many of the same things that the right now parrots. "Marriage is between a man and a woman." "Don't ask, don't tell." So while I am glad they've shifted, I'm always concerned that if the political winds shift again, those in power will sacrifice individual rights in the name of maintaining said power as they did before they decided that advocating for our rights was going to keep them elected.

Concur, they didn't specify a need for the effect to be negative!

If they're smaller creators or fan friendly, maybe someone could reach out to them to help get them set up? More audience for them is good, and if they think they'll get value out of being here they'll create accounts.

For example, federating with the intention of driving other instances out of existence by dominating the space.

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The story you shared is a good read and does a great job explaining the difference between being (arguably) negligent handling classified information (Clinton, Biden) and one -intentionally- concealing one's possession of classified information, lying to authorities, etc.

Of course, the people who most need to hear this are also the least likely to listen.

With respect, this approach does nothing to convince people to reduce their meat consumption, and in fact alienates people who might otherwise be on the fence about reducing their meat intake.

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This has always been an interesting point for me. If I buy a secondhand Tesla, I've signed none of the agreements made between the initial buyer and Tesla. I wonder if I could disconnect it and hack the interface to unlock the disabled features that don't require network access, or spoof the authorization for some of those?

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Fair point... and I'll edit the comment to reflect that. Thanks for catching the lack of nuance... guess fasting for 24 hours has me both tired and salty.

I'm not find with harming someone, but everyone who owns a private jet can be tracked using the same public information... if one knows the appropriate identifying information for the plane. If I buy a private plane, you can track my flights too. Anyone who wants to stalk Musk likely already knows how to track him using the underlying data.

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You've been hostile ("reactionary fucks") and you've hijacked the broader discussion referenced in the article (Musk's Twitter showing terrible videos including human death, animal cruelty, etc) to make a point about meat consumption generally versus videos on Twitter showing the intentional and purposeful infliction of pain on animals for pleasure.

My meat consumption is down quite a bit. Information on substitutes, good recipes, studies on the intelligence of (for example) squid and such have shifted me into eating less meat. While I'm sure you'd prefer people not eat meat at all, convincing 5 people to cut their meat consumption 50% is better than convincing 0 people to cut their meat consumption 100% , no?

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Not on Beehaw, but let me just say that I appreciate you. People aren't used to dealing with an all volunteer admin... we'd all do well to remember that this is all done out of a love for the community.

Pretty much this. People forget that email, social media, heck... even the Internet itself was dismissed as a fad at first. Decentralized social networking absolutely has its challenges, but in this "early adopter" phase, that is to be expected. The more the centralized services misstep, the better this federated system will work.

And who knows? Some of them might eventually federate too. After all, Tumblr was considering it!

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This should be named the "Attempting to Kill Open Source Software by Imposing Impossible Burdens on the Same Act." I'm not sure that they intended this to destroy open source projects but... it may have that effect regardless.

In other words, if you want to shield a long-dead account from deletion, post a few short YouTube videos of whatever content you like and you'll be safe until they decide to remove those accounts too.

Bigots are gonna bigot. My willpower is strong today so I avoided that particular torture.

If we can't call Elon cis, can we instead call him a pathetic little manbaby?

This isn't all or nothing. If you are in a position to do so, you can both advocate for yourself AND go to management with data suggesting that your coworkers are worth more. If you're in a leadership role, you have the opportunity and the duty to advocate for your coworkers.

Given that I've been going in an autoresponder loop trying to get some of my copyrighted stuff removed from spam accounts, Musk can suck 1000 tusks. Ah well, at least their failure to abide by the DMCA might be a fun little diversion.

Whatever your philosophical view, the Republican party is objectively comic book villain terrible. Desantis is legitimately signing laws that make Florida look more like a Taliban run state by the day and his bigot fans are cheering him on.

If he's elected, I guess I'm headed out of the USA for good.

The article reads like a low key hit piece, the report is good and has food for thought.

As an aside, always look at anything NCMEC says with a critical eye. They do great work in their space, but they are vehemently anti-decentralization and anti-privacy.

You can try loading the Aurora Store, setting it to spoof a different device. I'm not sure if it'll work, but its a no cost test.

There are also some G8 LineageOS ports which (if applicable) would upgrade you to Android 11. That's a lot of effort for a few games though.

"But we we do ask that the people talking about things give us a perpetual irrevocable license to all the IP they share here until the universe fizzles out into nothingness, and the people moderating our site do so for free because being in my Speztastic presence is enough." -Spez, probably

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