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Letter paper (8.5" x 11" | 215.9mm x 279.4mm) is kinda sorta pretty close to A4 (8.27" x 11.69" | 210mm x 297mm) so without having the two next to each other, it can seem like A4 is just a funny piece of letter, and vice versa. But to answer the actual question, USA and Canada (and apparently the phillipines???) use the "North American Standard" which is a terrifying mess in comparison to the beauty that is the ISO standard.

Edit: typos

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If I'm ever doubtful that someone has unplugged something, I'll ask them to describe something that may or may not be on the plug.

  • Color
  • metal type
  • "can you please read me the serial number stamped on the prongs of the power cable"
  • "what color is the plastic inside the plug" Etc.etc.

Have not had it fail yet

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It's a copypasta

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It's called that because moles are a tunnelling animal... Like a VPN tunnel...

TL;DR: IANAL, however, the document this bill references to define what content is harmful to children directly, verbatim defines sexual conduct as including "homosexuality" broadly

Okay so this bill is SB394 (linked above obviously) and it opens with the following

Any commercial entity that knowingly shares or distributes material that is harmful to minors on a website and such material appears on 25% or more of the webpages viewed on such website in any calendar month, or that knowingly hosts such website (...)

It carries on to later define "harmful to minors" in section h-3 as the following:

(3) "Harmful to minors" means the same as defined in K.S.A. 21-6402, and amendments thereto.

If we go look at K.S.A. 21-6402 we can find that it is regarding "Promotion to minors of material harmful to minors" and goes on to declare in section d-2 that "harmful to minors" refers to several things including sexual conduct (I'm omitting this full quote for brevity, you can find it in the linked document).

Now if we look a little further down, we can see that Kansas currently defines sexual content as defined in section d-8:

(8) "sexual conduct" means acts of masturbation, homosexuality, sexual intercourse or physical contact with a person's clothed or unclothed genitals or pubic area or buttocks or with a human female's breast; and (...)

Considering all this, i think extremely reasonable to believe that this could outlaw LGBTQ+ content from being displayed openly online within Kansas

Edit: fixed sexual conduct/content mixups

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It's possible for more than one thing to be true at the same time.

It's true that Hamas is a terrorist organization, yes.

However it's also true that the Israeli government is undertaking actions which are fitting for a genocidal, fascist government. Do you seriously thing that their 24 hour evacuation notice sent to an excess of 1 million people who had/have no power, water, heat, or communications is reasonable?

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I strongly believe that in this case, being on the side of the civilians in all cases is not enlightened's just the correct side... Do you think the civilians of one side deserve retribution?

Siding with the Israeli government is to support Netanyahu and his fascistic genocide of the Palestinian people

Siding with Hamas (Hamas =/= Palestine) is to support violent extremists.

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"Narcissist is a slur!" -cried the Narcissist

I've done the digging I need to to confirm to my satisfaction that you've at least 3 alts, all of which defend you, use it/its pronouns, and all of which claim to be the originating victim.

Stop lying, log off

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God, they really need better transit infrastructure down there >!/s!<

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Death to chromium forked browsers. Vivaldi is chromium.

Content aggregators existed before reddit and they'll continue to exist after. A community for shitposts is not unique to reddit.

Its a quote from Rogue One if I'm not mistaken

Genuinely terrible advice. Every popularly available password manager service hashes all your passwords, if they have a data breach they have extremely strict reporting compliance and the majority of services will re-hash all your passwords. If youre so extremely concerned about that, host your own.

But what concerns me the most is

Unless they specify they only store the hash I refuse to sacrifice one of my strong passwords.

... What to you mean sacrifice?

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I have a deep fear that the power supply won't have a discharge capacitor and they'll get a shock from it. Completely irrational but its deep seated enough that couldn't use this one

Edit: discharge resistor*

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People are stealing cars in Canada and shipping them out of Port of Montreal and Port of Toronto in containers with falsified manifests. reportedly theives are using tracking tags to keep an eye on vehicles they want to eventually grab.

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The cap gains tax that the richest people in the world never end up paying?

From 2014-2018 Warren Buffet alone grew his personal wealth by 24.3B, reported 125M in income (0.51% of wealth), and paid 23.7M in taxes (0.1% of wealth). Over 4 years, this man paid taxes on a tenth of a percent of his income. Similar tax numbers under 5% apply for other billionaires.

The ultra rich never pay capital gains tax, loopholes allow them to have their income in portfolios, which isn't taxed. Capital gains is only for realized gains. When your portfolio is worth billions, you don't need to sell it to have spending money, you can take a loan against the value of portfolio.

Capital gains tax only affects those who don't have a bank's worth of money in their portfolio.

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Ah yes, complete the ethnic cleansing of the region... What a wonderfully ethical suggestion /s

Absolutely deranged take.

It's funny because it actually is that simple. Its either that or burning Sherman 2.0

FWIW, "failing" or fucking up is meant to be part of the point of disco elysium. It all progresses the story.

Despite the state's monopoly on violence, they shouldnt have the right to end their citizen's life.

  • On average an execution costs significantly more than life in prison

  • Even with overwhelming evidence, in some cases you can never fully remove the chance that the person being executed has been wrongfully convicted. Idk about you, but even one innocent person getting the death penalty is enough to fully ban in in my opinion.

  • The majority of methods used to administer the death penalty (including in this case) are faux-humane and actually result in the person experiencing horrific, torturous pain while everyone else talks about how humane their death is

Frankly, I'd rather have someone rot in prison for decades

My point is that increasing the amount paid via cap gains does absolutely nothing if the mega rich don't need to pay it in the first place.

Narrowing to 3 is always difficult but these tend to shuffle around in the top spot

  • The Outer Wilds

  • Disco Elysium

  • Legend of Zelda, Majora's mask

I guess ill be the one to bite.

How do you consider this good news? All scientific literature indicates that prescribing puberty blockers to trans youth has a large benefit to the state of their current and future mental health, while also causing no harm as once they stop taking them, if they dont further transition, their regular puberty takes over with no decrease in how much they mentally and physically develop (dont forget, these are also regularly prescribed to cis kids too)

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I'm not going to shame you for being a eurobrain, but why would you start talking authoritatively on the deranged state of North American tipping culture when you dont seem to understand how it works?

It's surprisingly common for cashiers to re-enter your tip amount for you when they reset the machine if there was an issue with your transaction, or maybe they fudged the automatic gratuity on a large party, or maybe the person needed assistance with the machine and the cashier decided that was their chance.... Unfortunately when people's incomes rely on tips, and a tip is expected on every meal, it's only a matter of time before someone takes advantage, and unfortunately some people just... Aren't super observant.

As terrible as Capital One is (extremely bad), this isn't a dark pattern to keep you from spending money, they get more out of you if you spend more on your Credit card because of the interest on repayments.

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We love to see it. Welcome to your journey :)

Seethe harder pal, facts don't care about your bigoted delusions

I think the assumption from the Vermont police is that someone comes to Canada, gets a tracker put in their wheel well or whatever while they're here, then they return to the USA before their car is hit, but because of how these trackers work, their location is probably still known.

There's lots of people willing to do that, your sexual preferences do not map to the whole of humanity

Do you have any evidence for this claim?

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Suggesting or thinking that this issue only applies to cats in USA / North America is uninformed at best.

Australia has ~650 million lizards killed each year by feral and outdoor cats, ~225/cat

As of 2013, Canada has 100-350 million birds killed by cats each year

As of 2021, China estimates based on public survey's that "1.61–4.95 billion invertebrates, 1.61–3.58 billion fishes, 1.13–3.82 billion amphibians, 1.48–4.31 billion reptiles, 2.69–5.52 billion birds, and 3.61–9.80 billion mammals" there each year"

Cats and other vermin are absolutely destroying native populations in New Zealand as all of the birds there evolved with essentially no native predators.

South Africa, Cape Town alone estimates that 300k cats kill 27.5m critters each year

This is not unique to the states. Keep your cats inside.

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HP has something called an "instant ink" subscription plan

If you sign up for the plan, you cannot use ink official hp ink which is purchased in a store, you must use the ink hp ship's you when you get low. If your payment is declined, the printer is disabled until you go through their hateful cancellation progress, or you fix your payment and let them ship you new cartridges.

This is 100% on a consumer printer.

I don't think egg jokes are healthy for the trans community homie

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It's a (probably ai gen) DND druid meme???

The civilians of Palestine are not responsible for the actions of Hamas, the taking of hostages is not an excuse for warcrimes.

I had to start forcing myself to do the research beforehand. It truly ruined any joy i might have gotten out of The Thing when I just sat there researching The Thing about a day after The Thing was ordered and slowly realized it wasn't the correct Thing.

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You can still seed without port forwarding, not being able to port forward only affects how many clients can seed from you. Not being able to port forward causes it to be limited to only other people who are able to port forward.

This is no longer true.

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If you sign up for the subscription, the printer is "adjusted" to disallow store bought cartridges while it is enrolled

They define the cultural idea of communism

I hate being "that guy" tm but

The Soviet Union only briefly played with the idea of communism before committing to a single party socialist Republic. Modern day Russia is an autocratic dictatorship hiding in a Trenchcoat with "democracy" written on it.

China is again, a one party state which is, in truth, a Republic. China's historical dances with "communism" are rather similar to that of the USSR wherein an offshoot of marxist-leninism was implemented, modified and then used, ultimately landing closer... Again to a socialist Republic and now being effectively an autocratic dictatorship hiding in a Trenchcoat... Etc. Etc.

Neither country in my opinion ever reached the illusory "true communism". Maybe the west is right and it's a failed ideology, maybe "it just hasn't had the right leader yet" but ultimately, I believe most political ideologies have good bits that we can take notes on to improve the lives of others.

I apologize for any historical or political inaccuracies, wrote this with knowledge from the best of my memory while on the toilet at work

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