4 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mid 30s game developer who likes bikes and minis. Gay and trans and loving it. She/her

Also over at with the same username.

Re: shitposts, it definitely strongly depends on who you follow. My home feed on mastodon is inundated with shitposts (and I like each one)

There have been open calls to "eradicate transgenderism", along with a nearly endless amount of anti-trans legislation in many parts of the world. Their rhetoric frequently borders on genocidal. It is 100% about our right to exist.

We're not some hypothetical to have a pleasant debate over tea about, we are real people with real lives being directly harmed by real policy. Some of us are tired of being nice about it.

Unfortunate, but I understand. I hope the moderation tools improve enough to refederate down the road.

I like new and new comments.

Olivia Chow just won the Toronto by-election, so my week is off to a good start :)

Also, Pride was over the weekend, and I got a new bike.

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Buncha youngins with your GBAs.

My favourite OG gameboy game was Kirby's Dream Land. Played and replayed it many times. Even had one of those attachments to magnify it and light up the screen when it got dark :)

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That's exciting :) I definitely have a lot of nostalgia for Quake 2. The Quake 1 remaster from a little while back was really well done, and remained true to the original, so I hope this keeps that up.

It's complicated. I am not religious, and have considered myself to be an atheist for most of my life so far. I also have strong negative feelings towards most mainstream religions, because of their long-standing hate towards people like me and my loved ones. I also grew up in a Presbyterian church and honestly, fuck everything about calvinist-derived theology.

But, it is hard to shake some amount of magical thinking. And honestly, if it brings joy, and isn't harming people around you, why not? So lately I've been leaning into it a bit, in a vaguely neopagan direction. I definitely don't take any of it literally, but if a sprinkle of it helps keep me from descending into despondency, I will shrug and go with it. It isn't rational, but I am a human, not a robot.

I have also considered finding a local unitarian universalist church or something along those lines. Somewhere that is chill with me as I am. The last few years have been isolating and I think I need more community in my life to thrive.

Congratulations :)

Tonight was trans march. Tomorrow is dyke march. Then, time to sleep :)

Holy kitty

Grew up in the Maritimes in Canada and that sort of culture was there for me, too. I definitely had some bad alcohol habits in my early to mid 20s. At one point, I could go through a 1.5 litre of wine solo, no problem.

I've dried out somewhat. Still a few drinks a week, but moderation is good (and cheaper)

Thanks for the heads up, subscribed :) Might post a photo later.

Nothing wrong with being comfortable with they/them pronouns but still considering yourself cis. Labels are useful, but ultimately not important; you are you!

If you want to experiment a bit, go for it! Maybe there's something to explore. Maybe it solidifies that you are cis. Great! A lot of people are rigid with these things, but it doesn't have to be. Do what feels right; labels can come later, or not at all, and that is all okay :)

Howdy! I'm a mid-30s game developer. In a past life (my 20s) I was an astronomer, but academia sucks so I gtfo'd. I like to ride bikes, but I fell out of the habit over the pandemic; just getting back into it now. I enjoy boomer shooters, and indie games. Gay and trans and loving it.

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Old article but still true. Love boomer shooters :)

This was a good read!

+1, love steel bikes. My touring bike from 15 years ago is still in good shape, and it's made of steel. Certainly not from the 80s but a good steel bike will last.

One comment on the shared bikes... I live downtown in a major city. Bike theft is pretty common. A private bike probably is better than a shared bike, but I wonder if that still holds true if the private bike has to be replaced far too soon because it got up and walked away on you 🫠

Eh. I like the internet and the connections it allows us to form. I think internet access for all is a good thing.

I do miss a time when cellphones weren't ubiquitous, though. They have their purpose but there's a certain social expectation to always be available, and I think that is a bad thing. I miss disconnecting. I guess, in principle, I could literally just do that.

Dutch bike lanes look amazing. Wish we had them here.

Living in Toronto, the infrastructure is better than what I grew up with, but I still need to carefully plan my routes. The amount of pushback to any improvement to the system is maddening (and 2nd or 3rd highest polling mayorial candidate was quoted in the video, what a nightmarish person he is 🫠)

Not sure if it's the same thing, but there's several DIY bike repair shops. I'm only really familiar with the ones in Toronto, but I know there are plenty elsewhere.

Most of them are open for folks to come in and use the space to repair their bicycles 3 or 4 times a week. Always volunteers around to help out (usually only to give advice though, most of the time it is still on you to do the work). I love visiting them to do minor repairs, though have never been a volunteer (considered it late 2019, but then pandemic started and I backed out).

Their funding is usually donations, any parts you need to use. All of the ones I've seen also sell refurbished bikes that the volunteers build outside of the DIY hours. Usually really cheap, since they mostly use donated parts. Not quite as cheap as craigslist, but less likely to be stolen :)

Never thought of a more general space for repairing things. I really like the idea.

I'm liking it. Seems chill. Some growing pains and there's not quite as much here as I was following on the other site, but, maybe that's a good thing and humans aren't actually meant to have a constant information firehose?

Last week was pretty quiet. This week is probably going to be quite a but busier (Pride weekend, among other things).

Got out for a bike ride yesterday which was quite nice :) I continue to be out of shape, but I was less sore than after the previous one so that feels like improvement.

Looking at Steam, I've got 800 hours in Stellaris, 500 in Factorio, 300 in Deep Rock Galactic, and down rapidly from there. Those are outliers, I buy a lot of single player indie games in the 10 to 20 hour range. Some less than that! I think I prefer shorter games, so I can actually finish them, and try a wider variety.

Then again, I have an unknown number of hours in Doom and Doom 2, since I don't play it on steam and have been playing it since 1995. But, I haven't replayed the base games in years; people continue to make new maps for it, after all this time.

I noticed that there's one thread on, made by an account on, that I just absolutely cannot reply to. It hangs, and nothing gets posted. I'm able to reply to other threads in the same community.

How exactly are these things structured? Like, could that issue be related to doing its migration, even if the topic was posted on another instance? It was very weird behavior.

Holy hell (but a day late)

That makes sense, and is understandable. I think in some cases messages might be getting lost entirely though; like, I have one post from 6 days ago that didn't federate, for example.

Delayed siberian sweep!

It has been a while, but there was a time when, if I was feeling really anxious and almost panicky, a quick playthrough of Enter the Gungeon would chill me right out.

Yeah! It definitely comes with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. I like it, too.

Yeah I was pretty close to finishing a PhD but my life kinda fell apart. No regrets on leaving, other than waiting so long.

Are we able to post to other instances? Just tried commenting on a topic on another instance and it didn't go through 🤔

34, here. I'm still a youth!! XD

Wish I knew. I didn't come out until I was an adult, and had moved across the country XD

Do you have any other family members you feel more confident about? Maybe they could offer some support.

Ooh thanks for pointing it out. Looks like I have it from a bundle too, haha. I will give it a read.