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Joined 1 years ago

It was never about our speed, it was about our endurance and persistence. There's no point in history where we were the fastest creature in the local food chain, a deer or Buffalo was going to sprint faster than us, but when they had to stop to cool off or recover from the fast burn of energy, we were right there, right behind them, still coming.

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It shouldn't be pushed on people, but it should be talked about to give people more choice and agency in their home computing.

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No, no they aren't. Some people were never responsible gun owners to begin with, regardless of anyone's beliefs around guns.

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Everyone else talking about raw eggs, I just had a mental image of someone completely splattering an egg on their counter

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I fail to see the equivalency between "murder a bunch of people" and "a bunch of people are no longer allowed in a luxury resort".

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You've got to remember that these are just simple twitter posts. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new social media age. You know... morons.

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Look, not even getting into the cause of his death, it's extremely fucked up that they didn't attempt to contact family of the deceased after he died, and even covered it up and had it from his mother after she approached them for information.

You can say it was his own fault all you want, but that changes nothing about how atrocious they handled the whole thing.

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So no improvements, but a bigger ecological cost. So we should dump crypto, got it!

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But think of the poor, starving CEOs! /s

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Yeah, not sure if we read the same article. It definitely uses media safe terms like allegedly, but only on actions that would be legal definitions of crimes. After that it refers to it as "the incident" (and not as "the alleged incident"). They never hedge around whether the attack happened, and the rest of the article even strongly takes the side of the family. I see nothing that makes it seem like the news agency likes or is siding with the ex-coach.

I guess maybe taking all of the "allegedly" and "appears to" at face value you could get the impression of them being dodgy, but it's just how they have to report it until facts are discovered in a trial. Actually, they even later quote the family's attorney calling it a "horrific assault and battery", no "allegedly" in sight, because it was a quote referencing what was being investigated.

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The ads are just out of control. Back when it was one, maybe two, ads that were 10-20s long combined, I was willing to sit through it. Now there are almost always multiple ads concurrent, ads in the middle of the video, ads at the end of the video if it plays all thr way through, then ads again before the next video plays.

Bring it back to a single ad at the beginning of the video and give me a variety of ads so it isn't the same 3 over and over, and I'll sit and watch it.

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Yes. Assault is a legal term. Even if it is on video, if there is an open case in court about this incident they need to phrase it that way. The quotation marks aren't scare quotes, this is part of what the family's attorney, Jordan Vahdat, said. Probably deconstructed from a sentence like "and we are seeking to file for assault charges against the formerly trusted coach", because trusted coach was also in quotes.

The assault absolutely took place, and the article never infers that it didn't.

Rather than downvoting, I'd like to ask why you think all forms of alcohol for consumption should be illegal

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Definitely Hot Fuzz! Every single throw-away line early in the film is a callback later on. It's incredible trying to notice them all!

I think you misspelled jenim in the image

I had gone through the same self examination when I was younger, wondering about my sexuality and gender identity. I didn't really identify strongly with being a "man", and valued some of the more "feminine" traits I had. In the end, though, I found a peace in just being who I am. I still identify as a "man" and just embraced both the traits that reinforce that as well as break from the common mold. In the end, I came away from it finding gender kind of silly overall. I have no issues with individuals identifying themselves in any particular way, but don't really understand the need for gender at all in the larger scale of society.

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Fluffy socks or slippers?

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Brother, is that you?

I'm a bit confused by your comment. By workday, do you mean individual for employees, or do you mean "business days", like when banking and financial transactions are historically run?

4 day work week would be for individual (full time, salaried) employees, to have a 4 day/32 hour workweek instead of a 5 day/40 hour workweek (at the same compensation). Companies like Amazon running 7 days a week just means the business doesn't close down over weekends or such, but doesn't generally mean a given employee is working 7 days straight. (Though, it absolutely can result in employees working 7 days straight, depending on pay period, how weeks are broken down for scheduling and payroll, and whether overtime is allowed and/or encouraged.)

Those weren't any of the points that I brought up. And are poor arguments against telling people their options.

It's amazing how someone can just tell when it's going to be a Technology Connections video. Such great videos on so many different topics!

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If voting did not work, they would let you/want you to vote.

Voting does work, so they don't want you to vote. So yes, get people registered and involved in voting.

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They don't mean the Coke recipe, their grandma put cocaine in her Sprite

I'm genuinely curious about this. Do you just stick to sites you know? Do you randomly try web addresses when you're looking for something new?

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The new launch will be right in the middle of Intels proposed fix, so will still be able to cash in on the troubles Intel is facing (especially if it doesn't work right away), while making sure AMD processors don't have a similar fatal flaw. Nothing would be worse than swooping in to take over the share of consumers trying to leave Intel, only to run into their own stability issues.

It's more than just "playable", but it also is not a finished, fully fleshed out game, either. Definitely worth checking out during the occasional free-fly events (though one has just ended, so might be a little while for the next).

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Nah, glasses need to be ranked much higher. Do you realize how powerful those are just in every day use? Always impress at job interviews or reviews for promotions/raises? Use in sales jobs or anything customer/client facing to always come out of it ahead? Not only being able to be effortlessly popular in all forms of relationships, but also always know the right things to say to help those people or help them feel better?

"Social situations" is such a broad term that applies to so much of life, and being able to navigate them perfectly implies more than just schmoozing your way to the top. They'd help you do better and be better, basically everywhere.

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Foyer, mudroom, entrance way. If you don't have a small cube between a storm door and a front door, then just as you come inside.

This isn't some privilege thing, it's literally just an area of your house or apartment. Different environments have different entryways for the houses there. No need to be so hostile just because you don't know what a "mudroom" is.

They didn't make a movie, but The Forever War is one of my all time favorite novels and deals with this situation exactly.

Lol, thinking customers read signs, even if they are neon...

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I think what you're getting at is that the publicity generated by flashy boycott activism only generates free advertising for the companies. Which it certainly can! But that's also dependent on what is being boycotted and the social and political beliefs behind it. If one group boycotts a product because the company is homophobic, another group buys more of that product because they agree with the company. That sort of thing.

But it isn't as two dimensional as "boycotting has the opposite effect". Here are some examples of effective boycotting. Though you did get me interested in how effective boycotting really is, but I couldn't find any efficacy studies that weren't behind a paywall...

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I didn't even know Mammoth existed until I saw this post

What, pray tell, is your definition of culture? Are local cuisine and regional delicacies a part of it? How about accents, speech patterns, and slang/dialects? You mention architecture and cities, so do layouts of cities, differences in urban planning ideologies, planned vs organic growth, or style of buildings get accepted as culture?

If you're going to dismiss any social differences between cities, then what is the difference or culture between any two modern cities in Amwrica, Europe, Asia, or anywhere else, other than the language they speak?

"If you ignore the culture, this city has no culture!"

Seems a better solution would be a single, large bath/body towel to dry off the whole body after a shower, that itself gets washed after every use (personally, I wash my towels after two uses). Maybe have a towel just for hair, if your hair is long enough to need it.

Then have separate towels for use throughout the day. A hand towel for drying hands after washing them. A face towel for when you wash your face/brush teeth/shave. And wash those towels and they become soiled.

Using different towels as you just come out of the shower does seem a little redundant and wasteful.

Let's get something straight right here, rape culture is not simply doing something that someone else has expressed a distaste for. Going into a public forum that you do not own or have control over, asking/telling the people there to act a certain way, and them responding by ignoring that request is not rape culture.

If it was a more private situation, like a group chat among friends, or even a public forum but an individual discussion between a small group of 2-3 people talking directly to each other, respect should be given to requests. If you were having a back and forth conversation with someone, and asked them not to swear while talking with you, they should respect that. But coming into public forum and demanding everyone else adhere to your rules, then spouting "rape culture" if they don't follow along, is only cheapening the phrase "rape culture" and removing meaning from it.

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It's 100% this. Asking for a cut that's super short, the hairsresser can always take more off but can't add it back on. Either keep telling them "a little more off", show them a picture of what you want (preferably a picture of yourself with the style from when you've previously had it done), or at the very least give them assurance not only that you are ok with the buzzer size you give them, but that it's alright if it ends up shorter than expected.

Passing at 140km/h, or 227km/h?

I'mma Creeper, Minecraft's Grim Reaper